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EPIC M&M: Issue 1 (IC)


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August 28, 2120
Mega-City of New York
New York Aeroplex, Overflow Annex
5:00 PM Eastern Time

You followed the instructions on your EPIC invitation, and using the enclosed passports as well as the train or plane tickets, have travelled to the capital city of the North American Alliance, the Mega-City of New York. As your jet circles the airport, you see lights stretching to the east all the way to the ocean. Those same lights stretch north and south along the coast as far as you can see. You sit in a holding pattern for a while, then finally decend and land at the New York Aeroplex. As the plane taxi’s to its terminal, a steward approaches you and asks that you remain in the plane. Apparently you are to debark at a separate terminal, one rented by EPIC for your arrival. This illicits several stares from nearby passengers, some curious, some frightened, a few even hostile, but thankfully the plane docks and most of the other passengers debark, leaving only the crew and a few other teens on board. You sit in the plane as luggage is unloaded. Your luggage is brought up into the plane. That done, the plane rumbles slowly away from the terminal, and after a lengthy taxi, arrives at huge, circular terminal where several other jets are parked. The stewards and stewardesses help you debark, placing luggage on carts for you.

You walk down the boarding tunnel and enter the circular complex. It is easily five hundred feet across. It has clean, tiled floors and three levels around the outer walls with benches against the windows and railing and various levels of docking for hoverships as well as standard aircraft. Each level has a plethora of vending machines. In the middle of the complex is a two story restaurant. It is suspended from the roof and is accessible from stairways from the upper and lower levels, and walk-in from the second level. It has glass floors and is named “International Eatery.” It is obviously open, with staff cleaning tables and floors, but from what you can see is completely empty of customers. In fact, looking around, other than the restaurant staff, the entire complex is empty except for the teens coming in from other boarding hallways. It’s strangely quiet, and in a place that can likely handle over a thousand people, having rougly sixty people in it makes it seem open and empty.

*tap tap tap*

The sound resonates through your entire body, though in reality you aren’t even sure you heard it in the normal sense. You look around for the source, and notice that the other teens are doing the same. The people in the restaurant seem unaware of the sound.

*tap tap tap*

This time you are certain you heard it as well as felt it. Like the other teens in the room, you begin to migrate towards the middle of the complex. As you approach, you see an elderly woman, obviously a native of your country, sitting on a bench. She wears a typical “grandmother” hairstyle, is wearing a comfortable blue dress and is wearing casual jewelry. In her lap is a small dog, a Chihuahua by looks, that is curled up asleep. Her right hand rests on a cane.

*tap tap tap*

You see her tap her cane three times. Certain now of the source of the sound, you approach and form a semi-circle around her with the other teens. You feel completely at ease near her and know for certain she is a friend. Her dog wakes up and barks once.

Randall McPhee

You approach with the other students, completely at ease, that is until you get in close enough to get a good look. You see only the ghostly outline of an old woman, but behind that image you see what can only be the true form of the mutant. An adrogynous being of average height, it has skin that is a pasty color. It is dressed in a grey body suit. It’s face is nearly flat and featureless, with two small black slits where its eyes are, and no nose or mouth. Its eyes lock onto yours and you are frozen in place, and you aren’t sure if it is because of fear or some strange power.

Merlin said you would see me, child, but I did not believe him, a voice says directly to your mind. Oddly enough, the voice sounds very soothing, in a natural way, despite it being projected into your mind. You feel no form of control being exerted and begin to calm down. You realize that her act of age is no act at all; she sounds very, very old. Very few have the ability to see my true form. I look forward to working with you at the institute. Now, come here and help an old woman stand up, please, Randall.

You look around and realize nobody has noticed your momentary distress, and feel compelled to step forward and help her as she has requested.

OOC: You may choose not to and make a willpower saving throw if you wish, but you truly feel you are in no danger whatsoever.


The old woman waits until you are all gathered, and gestures a small boy forward. “Come here and help an old woman stand up, please, Randall,” she says and a smallish boy who looks to be about twelve nervously walks forward. He helps the woman stand up and the small dog jumps down to her feet as she rises.

“Hello, children,” she says warmly, speaking in your native tongue with the exact accent you’d expect. “This is such an exciting day for me! I very seldom get out and about these days. Old bones don’t travel well,” she says with a smile. “My name is Mrs. Wild, but I would prefer that you call me Grandmother. Everyone does, and well, I do fit the role!” she chuckles.

“I am very glad you all arrived safely. Kyle, the worrier, was concerned that some goverments might not be willing to let you leave to attend the institute. Your special abilities are so rare, and each of you have shown unique ability to use your gifts; it is a special day for EPIC to have you all here.” She pauses and shifts her weight a bit until she seems comfortable. “Of course, Murphy’s Law has struck, and the Mag-Lev that was supposed to take us from here to EPIC Headquarters has broken down. We’ll be a few hours behind schedule as a result, but thanks to some help from the airport, the Restaurant above us is open. You can have whatever you like; it’s all paid for. And it will be a good oportunity to get to know each other.

