Release Fantasy Grounds Events, Releases & Sales

Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News February 20-26, 2023

New Release
D&D Keys from the Golden Vault
Wizards of the Coast

An anthology of 13 heist-themed adventures for the world's greatest roleplaying game.

D&D Keys from the Golden Vault(WOTC5EKFTGV).jpg

New Release
Interface Zero 3.0: The Game Master's Guide to 2095
Gun Metal Games

Find an array of elements designed to help you create memorable games in the Interface Zero setting.

Interface Zero 3.0 The Game Master's Guide to 2095 (GMGIZ30TGMGFG).jpg

New Release
Cyberpunk RED Data Pack
R. Talsorian Games Inc.

When you're stalking the streets of Night City, it pays to know the locals and where they're lurking. One wrong move and you could end up as Bozo bait or worse. And when you're the GM of a Cyberpunk RED game, knowing the score is even more important. Otherwise, your RED adventure might bog down in a ton of tiny stuff that can make or break a good game.

Cyberpunk RED Data Pack(IPFGCPRRTGDP).jpg

New Release
Starfinder RPG - Starfinder Adventure Path #45: The Culling Shadow (Horizons of the Vast 6 of 6)
Paizo Inc.

A fleet of warships invades the Weydana system, and the PCs must launch their own armada to withstand the attack! When Watcher Krulveth, the leader of the invading forces, wishes to speak to the PCs in person, they must decide whether to meet her in good faith or expect an ambush. But stopping Krulveth and her armada doesn't mean the system is completely safe. A wandering pulsar approaches, and with it, an uncaring extraplanar entity that floods the system with deadly radiation. Every living person in the Weydana system counts on the PCs to protect them from this terrible threat!

Starfinder RPG - Starfinder Adventure Path #45 The Culling Shadow (Horizons of the Vast 6 of 6...jpg

New Release
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Treasure Vault
Paizo Inc.

Pathfinder Treasure Vault reveals the glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon, as presented by the creature's plucky kobold assistant. This rulebook presents a catalog of new gear from nearly every category of equipment and magic item available in the Pathfinder RPG while also introducing entirely new categories of items as well. Give your character the perfect tool for the job with signature weapons, customizable relics, and wondrous items to fit your every need while preparing for any eventuality with potions, elixirs, wands, and more!

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Treasure Vault(PZOSMWPZO2112FG).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-17: Dreams of a Dustbound Isle
Paizo Inc.

Pathfinders stationed at the Grand Lodge have been experiencing strange shared dreams. The dreams reveal a mysterious island surrounded by dust and shadows. In the dreams, someone is trapped. They're calling for help. And someone--or something--doesn't want them to leave.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-17 Dreams of a Dustbound Isle(PZOSMWPZOPFS03...jpg

New Releases
Paizo Map Packs

Game Masters shouldn't waste their time sketching maps. With Pathfinder/Starfinder Map Packs, you'll always have maps ready for your adventurers!

Desert Sites Pathfinder RPG - Map Pack: Desert Sites for Fantasy Grounds

Secret Rooms Pathfinder RPG - Map Pack: Secret Rooms for Fantasy Grounds

Palace Pathfinder RPG - GameMastery Map Pack: Palace for Fantasy Grounds

Shrines Pathfinder RPG - GameMastery Map Pack: Shrines for Fantasy Grounds

Mines Pathfinder RPG - GameMastery Map Pack: Mines for Fantasy Grounds

Shops Pathfinder RPG - GameMastery Map Pack: Shops for Fantasy Grounds


🎲On Sale This Week

Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store

ALL SALES 02-20-23.jpg

Introducing Fantasy Grounds Italia

Pathfinder for Savage Worlds One-Shot
(game in English)
February 21st at 3 PM Eastern

PALO STREAM Hallows Last Hope.jpg

Fantasy Grounds Game Day
February 23rd

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
This week's games are Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds, Cyberpunk Red, Pathfinder 2e, and Savage Worlds.

This is a Free event!

gd feb 23 cyberpunk red.png

D&D Adventurers League on Fantasy Grounds
Game Day
February 25th

Player sign-ups are now live on Warhorn!
This is a Free event!

dnd al gd feb 25 4.png

🎲Fantasy Grounds Friday
with Host Bryce Mousseau
and Special Guest J Gray
from R. Talsorian Games

Friday at February 24th at 2 pm Eastern,
Streaming on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Steam, & Facebook.

FGF AD 2023 - J GRAY.jpg
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Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News February 27- March 5, 2023

🎲This Week's Fantasy Grounds
New Releases!

Fantasy Grounds Store

ALL NEW RELEASES 02-27-23.jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Second Darkness
Paizo Inc.

