EN World crashing Chrome?

Over the last few weeks I've noticed that sometimes when opening EN World, it would heavily impact other applications on the computer, go unresponsive, then cause Chrome to close.
Looking at Task Manager, when this happens, chrome is using a lot of CPU and Memory resources before it shuts down.

This happens with maybe 1-in-3 or 1-in-4 pages on EN world, but nowhere else. I tested with Edge, and it doesn't seem to happen.
I'm assuming that there is a specific ad that is trying to do something: I do not use any ad-blockers with EN World.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

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Front Range Warlock
I've been having this issue on multiple sites since the recent Chrome update. I don't think it's an ENWorld problem, but a Chrome problem.


On my laptop the touchpad would not work if I opened another tab and came back to EnWorld and on my work desktop I noticed a few things as well. I ended up purging my history cache and things seem fine now, on both computers.

...when opening EN World, it would heavily impact other applications...
I'm using Firefox ESR and it becomes unresponsive when I visit Enworld. CPU utilization goes up!
I also tested Firefox/Enworld in "reading mode" (F9) and ... it worked! CPU utilization goes down.

I believe it's the banners/advertising stuff's fault. F9 avoids ads and the pages become useful again.


I crit!
I'm using Firefox ESR and it becomes unresponsive when I visit Enworld. CPU utilization goes up!
I also tested Firefox/Enworld in "reading mode" (F9) and ... it worked! CPU utilization goes down.

I believe it's the banners/advertising stuff's fault. F9 avoids ads and the pages become useful again.

Looking into it.


Victoria Rules
Firefox user here. Depending which ads are running the site can become very laggy; but I can't tell which specific ads are causing this as they don't load - all I see is a gray bit of screen where the ad should be, with an X that sometimes closes it and sometimes doesn't. Other times - such as right now - the ads show OK and there's no lag.

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