“But before we head up, I want to make a few things perfectly clear,” she says, her voice turning very matronly. “First, you are no better than normal humans. You may have powers that let you surpass them, but you are still human. Violence against normals is to be avoided whenever possible. Second, none of you are better than each other. I will not tolerate any violence between you, no matter the reason. Third, a few of us have unusual appearances, myself included,” she says, slowly shifting to a like sized strange looking mutant. Despite the shift in appearance, you do not feel any differently towards her. Shortly after, she shifts back.

“Who we are is not governed by what we look like,” she says firmly. “Vincent and Tara, take off your trenchcoats and hats. You have nothing to hide here.” As the two remove their jackets and hats, you are confronted with a boy that looks like a demon, complete with oddly shaped head, small horns and batlike wings, and a girl with an extra pair of insectoid arms, like those of a praying mantis, and four insect-like wings. Grandmother waits for the gasps and such to go away, then continues. “Raisa, stop slouching. You are not the tallest person here,” Grandmother says to an amazingly tall girl. “Carl may continue to slouch if he wants,” she says chuckling, gesturing towards a dark-skinned, thin boy who stands at least eight feet tall.

“Now that that is out of the way, lets all go get some food while we wait for the Mag-Lev to arrive. Second-floor, Pooky,” she says to her dog. The tiny critter barks twice and Grandmother, Pooky and Randall vanish in a puff of pink smoke. “Come along, children!” Grandmother calls out, drawing all your attention up to the restaurant where the three are now standing.

Suddenly, it’s like a mezmerization of sorts lifts from you, leaving you with a slight itching in your ears and forehead, and you realize she had somehow held everyone in a type of harmless thrall. However, you also realize you are hungry. There is an elevator tube and four stairways leading to the restaurant.

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First Post
Calinon said:
Suddenly, it’s like a mezmerization of sorts lifts from you, leaving you with a slight itching in your ears and forehead, and you realize she had somehow held everyone in a type of harmless thrall. However, you also realize you are hungry. There is an elevator tube and four stairways leading to the restaurant.

Straightjacket gets an odd look on his face and turns sideways (to nobody though) and says
"Well what did you think of that?"
"You think? Well OK, not Iike we got other options. I'm kinda hungry at that, how bout you?"
"Ok then, let's go on up it's free"

He then moves towards the elevators. Getting to them he looks back at the rest of the youths "You fellows comming?"

He then pushes the elevator button and waits.



First Post
Randall is used to airtravel, and even though he is familiar with the arial view of New York, it still takes his breath away. Suddenly, the immensity of being such a small boy lost in the huge crush of humanity hits him. He has never been far from his parents before, and he misses his mother. But the feeling passes as the jet begins it's descent. He had made up his mind, he will be ready for what comes.

He is not surprised when he is asked to stay in his seat after the rest of the passengers debark, he is half expecting it. As the aircraft taxis to the next terminal, Randall sits up in his seat to get a look at the rest of the remaining passengers. Many look just as nervous as he feels, and that comforts him.

As he and the others walk down the boarding tunnel, Randall is amazed at the interior of the terminal. "This must have cost a fortune!" he thinks to himself, admiring the restauraunt suspended above them.

* tap tap tap *

As Randall approaches the elderly lady, he feels instantly at ease with her. His own grandmother is very dear to him, visits to her house meant a reprieve from his father, sometimes for a few days. Randall tries to get closer to the friendly old woman.

Calinon said:
“Come here and help an old woman stand up, please, Randall,”

Randall is stunned at first at the being's true apperance, but he is just curious. His interest increases when she "talks" to him in his head. He is filled with pride when it mentions that Merlin spoke of him. He is happy to help it to it's feet, and doesn't feel awkward at all to be singled out of the crowd, even though he usually would.

Calinon said:
There is an elevator tube and four stairways leading to the restaurant.

When he reaches the "International Eatery", he gets himself a big cheeseburger with a side of fries, and finds himself a seat along one of the sides of the restaurant where he has a good vantage of all the other young mutants as they come in. There are a few he wants to get a look at especially the red "demon".

Randall is sitting at a larger table, there is room for others to join him.
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First Post
buzzard said:
Straightjacket gets an odd look on his face and turns sideways (to nobody though) and says
"Well what did you think of that?"
"You think? Well OK, not Iike we got other options. I'm kinda hungry at that, how bout you?"
"Ok then, let's go on up it's free"

He then moves towards the elevators. Getting to them he looks back at the rest of the youths "You fellows comming?"

He then pushes the elevator button and waits.

OOC: Buzzard, you might want to get a lighter colour it's kind of hard to read, then again it might just be my old eyes :)

A some what thin girl, with a perplexed look on her face, watches the young man talk to the air beside him, she leans toward the girl next to her and in a hushed voice says "Who is he talk..." at this point she realises that she is talking to the other girl's forearm. Blushing slightly, the girl glances up at the tall girl.

