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EPIC M&M: Issue 6 (IC)


First Post
"Calm down Michael, what she is telling make some senses. Sacrifice one man to save many. That's the hardest decision to make, and when you have to protect your men, you have some times to take that decision. I has to take such decision in training, but it was only training, and the dead guy was just off the mission and would be seen back in the barracks after the training... now iy is real life. I don't know Prophet enough, and not the extend of the problem, but I won't be willing to take such a decision before I have the proof it is the only remaining choice. X, if there is a way to get you out of that, I'll work in that direction. I just wish that the day where I'll have to make a choice between you and someone else will never happen, because I don't know what decision I'll take at that time."

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"I am not hundred percent positive that I will be able to get Mr. Bunny across the barrier, but I will give it a try," Johan says as the reaches past firewall again, attempting to yank the bunny troll through.


First Post
Unphased, X12 maintains her gaze. "I took Titan down - whenever you want to try me, feel free," X12 replies with the same bluntness.

After a short, unsmiling pause, he continues. "But I am not dying anytime soon... at least not until I'm sure Prophet is dealt with permanently. If you want to help, fine. Otherwise, we're done here," he says, starting to walk towards the exit.


Sanjay does his best to appear serious, but has a hard time suppressing a smirk. Noting the foot doesn't help, and neither does Monica's underwear jokes. "Hey, quiet down, you want you're dad in here, too? Besides, if you'd have acknowledged your comm, I wouldn't have had to come in here like this.

"So, yeah, get your butt down to the cafeteria. We're going to go play 'Where's Johan?'" C'mon, Mon. And leave the big guy his lacy underwear,"
he says with a grin and grabbing Monica to leave.


First Post
"I'm fine. She didn't touch me." She says sadly, glancing over to where Tara is. "It would probably be best if I wasn't here when she wakes up." she adds quietly turning and heading towards the door. "I know you have a lot of questions Thunder but right now I need some time to think and clear my head. We can talk when I get back..." She pauses for a moment when she reaches the door. "Don't be too hard on her, I would have done the same if the situation was reversed."

She walks through the door and heads for the closest exit, tears rolling down her cheeks.


First Post
October 26, 2120
Dover, England
Dover Medical Facility

X12, Jay

There are some snickers as X12 skips towards the exit singing 'POP! goes the weasel.'

OOC: Yeah, you read that one right. Where's your save? Damn, I must have forgot. That's sure unlucky! And no, you are stuck that way for a while...

"Riiiight. I think I'll just go check on Dara," Michael says, trying to head out nonchalantly after the skipping X12 and trying not to laugh. As he walks out, X12 hits the first 'POP!' he changes the words to 'Pop! goes the werewolf,' and Michael immediately turns to werewolf form, then back again without missing a step or apparently realizing it.

There are a few snickers, then some laughter as the pair leave the emergency room and things quickly return to normal.

"Pop goes the werewolf?" Thunder says, standing in another entryway of the emergency room, an amused expression on his face. "Raisa and Carl are taking Angel to the jet; thanks for coming to help. How did Trailblazer convince you so quickly, I wonder," he ponders as he comes over with a slight limp. An somewhat embarassed smile breaks Mystic's harsh features for the first time.

"I also checked on Titan," Thunder says. "He's stable at least. The doctors seem confident they can treat his condition, but..."

"...but they don't want him flown anywhere. I'll arrange to have him moved to a secure facility," Mystic says. "Which this is not."

"I know, you want us out of here," Thunder responds. "This should help counter all that positive media coverage we got in Brasilia," he says.

"I will handle the media on this end," Mystic says, turning to the exit and walking calmly away. "Oh, and I want him back, Kyle," she says over her shoulder.

"Who? Titan?"

"Mr. York," she responds. "Once his business with Anarchy is done," she adds as she leaves emergency.

Thunder claps Jay on the shoulder. "I think she likes you, Jay. C'mon, let's get to the Jet."

You have no clue why Dara is singing 'Pop! goes the werewolf' or why Michael keeps shifting in and out of werewolf form at every 'pop.' You have no idea that you're the one leading the song until you see yourself skipping in a reflection from a mirror. Despite the annoying realization that you are doing it, you can't stop until you actually step foot outside the hospital, where the song and dance finally end.

Well, Dara keeps singing it and skipping and hitting Michael until he shifts shape when she shouts 'POP!' But you aren't being forced to do it anymore.

You notice the entire area is cordoned off by military units, and the EPIC Jet is secure inside that perimeter, and a few minutes after you three arive to join Trailblazer and Kodiak who have already prepped for takeoff, Empath, Carl and Raisa join you. A few minutes later, Thunder and Jay board as well. Jay's father departs after a short goodbye, leaving with several military units, and after a brief explanation of Titan's condition by Thunder, and the fact he's recovering, the plane takes off amid a barrage of still cameras shooting pictures and cameras rolling.

And that's the end of this issue for the folks in England. If you haven't chosen how to spend your three points, now's the time.