The city of Riddleport is no place for the naive. Founded by pirates and ruled by criminals, Varisia's most lawless city chews up the weak and foolhardy. In other words, it's a perfect home for adventurers! Take the first step into Riddleport, the starting city for Pathfinder's Second Darkness Adventure Path. The information contained herein gives players the edge they need to face this deadly quest, with new rules, details on making campaign-specific characters, and background information no adventurer should be without. Even if you aren't playing the Second Darkness Adventure Path, this booklet is filled with all-new spells, magic items, and character options perfect for any game.

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Second Darkness(PZOSMWPZO9401FG).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Giants Revisited
Paizo Inc.

Giants Revisited explores the traits and habitats of the biggest and meanest humanoids ever to tread the earth, towering beings whose motives and behaviors are as varied as their origins and amazing abilities. Each giant race's entry examines the creature's ecology and habitat, its interactions with other giants and races, advice on how to implement the behemoth in your game, unique stat blocks, and more.

Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting Giants Revisited(PZOSMWPZO9245FG).jpg

New Release
Shadow of the Demon Lord Hunger in the Void
Schwalb Entertainment

The world of Urth and the entire universe stand in the shadow of a dread power, a force of destruction beyond imagining. The Demon Lord, also called the Hunger in the Void, the Devourer in the Dark, and the One Foretold, draws nearer to the world, causing plagues and blights, war and upheaval, all of which harken the end times. In this supplement for Shadow of the Demon Lord, the Demon Lord and its obscene legions are revealed in all their awful glory.

Shadow of the Demon Lord Hunger in the Void(IPFGSDLSEHITV).jpg

New Release
Starfinder RPG - Adventure Path #46: The Perfect Storm (Drift Crashers 1 of 3)
Paizo Inc.

The Drift Crisis has begun! When the Drift--the dimension that allows starships to travel faster than light--suddenly crashes, all the starships in it are hurled to random locations in the multiverse. Among these starships is the Marata, whose crew find themselves stranded in Hell, their starship now boasting a strange new artifact with the power to travel anywhere in space and time. Soon they're literally running from the devil, crashing through parallel universes, coming face to face with strange versions of themselves, and finally reaching an apocalyptic future where everyone they know is dead. Will they ever find their way home again?"

Starfinder RPG - Adventure Path #46 The Perfect Storm (Drift Crashers 1 of 3)(PZOSMWPZO7246FG).jpg

New Release
Starfinder RPG - Interstellar Species
Paizo Inc.

Bring an array of aliens--both weird and familiar--to your science fantasy adventures with Interstellar Species, the newest rulebook for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! This gorgeously illustrated reference provides deep dives on 25 playable Starfinder species, each with thematic player options usable by any character, plus new options for 7 Starfinder character classes. There's also a system for easily creating your own playable species, and a catalog of around 100 thematic nonplayer characters ready to slot into any adventure! A new class, the evolutionist, allows you to transform yourself over time into an eldritch being, mechanized construct, sepulchral undead, or riot of biological potential, each with unique abilities--and drawbacks, should you allow your transformation to grow out of control.

Starfinder RPG - Interstellar Species(PZOSMWPZO7120FG).jpg

New Release
FG Completed Maps Pack 2
SmiteWorks USA, LLC

The Completed Maps Pack 2 features images and art produced by our in-house artist, Joshua Watmough. They have been organized and optimized for use with Fantasy Grounds Unity and the image tools. This map pack consists of 9 completed 25x25 maps that can be used on their own or combined to create a single massive seamless map on its own and an even larger seamless map when combined with Completed Maps Pack.

FG Completed Maps Pack 2(SWKARTPACKMAPS2).jpg

New Releases
Paizo Map Packs

Game Masters shouldn't waste their time sketching maps. With Pathfinder Map Packs, you'll always have maps ready for your adventurers!

Village Sites Pathfinder RPG - Map Pack: Village Sites for Fantasy Grounds

Ruined Village Pathfinder RPG - Map Pack - Ruined Village for Fantasy Grounds

Fungus Forest Pathfinder RPG - Map Pack - Fungus Forest for Fantasy Grounds

Road System Pathfinder RPG - Map Pack: Road System for Fantasy Grounds

Bridges Pathfinder RPG - Map Pack: Bridges for Fantasy Grounds

Armada Pathfinder RPG - Map Pack: Armada for Fantasy Grounds


🎲On Sale This Week

🔹Fantasy Grounds Store

ALL SALES 02-27-23.jpg

Fantasy Grounds Game Day
March 2nd

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
This week's games are D&D 5E, Pathfinder 2e, and Star Trek.

This is a Free event!

gd Mar 2 pf2.png

Fantasy Grounds Game Day
March 4th

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
This week's games are D&D 5E, Savage Worlds, and Savage Rifts.

