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EPIC (M&M - Recruiting) CLOSED


Calinon.... I changed my history a little to meet with your request. Please let me know what you think.

PL: 8 (120PP)

Abilities: 19PP

STR 10
DEX 18
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 14
CHA 11

Damage: +2
Fort: +2
Ref: +4
Will: +2

Combat: 15PP
Base Attack: 3 (Melee +3, Ranged +7)
Base Defense: 3 (Defense 17, Flat Footed 13, Mental 15)+(Plus Dodge Bonus)
Initiative: +4
Movement: Run (30/60/120)

Feats: 10PP
Attack Finesse
Move By Attack

Powers: 64 PP
Incorporeal +8 (sonic still affects normaly)
Extras: Ghost Touch, Phase Attack, Selective, Scramble Electronics, Float
Immunities: Aging, Suffocation, Exhaustion, Starvation, Critical Hits, Pressure, Fire

Trained Skills: 12PP (Total/Rank)
Acrobatics (+6/2) Computers (+1/1) Drive (+5/1) Gather Info (+2/2) Listen (+7/5) Move Silent (+6/2) Search (+4/4) Sense Motive (+4/2) Spot (+7/5)

Out of costume Simon appears to be a normal teenager. He is wiry and stands just under six feet tall. His blond hair is short but wild. Most of the time he wears jeans and a punk band tee-shirt.

Wraith’s costume is a black jumpsuit made from a damage resistant poly-leather. His shoulders, upper chest and belt are charcoal grey and he wears a black eye-mask (like Robin or Nightwing) that make his eyes appear solid white.

Simon was raised to question everything. His parents taught him that one man can make a difference and that’s how he lives his life now. Sometime he becomes impatient and often bites off more than he can chew. At times he seems moody to others but it is just his intense drive and focus. Simon has had a vision of a better way of life. He would give his last drop of blood to see that become a reality.

Simon Lennox was the only child of Arthur and Mary Lennox. He grew up in a small town just outside of Liverpool. In many ways he was an average kid, he did well in school, played rugby and was the star of the gymnastic team. He enjoyed Punk music from the late nineteen hundreds and was quite popular in his school. He never fell into drugs or was disrespectful to his parents. His life was happy and his future bright.

Simon and his parents wear visiting the new Lockheed hovercar show when an Anarchy terrorist cell blew up the building. A fraction of a second before the blast hit him, Simon's powers were awakened. He could do nothing but watch as his parents died in the flames that passed right through him. The devastated youth stayed with his dead parents until the firemen arrived, then he ran off and disappeared into the night.

For a year Simon lived on the streets of Liverpool and tried to fight evil on his own, vowing that he would do what the government could not....keep citizens safe. Simon knew that the world needed to be changed, that it could be better than it was now. He honestly believed in a better world where everyone could live in peace and no boy had to lose his parents. So he did what he could, he fought drug dealers and local gangs. Saving a few lives and putting a couple of dealers behind bars. He was given the name Wraith by the criminals he hunted; they claimed he haunted them to no end.

However the teenager was inexperienced and got into more trouble than he could handle. One run-in with a mutant gangster call Payback put Wraith into the hospital. Feeling tired, wounded and frustrated made him want to throw the towel in and give up his life as a vigilante. He had tried to fight crime, gave it his all…. And failed. Then an envelope came to his hospital room. He opened it and found an invitation to EPIC. Suddenly his hope was renewed. EPIC could give him the training he needed to make a real difference. Wraith no longer felt alone…There were others like him out there, others that shared his vision. Together they would make that better world a reality.

As soon as he was released from the hospital, Wraith flew to New York and enrolled in EPIC.
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First Post
Calinon said:
Flaw: extra effort

Each time you try to mimic someone, you would have to use extra effort. You'd then have to use a hero point to fight off fatigue. It'd be very harsh on you I think and if you can get away without it, you'd be better off. Once you have used mimic to gain an attribute, using the skill/feat/power/abilities you just got would NOT take extra effort. It's only when you use mimic that you have to exert yourself.

I want to limit that power in some way, I don't imagine him going around and abusing his power. Extra Effort could be one way to limit it, it take a great effort to change his own genetic code.

I could replace that with Slow (it takes one full round for the transformation to happen, making change in the middle of combat a little more tricky), Uses (would limt just like extra effort, but no use to spend Hero points, but I find it a bit less appropriate for that power), Uncontrolled (just like Rogue. As soon as he touch someone, he loses his last powers to gain new ones). Other that could be applied but I think make less sense: Degrade, Tiring (that one is a killer), Obvious (not much point to it, but if their is mutant segregation, it would become a flaw, but it doesn't seem to be the case for a EPIC member).


First Post
I bought the book!

I'm working through it, as well as quizzes and whatnot in preparation on for my finals next week, but I hope to have something up tonight for you.