Brazilia Medical Facility
October 14, 2120


"Awww," Monica says. "I wanted him to model them." She 'shoots' the underwear at him, managing to smack him full in the head as you drag her out of the room.

"Dunno where you want to start," she says, once you're out of hearing of the room and Straightjacket's father. "Let's go see if he's still with Anna. Bet she's in recovery."

And sure enough... she is! Walking around in recovery in fact. She's got metallic braces on her legs, but she is definitely walking without aid of anything powered. Johan is there, six of him in fact, all providing the occasional helping hand and rebound control.

"Hey! You're walking!" exclaims Monica in surprise.

"Wee!" says Anna as she turns and heads towards you. "Whoa!" she says, not slowing down and plowing into you.

"Don't let her fall down!" all six of Johans exclaim, though not at exactly the same time, stating the obvious...

Johan, you notice, looks different. He's missing his gadget harness, his armor... in fact, he's just wearing a normal uniform.

Dressing takes about a tenth of a second, and you blast through the halls, careful of any bystanders, arriving in the cafeteria in seconds. You are a little confused by what you see. There are many people in various states of consciousness being helped by Thunder and Titan. You see a body being carted out, covered in a white sheet as doctors tend to others who don't seem injured.

Straightjacket is here, and has Tara carefully pinned in his grasp, though she appears to be just waking up from unconsciousness. The hold is not a happy-how you doing-let's spar, type of hold, but a you-are-under-arrest type hold.

You see a gaggle of people tromping up a nearby hallway, intent on getting to the cafeteria quickly. You can see it is a mixture of reporters and autograph seekers, and nobody has barred their way.

"Oh for the love of... Speed Demon," Thunder says. "Stop them, would you? I don't need any pictures of... that," he says, nodding at Tara. "And be... diplomatic. Or really, really scary. Your choice."

Thunder doesn't follow you out, but Empath does.

"I don't believe you would have," Empath says after the door closes. "Anithos had a knack for getting into people's minds. I've always been nearly completely helpless against his manipulations. But I've never been violent towards anyone after his influence wore off," she says. "You probably didn't notice it, but Tara is very naive. Anithos' influence sunk far further than it even did with me. But it doesn't excuse her actions."

She lets out a sigh and tries to blink away tears of her own, but they end up falling anyway and she brushes them away. "Anithos may have influenced our hearts and minds, but he was a villain, and I'm glad he's been stopped." She wipes away more tears. "I think we're still allowed to feel bad about it, right?"

In the M-Tac Mainframe
New York

You pass back through the security barrier in the same manner, and take hold of the troll-bunny, and with a whoosh, pass back through the security field just as the hall behind you gets purged.

"Yay! Bunny!" Jennifer squeals, hugging her big troll-rabbit. She still eyes you warily, but finally says, "I guess I can go with you, but you gotta keep the mean people away, and take me home later. And bunny gets to come too, to make sure you aren't trying to trick me! Right Mr. Bunny?"

The troll-bunny's ear flops over his eye, and the other twitches above his head in response.

"Bunny says we can go to your school place again, to the puppy's room!"


Sanjay stares for a moment in surprise seeing Anna walk, before his eyes light up and he smiles. "Alright, a change around here for the better for...ack!" He does his best to not get run over and catch Anna at the same time as she stumbles into him. "Wow, so what next...want me to teach you how to fly?" he says to her with a grin.

Looking up at the Johans, he crumples his brow in thought. After a long pause (though not quite long enough to set of the smoke detectors), he says, "Soooo...is there, like, a rogue Johan running around with your armor or something?"


First Post
More confused than anything by the sights before him, Vince just nods at Thunder and in a mere moment is standing in front of the approaching throng of reporters and fans. Spreading his wings to completely block the hallway behind him, Vince puts on his best smile, "Friends! It is always a pleasure to see the public take an interest in my well being. As you can see, I am up and about again and feeling back in top form. If you have questions I will be happy to try and answer them for you but I believe my companions and I are heading back to the States shortly so my time may be limited."


First Post
Michelle stands rigid as she listens to the older lady talk, her hands clenching and unclenching every few moments. When she is done, she looks up at her and opens her mouth to say something but instead steps close to the woman and hugging her tightly, sobbing nearly uncontrollably.

"I didn't mean to kill him..." she says between sobs "I just wanted to stop him..." <sob> "I couldn't just let him take Tara..."

Soon enough the story comes out, how enamored Tara was with him, how she was planning on leaving with him, how Anithos' trust in her led to the accident. Her sobs diminished as she told the story so by the end she had nothing left to cry but she continues to hug the woman as she makes one last quiet statment.

"I liked him too."


"Some of my friends are in a hospital, so if you do not mind too much, I would like to first check up on them. And I have nothing against Mr. Bunny coming along, though I am afraid quite a few of the others will be... surprised, to say the least, at seeing him."

If Jennifer doesn't object to going to the hospital, that's where they'll head. If she does, they'll head to the EPIC headquarters instead, and Johan will contanct Sanchez to report his location (though, for the moment, not where he has been or doing what).

Voidrunner's Codex

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