Encounter map texture search


I have started to draw my own encounter maps on that presentation graph paper.
Does anyone know where I can find hand drawn texture examples? Like stone,wood,fracked stone, broken stone, different tree types, etc.

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This is what I am working on. It is an adaption of one of the maps in the 5E starter set. I am looking for examples of how to represent different texture types and tree types...etc.


You could put textured plates underneath the paper, and then color the area with a pencil. That could get you grass & trees. You should be able to find some texture brushes and such like for getting would grain.
If you're looking for something to trace, have you looked at the 4e dungeon tiles?

You beat me to it.

I often use either an unpainted canvas for texture or there is also a cooler cover I use for textures. Colored pencil / crayon rubbing.

Dungeon tiles can give you an idea or concept for textures or as said Google image dungeon and Dragons Maps.

Voidrunner's Codex

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