"Sorry, I'm still used to being the tallest person around. Your Raisa, right? I'm Michelle." She gives the tall girl a big smile. "I don't know about you but I'm starved. You wanna get something to eat?" Regardless what the tall girl says, Michelle raises about 15 feet off the floor. "Last one there has to eat sushi." She says with a giggle while making a gagging motion. She will then proceed to fly up the stairs and enter the restaurant.

Powers: Flight
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First Post
X12 turns to the NAA agents that escorted him into the terminal, and extends his gloved hand. "It's been a pleasure making your acquaintance, gentlemen," he says quietly, shaking the lead agent's hand, "I can go on by myself from here. I will make sure to turn over my paperwork to the envoy here." He then turns gingerly, manila envelope in hand, and strides off into the gathering crowd.

After the introduction...
X12 heads for the stairs, and walks slowly up to the restaurant. He quickly makes his way over to Mrs. Wild, and presents his paperwork. "I am called X12; the NAA agents told me I would be expected, and to turn my paperwork over to whomever was in charge," he says in a polite, quiet voice. "I hope everything is in order, and I look forward to my time here," he adds quickly, bows, and heads off for a empty corner booth without stopping at any of the vendors. Once seated, he absently tugs up his gloves, making sure they're as high as possible up to his elbows.
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First Post
Calinon said:
“Who we are is not governed by what we look like,” she says firmly. “Vincent and Tara, take off your trenchcoats and hats. You have nothing to hide here.” As the two remove their jackets and hats, you are confronted with a boy that looks like a demon, complete with oddly shaped head, small horns and batlike wings.

As he sheds his "disguise" Vincent smiles broadly around to those taking in his appearance. "Hey guys, please call me Vince. My Mom calls me Vincent when I just got busted for something." The crimson youth seems quite comfortable with his appearance but apparently wears the disguise for the comfort of others.

As everyone heads up to the restaraunt, Vince moves up the stairs with the rest of the crowd but when he reaches the door he holds it open for the others. "Please, after you"

Once everyone else is inside, he heads over towards the largest gathering of people and grabs a chair. "So.....what looks good?"


First Post
As Kevin enter the complex, he looks around.

"A whole wing for our small group, I see they know how to great people."

Calinon said:
“But before we head up, I want to make a few things perfectly clear,” she says, her voice turning very matronly. “First, you are no better than normal humans. You may have powers that let you surpass them, but you are still human. Violence against normals is to be avoided whenever possible. Second, none of you are better than each other. I will not tolerate any violence between you, no matter the reason. Third, a few of us have unusual appearances, myself included,” she says, slowly shifting to a like sized strange looking mutant. Despite the shift in appearance, you do not feel any differently towards her. Shortly after, she shifts back.

I may be no better, but my power can make me more powerfull than many.

As Grandmother finish to talk, Kevin take the elevator tube. When the door open, he walk to the sushi bar.

"Please, I will take the biggest plate for one you sell with a variety of sushi. Do you have some sake with that? Too young? Too bad. I'll take water then. Thanks."

Kevin walk down to a table where others have start to gather.

"The plane meals are not big enough. My name's is Kevin York. The name may remeber you something. My father is the owner of the York business empire in Europe. You may have heard of me too lately in the press, but that I prefer not to talk about.

If we are all here, it must be for our special aptitude. The doctor said to me that my DNA had the power to dapt itself so it can mimic other's DNA. It can only repoduce some chromosome, but I always forget which number they wear. But in big picture, it means that if I touch you, I can end with the same mutation than you for as long as I am pleased to have them. I can even mimic more than one person's DNA at once. My cells can hold up to three more DNA code.

And for you want are your gifts?"


Johan is a little surprised when they are asked to stay in the plane, but thinks it won't really matter. As the non-invited are leaving the plane, he digs out a book from his bag. While Advanced Aerodynamics isn't for everybody, Johan considers it a good read for a flight.

In the complex, Johan starts making mental approximations of the angles the supports are placed to minimize strain.

As Grandmother introduces herself, the budding scientist is taken back to his memories. His granny always smelled of freshly baked bread. He could remember it like yesterday.
Of course, he could remember almost anything like yesterday.

The other members of the troupe interest him a lot, from a scientific perspective. There seems to be no one thing in common with them, yet something must've triggered the transformation in each.
Johan pulls out a notebook and starts making notes as he walks to the elevator.
When up at the restaurant, he sits down to a table to make more notes while a duplicate literally walks out of him to see what food is for offer.


First Post
Dalamar said:
When up at the restaurant, he sits down to a table to make more notes while a duplicate literally walks out of him to see what food is for offer.

"Nice. It would be usefull to have a lazy life while my double would do the job. Well, I think my double would be too lazy to do anything. Finally, it isn't a good idea at all."

Kevin take another sushi and start to eat it.


First Post
John watches the rest take the stairs up and just then the elevetor arrived. Turning to his side he says"Yeah, I get enough exercise without walking stairs" and steps into the elevator.

He takes a booth by himself and looks at his menu "You not hungry eh? OK, we I'm getting a burger."

He flags down a waitress and orders a cheeseburger with fries. If anyone comes over to sit down with him, he doesn't object.


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