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Eschton [mature] IC - Calling Arabesu


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Lord Direspirt usualy does long trips in to the surrounding planes around his main castle with his trustworthy bodygaurds. when he enters a marshy terrain the place where he finds most inspiration for his political ideas and where is most at peace with himself.

so this morning is no different then other trips. Direspirit travels light with only 2 days worth of food and wate. he leaves the castle at dawn closly followed by the nimblewrights. the journey takes him over a barren grassland as far as the eye can see, slowly changing into deep marshes with only a small path to walk on. not much wider then about 5-10ft. Direspiri feels at ease in these places he enjoys these journeys that takes his mind of all the important affairres that he normaly has to deal with.

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Sigil listened, watching the redcap's face as it narrated. She doubted it had gone -exactly- as he was saying. For one, it seemed unlikely he'd 'fought off' whatever had come for them. More likely he'd fled, or managed to hide as they concentrated on the others.

Not that it mattered. If he hadn't, she wouldn't be getting this report.

Anger seethed through her, and she rose from the throne.

"Tell me their names, and where it happened," she said to the redcap. "And I will find them, if they can be found."


First Post
Voidrazor said:
[sblock=OOC reply to Avalon]

I figured Karnak's sparring matches would be pretty no holds barred. You can write both sides of the fight if you want. Just thought you might enjoy doing it in actual combat turns. LMK[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Might as well. :] [/sblock]

Karnak notices the look in the valkerye's eyes and spins around just in time to see another one descend upon him and decides to take her headon. Str Check=16


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Rino said:
Lord Direspirt usualy does long trips in to the surrounding planes around his main castle with his trustworthy bodygaurds. when he enters a marshy terrain the place where he finds most inspiration for his political ideas and where is most at peace with himself.

so this morning is no different then other trips. Direspirit travels light with only 2 days worth of food and wate. he leaves the castle at dawn closly followed by the nimblewrights. the journey takes him over a barren grassland as far as the eye can see, slowly changing into deep marshes with only a small path to walk on. not much wider then about 5-10ft. Direspiri feels at ease in these places he enjoys these journeys that takes his mind of all the important affairres that he normaly has to deal with.

Despite the comfort of desolate environs, the trip provides little respite from the pressures of Citizenship. Always, there is the ghostly tug of those attempting to reach Direspirit via the Psi-web. Of the calls, the one from Argus Oloriel Starzaeon, governor of the only Core world in the massive Ixylyr-Alaeon-Otajan system, may be of the most interest. But another from Roaika'xul 69*93 may also be worth answering. An Autarch on a world many parsecs distant, Roaika'xul has offered useful information in the past, although the asking price was always too high. There is also a more mysterious contact, from an anonymous source on Bleak Lodestone, a world that web record indicate was reduced to ash some years ago.

As he walks, deciding which if any of the psychic contacts to answer, Direspirit a strangely shaped skeleton half buried in the marsh. Its difficult to tell, given the vast array of alien life-forms making up Eschaton society, but it looks like the fallen creature has an arm stuffed into the eye-socket on the unburied half of its skull.

OOC - Does Lord Direspirit allow the drow and other Autarchs access to the Psi-web? Also, is Atropos OK for the name of his world?


First Post
Vertexx69 said:
"And what, prey tell are the faransi going to be telling me...my little highness?" - That you are conspiring against me yet again?...
“They make outrageous claims of us making war upon them. Ridiculous! When all know that since the Conquest, the T'lkt'n fleets have remained in orbit except when called upon for common defense of the Eschaton.” The words are emotionless, conveyed through the hovering proxy bug. Yet the queen's indignation (or feigned indignation) is clear.

Vertexx69 said:
The council couldn't have waited just a few hours? - She sits down on an overstuffed white sofa and taps her sub-con. "Citizen DeLecort here Inquisitor Qebehsenuef, it's a great honor to here from such a distinguished individual. How can Tran'sa 'Kuul be of service to the high council during this glorious night?"
Serraphina reels from the inquisitor's mental contact, the sheer psychic force is like nothing she's ever encountered before. “You are to be commended for your efforts on Markot. Few Citizens bestir themselves beyond their own world to protect others. If your resolve remains, our seers have discovered emerging threats closer to home. Are you familiar with Nyaguglloth?”

