Fallout Nexus Announced By Demiplane

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The Fallout RPG is the latest RPG to get a digital rules compendium/character builder service via Demiplane. Today, Demiplane teased the upcoming Early Access launch for a new Fallout RPG Nexus, the latest in the site's growing line-up of TTRPG rules compendiums and character builders. No further details were provided other than the social media tease.

Demiplane, which was purchased by Roll20 in 2024, manages several "Nexuses" for individual RPGs, including Pathfinder, Starfinder, the Alien RPG, Cyberpunk RED, and the Cosmere RPG. This marks Demiplane's first collaboration with Modiphius, which also produces Star Trek Adventures and Dune: Adventures in the Imperium.

The Fallout RPG uses Modiphius's 2D20 system, which requires players to roll lower than a target score. Each skill test has both a general target score and a skill score tied to that test. Players score a success for matching or rolling lower than the general target score and they score a critical success (worth two succeses) if they beat their own skill score on the same roll.

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Christian Hoffer

Christian Hoffer

I play F76 literally every day, on my PS5. I cant see a tabletop comparing to that experience.

Unless they come out with a really good system.

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