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Excalibur d20


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Hey Vig. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I have been pretty sick this week.

Bates, remember what the Chinese said about interesting times. :)


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Vigilance said:
Each class has its own source of spell point energy. Druids have stone circles, hedge mages ley lines, and priests cathedrals and other areas of worship.


Um, isn't that all the same thing? Or are you saying they are stuck in the mindset of needing those objects? Both the stone circles and cathedrals tended to be built upon ley lines.
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Its all related sure- hence the fact that spellcasters can in fact recover their spell energy almost anywhere.

However, just because there is a concentration of energy at stonehenge, do you honestly think a catholic cardinal is going to go pray there? :)

Its also partially mindset as you suggest, with each class needing a "comfort zone"- hermits recover faster when alone, and Crusaders recover faster if they are near holy ground, but slower when in the presence of large groups of infidels.

The idea was to make each class have a unique flavor partially from the way spell points are recovered- even though hermits and priests cast the same spells, one wants to pray in solitude and one wants to be surrounded by fellow believers.

At least I think its a cool idea :)



First Post
Vigilance said:
Its all related sure- hence the fact that spellcasters can in fact recover their spell energy almost anywhere.

However, just because there is a concentration of energy at stonehenge, do you honestly think a catholic cardinal is going to go pray there? :)

Its also partially mindset as you suggest, with each class needing a "comfort zone"- hermits recover faster when alone, and Crusaders recover faster if they are near holy ground, but slower when in the presence of large groups of infidels.

The idea was to make each class have a unique flavor partially from the way spell points are recovered- even though hermits and priests cast the same spells, one wants to pray in solitude and one wants to be surrounded by fellow believers.

At least I think its a cool idea :)


Vigilance, do you still need playtesters? If so, email me at blackshirt5@hotmail.com I'm gonna talk it over with my group about playtesting this, but I'm pretty sure they'll be into it.


First Post
Vigilance said:
Its all related sure- hence the fact that spellcasters can in fact recover their spell energy almost anywhere.

However, just because there is a concentration of energy at stonehenge, do you honestly think a catholic cardinal is going to go pray there? :)

Its also partially mindset as you suggest, with each class needing a "comfort zone"- hermits recover faster when alone, and Crusaders recover faster if they are near holy ground, but slower when in the presence of large groups of infidels.

The idea was to make each class have a unique flavor partially from the way spell points are recovered- even though hermits and priests cast the same spells, one wants to pray in solitude and one wants to be surrounded by fellow believers.

At least I think its a cool idea :)


I think its a pretty cool idea too. :D

So there. :p

I love this game!

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First Post
Vigilance said:
Its all related sure- hence the fact that spellcasters can in fact recover their spell energy almost anywhere.

However, just because there is a concentration of energy at stonehenge, do you honestly think a catholic cardinal is going to go pray there? :)

No.. not until he builds his cathedral upon it :)
Of course based on how he builds it, he might have to worry about it getting stuck by lighting.. or having a earthquake level it.
I meant from it all being ley lines.
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Right I understand what you're saying.

I suppose my answer would be that in Excalibur's spell system, druids and hedge mages use one type of energy, and priests use another.

I know that's different from the usual dichotomy, with druids being nature priests.

I know that churches were built along ley lines also, but I think for priests, the generations-long veneration of the faithful is as important as the energy- the older and more important the center of worship, the better it helps them.

I wanted each type of spell caster to have their own "home turf" where if you fought them, you were at a very serious disadvantage.



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Vigilance said:
I played Pendragon long ago, but specifically have not gone back and looked at it, since I wanted my take on the game to be completely drawn from my mechanics skills and my sources.

The list of sources in Pendragon books, especially Pagan Shore, are worth taking a look at.


First Post
Vigilance said:
Right I understand what you're saying.

I suppose my answer would be that in Excalibur's spell system, druids and hedge mages use one type of energy, and priests use another.

I know that's different from the usual dichotomy, with druids being nature priests.

I know that churches were built along ley lines also, but I think for priests, the generations-long veneration of the faithful is as important as the energy- the older and more important the center of worship, the better it helps them.

I wanted each type of spell caster to have their own "home turf" where if you fought them, you were at a very serious disadvantage.

Ley lines are completely an early C20th invention of 'fringe archaeology', and have no more basis in reality than kooky reconstructions of druidic ritual or crop circles: see http://www.kmatthews.org.uk/cult_archaeology/ley_lines.html. The idea ruined Watkins' reputation as a serious (and respected) amateur archaeologist.


Well- please dont think because of my inclusion of them in this game I am taking a stand on whether or not ley lines are "real"! :)

Its an rpg set in Arthurian England- so I decided to include some other bits of British folklore that I found interesting.

Arthur is tied in with the stone circles, ley lines are related to stone circles- voila! :)

So my reason for using them that it was an interesting take on the mechanics, and gave all the spellcasters a home turf.


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