OOC – Public records show no reports of independent warship mobilization by any T'lkt'n Citizen. There's no public record regarding Nyaguglloth, but the name sounds like one a lord of the Outer Dark might have.


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Shayuri said:
Sigil listened, watching the redcap's face as it narrated. She doubted it had gone -exactly- as he was saying. For one, it seemed unlikely he'd 'fought off' whatever had come for them. More likely he'd fled, or managed to hide as they concentrated on the others.

Not that it mattered. If he hadn't, she wouldn't be getting this report.

Anger seethed through her, and she rose from the throne.

"Tell me their names, and where it happened," she said to the redcap. "And I will find them, if they can be found."

A look of surprise passes over the redcap's features at Sigil's promise, before returning to his usual wild eyed scowl. "Bugjaw, Grimner, Sweettooth, Marygore, and Eyesore r' their names. Whole thing happened 'bout half a league south a da falls on Brokentooth river."


First Post
Avalon® said:
Karnak notices the look in the valkerye's eyes and spins around just in time to see another one descend upon him and decides to take her headon. Str Check=16

Blood Letter opens a ragged gash along the valkyrie's collar bone as she crashes heedlessly into Karnak. But even as the dagger comes free, the wound partially closes, as does the laceration left by its sister blade Swift Strike. Blood still flows from both slashes, but perhaps only half of what one would expect from a similar blow landed agains a mortal. Worse yet, between the her massive size and uncanny manuever, the crashing valkyrie easily knocks Karnak prone.


First Post
Voidrazor said:
“They make outrageous claims of us making war upon them. Ridiculous! When all know that since the Conquest, the T'lkt'n fleets have remained in orbit except when called upon for common defense of the Eschaton.” The words are emotionless, conveyed through the hovering proxy bug. Yet the queen's indignation (or feigned indignation) is clear.
"I understand your discouragement with wildside on the rise - if your drones were to become 'infected' with it, your control might be compromised. But their claims easy enough to check highness. I'm dealing with the Faransi in my own way. All worlds that are supported by Tran'sa Kuul's economy are connected to the psy-net and nav-com at their expense." Smiling, she glances over to Jenner who pulls a paper-thin flex-viewy from his coat pocket. "Give me sat-com imaging of planet Faransil and its outlying systems a grid 34 by 29." The screen flutters as it accesses the network.

- later -
Voidrazor said:
Serraphina reels from the inquisitor's mental contact, the sheer psychic force is like nothing she's ever encountered before. “You are to be commended for your efforts on Markot. Few Citizens bestir themselves beyond their own world to protect others. If your resolve remains, our seers have discovered emerging threats closer to home. Are you familiar with Nyaguglloth?”
"Sounds like a lower under-devil realm, but know I can't say as I'm familiar with them. Would their ships happen to look similar to the T'lkt'n fleet? I have had sketchy reports of strange movements in my little corner of the verse."[/sblock]
Adjusting in her seat from the shock -her eyes fixed on a point in space just in front of the door. A couple of sometime paramoures of hers press themselves against the door when they spot her. As they enter her field of veiw she winks and the couples' breath becomes heavier on the glass and they slide into the booth during a brief pause in the music. Holding a free finger to her lips she beckons them to her.
[sblock=OOC] knowledge local & or planes both +7 to see if Serra knows anything about the Nyaguglloth[/sblock]
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First Post
Sigil commits the names to memory and nods.

"When I have verified your account, there will be a reward for your bringing this to my attention. Give Periwinkle your name, and we will contact you. Periwinkle, escort out guest out, please."

With an act of will, Sigil vanished from the Great Hall, and reappeared in the Sanctum. It was a large room shaped roughly like an egg balanced on its round end, carved from dark basalt and lined with lead to keep out pesky detection spells. Alarm abjurations keyed to excuse Sigil's presence line the chamber, layered in shells around the treasure in the center. A gold frame with a perfectly reflective oval in the middle. The Exquisite Looking Glass.

