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EN World's Leap Year Giveaway: Free Stuff!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Today is February 29th, a day which only comes around once every four years. So, today, EN World is going to give away some stuff. Some of it's for Pathfinder, some for D&D 4E, some for older editions of D&D, and some is system-neutral. Some are old, some are newer. Some were massive bestsellers at the time.

Below you'll find links to the PDFs of a variety of products. Just right-click and download. Some of the PDFs were free anyway (so this is more a reminder) and some weren't (but are for the moment). Feel free to help yourself! I've divided them up by system to make it a little easier.

For D&D 4th Edition
For Older Editions
System Neutral
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This deserves a thumbs up, unfortunately I have to spread it around more...but here's a post saying that this is a pretty awesome thing to do.

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