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Doom3524 said:
That brings me to another question. What kind of class would you consider the Lady of the Lake? I am preparing for a new campaign that I am starting in January based all aroung Arthurian legend. The idea is for the people in the campaign to become Knights of the Round table and take on the enemies of legend (Morrigan, Mordred, Black Knight, Cerdic & Cynric). I am using the legend of old with a bit of the new movie aspect thrown in. Any suggestions for more villains would be greatly appreciated.

You might want to get Lends of Excaliber by RPGObjects, it is a book for d20 Excaliber games. It has what you are looking for in it.

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There are 3 main versions of the legend. In one, Excalibur was pulled from the stone. In the second, Excalibur was given him by the Lady of the Lake after the sword he pulled from the stone was broken.

In the third version, the author sort of combines them by saying the sword pulled from the stone was Excalibur, but it was just an ordinary blade. This blade was broken, and later fixed by the Lady of the Lake so that it could never be broken again.

So it depends which version of the story you subscribe too.

Good idea just simply making it unbreakable. I hadn't considered ways to completely by-pass hardness.

A couple other ideas on further thought: You might require the weilder to have the leadership feat to get full benifit from its use. Or alternatively, grant a bonus to the leadership skill to its owner.


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I knew the 3 origin stories of the blade, thank you for the refresher though, I had actually forgotten about the 3rd that combined the 2. I will probably go with story 3. I can get all characters in it that way. I am still in need of some added villains to this story. I will have my main villain more than likely be Morrigan with the Black Knight as her main henchman, but I want to build up to it. I have the Saxon invasion before Arthur is even king and I have Mordred also working with Morrigan, but I want something between the two, although now that I think of it, it might be enough. I dont want to over do it.


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I guess I you combined all of our ideas it might turn out something like this:

+3 Keen Holy Bastard sword

Special Qualities:
Smite at Will

At least, it seems this way to me.
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I like the Admantine idea as well. Wasn't it able to cut through anything (sort of like a Ginzu knife?)... If you don't like the Admantine idea, maybe the sword grants the free use of Improved Sunder as well?

What is Axiomatic again? Is that like a Holy property, but for Lawful instead? I forget... If I am correct, then I am not sure I would agree with that because IIRC, don't Chaotic people get penalized for wielding Axiomatic weapons (as Evil people get penalized for using Holy weapons)? I don't think I remember Excalibur having that effect on people... Then again, if my definition of Axiomatic is incorrect, you can ignore this paragraph :)
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Yeah, not to sure about the axiomatic idea either. But I do like the adamantine idea to. When I look at the legends, I do like the holy quality. Juust seem...right, for king aurthur, that is.

But Adamantine just doesn't seem right. Looking at the legend, mabye Cold Iron would be an apropriate material...
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Doom3524 said:
That brings me to another question. What kind of class would you consider the Lady of the Lake? I am preparing for a new campaign that I am starting in January based all aroung Arthurian legend. The idea is for the people in the campaign to become Knights of the Round table and take on the enemies of legend (Morrigan, Mordred, Black Knight, Cerdic & Cynric). I am using the legend of old with a bit of the new movie aspect thrown in. Any suggestions for more villains would be greatly appreciated.
The Lady of the Lake; maybe a Water weird, great divination powers and sorcerer spells, Fiend folio or MMII, don't remember.


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Since it sounds like you are going for a slightly historical arthur, there is also the notion around that excalibur was Julius Caesar's sword and that the sword granted granted military victories to it's wielder, but was ultimately cursed, leading to betrayal of the wielder by his close friends.


First Post
A gladius is a short sword. If you did that, I think Excalibur would seem rather...powerless and, dare I say, stupid. But that's just me. I hate rome, and, by extension, their military equipment. A short sword excalibur is just REALLY unimpressive.
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