EN World City Project: Call for Submissions


Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The EN World City Project is looking for colorful characters to people the region in and around the city of Mor's End.

City Guards, Maidens, Fishermen, Craftsmen, Nobles, Thieves, Holy Women, Merchants, Street Vendors, Actors, Scoundrels, Singers, Street Urchins, Drunkards, Gluttons, Scallywags, Liars, Cheats, Courtiers, Henchmen, Libertines, Courtesans or anything else your sweet little heart desires.

In short, we want you to help us populate the city. Follow the link to the submission thread.

NPC Submissions

The EN World City Project Team
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Crafts and Trade Submissions

The city of Mor’s End has around 10,000 inhabitants. Like all medieval cities this size, it is a trade hub. However, Mor’s End is also renowned for several unusual natural resources, which have brought talented craftsmen into its walls from all over the known world. Chief among these resources are the clay beds along the river. These yield clay of a surpassing quality and unusual color. Mor’s End has many pottery works that turn out everything from standard plates and cups to incredibly expensive decorative pieces. Also found in the vicinity are sapphire deposits. Ranging in color from pink to green to deepest blue, and in size from pin head (common) to robin’s egg (quite rare) these sapphires are coveted for many uses, from the mundane to the magical. The lake from which the river flows is also home to the giant Silk Fish which excrete a substance known as watersilk.

As with NPCs, If you would like to submit an idea for a shop, please follow the link to the submission thread...

Crafts and Trade Submissions

The EN World City Project Team
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Government Affairs Submissions

Hail inhabitants of EN World!

Are you interested in politics and intrigue? Well the EN World City Project has a place for you. We're looking for a few good people to shape the political landscape of Mor's End.

Mor's End is a chaotic place, yet it has managed to become a thriving city. Are you up to the task? Find out more...

Government Affairs Submissions

The EN World City Project Team
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Geography and Cartography Discussion

Hello ENWorlders!
We need to enlist your aid in surveying and mapping the region of Enheim, home to the city of Mor's End. From the peaks of Kul Moren to the swamps of Entropie, we need you, the hardiest explorers the world has ever known.

Come join us!

Geography and Cartograpy Discussion

The EN World City Project Team


Questions and Answers

Are you sitting on the fence? Don't know where to begin? Have a few questions before you can start?

Your questions can be answered by one of the City Project Ministers.

Questions and Answers Discussion

The EN World City Project Team


First Post
check out the EN World City Threads.
submit your ideas, contribute your brains, donate your mad-ravings.

(the (at work) alter ego of wizardoftheplains)


Hello ENWorlders,
Your submissions are starting to roll in. Thanks!!! :)

From the look of things so far, Mor's End is going to be a very interesting place indeed. Around every corner lies adventure and intrigue. There are thousands of stories yet to be told, though.

Don't sit on the fence. Come join us. This will be the best city available anywhere. Why? Because it was created by you. The best online D&D community ever.

The EN World City Project Team
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First Post
Just bumping this back up, it's getting pretty lonely in the NPC thread, surely people have some favorite NPC's they'd like to share. There is now a guild thread started too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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