WOIN EONS #199. Mythological Figures: Allan Quatermain


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Our WOIN-powered Mythological Figures series continues! We've had Achilles and Aladdin; now it's the turn of the original Indiana Jones, the star of King Solomon's Mines and one of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, the one and only Allan Quatermain!


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Love this latest installment in the Mythological Figures series!

Just curious, when designing dear Mr. Quatermain (not to be confused with Prof. Quatermass, of course) did you use the NPC-archetype templates from the "Designing Foes" section of the core WOIN books (as found starting on p. 186 of NOW 1.2, for example)? If so, then am I correctly surmising that the "Trickster" template was used for Mr. Quatermain? Presuming yes, then I have one more observation. It appears as though his Ranged and Mental Defense values may have been flipped. Trickster suggests Medium (MDP x3) for Ranged and High (MDP x4) for Mental. Or perhaps you just decided to flip these because as this section of the rules points out, that's the GM's prerogative and this fits better with your vision for AQ?

This leads me to some other questions regarding the derivation of Attributes via the provided NPC-archetype templates. On p. 187 of the NOW 1.2 book, there is a table for "MDP Multipliers by Role", with corresponding multipliers for Attributes. And it's important to note that on the previous page it says "Throughout this section, when you halve, quarter, or otherwise divide the MDP to derive a value, always round up." So if we use the Trickster template and multiply AQ's MDP of 7d6 by 0.5 for AGI we get 3.5. Is this result of 3.5 to be used as the basis for the numerical value of the corresponding attribute's rank, which in AQ's case is listed as 7, or is it the magnitude of that attribute's dice pool? It appears that it is the latter, but based on the prior quote from p. 186, then shouldn't the AGI dice pool for AQ then be 4d6 due to always rounding up, which corresponds to a numerical rank of 10-14?

Similarly, for STR the suggested Trickster multiplier of 0.3, one gets 2.1, which using the "always round up" rule means 3. Unless the rule should be interpreted as round down for fractions from 0.1-0.4, and round up from 0.5-0.9? I have been interpreting these as "always round up" from 0.1-0.9, so my interpretation results in higher individual Attribute dice pools for NPCs when using these templates then what I see here for AQ.

I know these questions may seem niggling, but I believe strongly that providing these guidelines is tremendously helpful and that using them "correctly" (as close to intended as possible) strengthens the system and makes their inclusion even more beneficial for novice and veteran GMs alike. Thanks for reading.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It’s not the trickster, it’s a skirmisher. And I manually increased some attributes afterwards.


It’s not the trickster, it’s a skirmisher. And I manually increased some attributes afterwards.

OK, got it.

When you (or someone else) has a moment, could I just get clarification for two of my other questions?
  • Does using the "MDP Multipliers by Role" table give Attribute ranks or Attribute dice pool magnitudes?
  • Does the "always round up" rule mean any fraction from 0.1-0.9 rounds up to the next whole number (2.1 becomes 3)?
Thanks again!

Voidrunner's Codex

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