Hi everbody! This post serves dual purpose as an intoruduction, and testing my brand spanking new account on these message boards. I will be playing Loki (pronounced loh-kee), an illusioninst with a warped sense of humour, who enjoys playing tricks. I will post a bio once I'm write one I'm happy with.


First Post
I have changed my username. I was a little distraught that I couldn't use my name (Sam) at first, and used a variation so Calinon and others would know who I am.

Mule is what I will be using from now on.


First Post
Velmont said:
I want to limit that power in some way, I don't imagine him going around and abusing his power. Extra Effort could be one way to limit it, it take a great effort to change his own genetic code.

I could replace that with Slow (it takes one full round for the transformation to happen, making change in the middle of combat a little more tricky), Uses (would limt just like extra effort, but no use to spend Hero points, but I find it a bit less appropriate for that power), Uncontrolled (just like Rogue. As soon as he touch someone, he loses his last powers to gain new ones). Other that could be applied but I think make less sense: Degrade, Tiring (that one is a killer), Obvious (not much point to it, but if their is mutant segregation, it would become a flaw, but it doesn't seem to be the case for a EPIC member).
I'd really not worry about limiting the use of the power Velmont; it's pretty limited on its own. First you have to touch the person you want to mimic. Then the person gets a saving throw. Then, if you don't have the ability to mimic his pp score, you get backlash. Pretty serious flaws there without trying :)

So, rather than limiting it so you don't "abuse" the power, roleplay it that you abuse the power. Probably will make it easier on you in the long run.


First Post
Razamir said:
Powers: 64 PP
Incorporeal +8 (sonic still affects normaly)
Extras: Ghost Touch, Phase Attack, Selective, Scramble Electronics, Float
Immunities: Aging, Suffocation, Exhaustion, Starvation, Critical Hits, Pressure, Fire
Everything is really good except your sonic bit.

"You must specify one type of physical attack that still affects you."

For our game, this will mean Energy Blasts are one form of attack. Any energy blast would affect you if you decided energy blasts could affect you. So, you can should choose from melee attacks, ranged attacks, energy blasts or energy fields.

Melee attack will include the natural weapon power. Ranged attack will include the natural weapon power. Energy blast will include any type of direct energy attack that requires a damage save. Energy fields will include damaging fields, energy based attacks requiring touch, and strike ability.

I had another idea, but on reflection, it wasn't working. I talked to someone online, and they suggested this as a simple solution. It seems to work and requires very little on the bookkeeping side.
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First Post
I was thinking about it. What about this:

Mimic (Power) [Extra: Additional Attributes(Feats); All Attributes; Continuous; Expended Power x2; Expanded Powers x2; Flaw: Backlash] 8pp

I want to be sure if I understand you well. If, by example, I would try to mimic rebound. Would I be able to mimic his basic power without the extras (that mean Elasticity, which cost 4, maybe even with the flaw lmited and the extra protection, giving again 4pp per level), or I wouldn't be able to mimic him at all?

Another thing. How all that will be bookkeeping. I fear I tend to forget things because from one post to another.
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First Post
Velmont said:
I was thinking about it. What about this:

Mimic (Power) [Extra: Additional Attributes(Feats); All Attributes; Continuous; Expended Power x2; Expanded Powers x2; Flaw: Backlash] 8pp

I want to be sure if I understand you well. If, by example, I would try to mimic rebound. Would I be able to mimic his basic power without the extras (that mean Elasticity, which cost 4, maybe even with the flaw lmited and the extra protection, giving again 4pp per level), or I wouldn't be able to mimic him at all?

Another thing. How all that will be bookkeeping. I fear I tend to forget things because from one post to another.
I posted four characters on the website. So along with Rebound, I'll refer to them.

You can mimic any power who's pp cost is 6 or less with how you have set your powers. You have to include extras and flaws. Stunts can't be mimiced.

I have to correct rebound for an error I made. He'll have two powers; elasticity and growth. His Elacticity will have a 5pp cost for him. His growth will have a 3pp cost.

You can mimic both of his powers exactly.

You can mimic both of her powers, but would not receive her stunts. Her super-strength is 5pp; super-constitution is 4pp. You also gain what you mimic at your power level, +8.

You can mimic each of his powers. Again, you gain them at your power rank.

Mark Remlord
You can mimic his super-intelligence and his amazing saves, at your power rank, but not his energy control.

Speed Demon
You can mimic his flight, at your power rank, but not his super speed.

Looks good Velmont :) I probably would not change a thing now.


First Post
Interesting background you have for Amazon, Calinon.

Unless this is a house rule powers that you mimic stay at the rank that you get them from. (Ex. Speed Demon's flight would give him rank 1, not 8) Unless of course, I am totally misreading things.

Voidrunner's Codex

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