Standing before it, Sigil swept a hand over its quicksilver surface, which rippled like a pond with a stone cast into it. Then it showed a beautiful forest glade with a spring in the middle. Sigil waited for a moment, then nodded. A magnificent white unicorn trotted into view. Alastor was rarely far from the glade, where he knew she could reach him if needed.

She stepped through, appearing in the glade as if the mirror was a doorway...which it was.

"Alastor, I've had a report of fae being abducted. Meet me a league south of the waterfalls on Brokentooth River. I'll be there as soon as I pick up one of the nymphs."

The great white unicorn neighed like a silver bell being struck and replied in a deep, resonant voice, "At once, Lady!" Then it seemed to explode into a rain of golden sparks that fell to the earth and vanished.

Sigil stepped back, through the invisible portal, back into the Sanctum. A similar visit to the lake, and when she returned again she had a nymph...indescribably beautiful; a spirit of water and earth...in tow. Finally she used the mirror to open a door to the spot the redcap described. Alastor was there already, pawing impatiently at the soil.

"All right," Sigil said, clapping her hands. "We're here to find clues. We need some idea of what happened, and where they may have gone."

(I think I'll need another post before I can actually make GM-mediated actions. Right now I need to go look up what powers are at my disposal with this entourage to do some investigating. :))
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First Post
Vertexx69 said:
"I understand your discouragement with wildside on the rise - if your drones were to become 'infected' with it, your control might be compromised. But their claims easy enough to check highness. I'm dealing with the Faransi in my own way. All worlds that are supported by Tran'sa Kuul's economy are connected to the psy-net and nav-com at their expense." Smiling, she glances over to Jenner who pulls a paper-thin flex-viewy from his coat pocket. "Give me sat-com imaging of planet Faransil and its outlying systems a grid 34 by 29." The screen flutters as it accesses the network.
The T'lkt'n starts to interrupt defensively at the mention of wildside, but stops with the mention of drones being infected. When the flex-viewy comes to life, immediately showing a holographic representation of Faransil and its moons, the speaker-drone responds, "Ah, see for yourself the truth of my words."You could swear the queen is now feeling smug.

[sblock=OOC]Tran'sa Kuul doesn't supply the Psi-net connection for other worlds. The feed is extradimensional and blankets known space, although Citizens can block access to it by their native populations.[/sblock]
- later -
Vertexx69 said:
"Sounds like a lower under-devil realm, but know I can't say as I'm familiar with them. Would their ships happen to look similar to the T'lkt'n fleet? I have had sketchy reports of strange movements in my little corner of the verse."
"Actually Nyaguglloth is one of the dark gods people are referring to when they speak of the Lord of the Outer Dark. Some speculate that that they were once like the Hungry Gods, but consumed so many souls that they fell in upon themselves like black holes. Others say that they have always stalked the greater void just beyond space/time. They are no mere infernals, but I do not know the truth of the matter. In any case, it is unwise to speak Nyaguglloth's name aloud."

"There is a high probability that this nightmarish archon is gathering strength preparatory to a colonization effort in the IAO system. We believe they are using an asteroid belt orbiting a singularity a couple hundred light years off the galactic eliptic from your location as a staging area. Because this is only one of many potential threats rather than an active infestation, I have been authorized only to contact you directly regarding this matter. Although you may use the contents of this conversation to convince other to form a common defense. And if you choose to scout for the staging area, I would recommend contacting a certain Lord Karnak. His starship is in system and he is known to be a most capable warrior."

Coordinates for the singularity and contact information for Karnak are sent through the link.
Vertexx69 said:
Adjusting in her seat from the shock -her eyes fixed on a point in space just in front of the door. A couple of sometime paramoures of hers press themselves against the door when they spot her. As they enter her field of veiw she winks and the couples' breath becomes heavier on the glass and they slide into the booth during a brief pause in the music. Holding a free finger to her lips she beckons them to her.
Maerealia squeezes in close, "Serraphina, You look positively dazzling this evening. Aethero, doesn't she look stellar?"

Aethero nods in agreement, grinning lasciviously.

Maerealia continues, "So are you gonna hit the dance floor with us?"
Vertexx69 said:
knowledge local & or planes both +7 to see if Serra knows anything about the Nyaguglloth

Voidrunner's Codex

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