This is a Free event!

gd mar 4 swade.png

Check out Fantasy Grounds Friday

at 2 pm EST every Friday
Special Guest River
Streaming on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Steam, & Facebook.

FGF AD 2023 - RIVER.jpg

Legend of Keepers 5E Reverse Dungeon and STL Miniatures
on Kickstarter

350+ Campaign book
300+ STL Miniatures & Terrain
three ways to play 5E (traditional, evil, and PvP).
Plus a Fantasy Grounds VTT Adventure Bundle add-on is available.

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Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News March 6-12, 2023

🎲This Week's Fantasy Grounds
New Releases!

Fantasy Grounds Store

ALL NEW RELEASES 03-05-23.jpg

New Release
Legendary Shifters
Legendary Games

Legendary Shifters is the latest volume in our series of class-focused player supplements, this time focusing on the mercurial shifters! This base class, introduced in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness, was designed to be the ultimate shapeshifting character, allowing players to take a variety of forms in the blink of an eye. Legendary Shifters works to further embody this concept with a redesign of the class that gives even greater freedom to transform into whatever you wish at a moment's notice.

Legendary Shifters (LGP353LC11PF).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles
Paizo Inc.

Intrepid seafarers seeking glory and gold need look no further than the vast and untamed island chain known as the Shackles. Throughout these isles, undead cyclopes guard eons-old treasure vaults, lycanthropic pirates maraud the waterways, and cannibalistic natives sacrifice trespassers to their otherworldly god-queen. On the treacherous seas surrounding the Shackles, a bold sailor may even rise to become one of the realm's infamous Free Captains, second only to the bloodthirsty Hurricane King himself--though the rapacious pirates who raid the archipelago's ports ensure that only the cunning and swift survive for long.

Isles of the Shackles provides a comprehensive overview of the verdant islands that make up this region, complete with buried treasure, dastardly corsairs, and ominous ruins of a fallen empire.

Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting Isles of the Shackles (PZOSMWPZO9244FG).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Skull & Shackles AP 6: From Hell's Heart
Paizo Inc.

With an enemy fleet intent on conquering the Shackles looming on the horizon, the adventurers must launch their own fleet of pirates and buccaneers to defend against the invaders, culminating in an epic naval battle at the edge of the Eye of Abendego. Will the adventurers defeat the invading navy and save the Shackles? Or will the independence of the Free Captains be eradicated forever?

Pathfinder RPG - Skull & Shackles AP 6 From Hell's Heart (PZOSMWPZO9060FG).jpg

New Release
Starfinder RPG - Society Scenario #4-08: Precious Cargo
Paizo Inc.

After a malfunctioning freighter stalled out in the Vast and threatened to negatively affect the shipbuilding industry, Multifold Industries puts out an automated call for troubleshooters to locate and repair the ailing ship. A group of Starfinders answers the call and boards the ship with the aim of discovering the root of the problem and solving the ongoing shipping crisis.

Starfinder RPG - Society Scenario #4-08 Precious Cargo (PZOSMWPZOSFS0408EFG).jpg

New Release
Mini-Dungeons Bundle #201-205
AAW Games

Mini-Dungeons are short, setting-agnostic adventures for 5th Edition which can be easily inserted anywhere in your campaign.

Mini-Dungeons Bundle #201-205 (AAWFG5EMDB201205).jpg

New Release
Remarkable Cults & Their Followers
LoreSmyth Publishing

The ultimate GM guide on roleplaying evil fantasy factions. This system-neutral sourcebook is compatible with any fantasy roleplaying game ruleset and contains everything you need to create and roleplay your own unique villainous guilds.

Remarkable Cults & Their Followers (LSFG5ERCATF).jpg

New Release
Savage Rifts: Blood and Banes
Pinnacle Entertainment Group

Where darkness looms, the light shines brightest! Though the Coalition States and the True Federation of Magic threaten the Tomorrow Legion from either side, the greatest dangers to Castle Refuge come from far afield. In the south, the Vampire Kingdoms plot. In the east, mutant tribes stalk Dinosaur Swamp and ghost-haunted Madhaven. In the north, the alien Xiticix and the demonic Kingdom of Monsters threaten all life on Rifts(R) Earth!

Savage Rifts Blood and Banes (PEGFGSWADESRBABE).jpg

New Releases
Paizo Map Packs

Game Masters shouldn't waste their time sketching maps. With Pathfinder Map Packs, you'll always have maps ready for your adventurers!

Pathfinder RPG - GameMastery Map Pack: Hellscapes

Pathfinder RPG - GameMastery Map Pack Hellscapes (PZOSMWPZO4027FG).jpg

🎲On Sale This Week

♦Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store

ALL SALES 03-06-23.jpg

🎲Fantasy Grounds Friday
with Host Bryce Mousseau
and Special Guests SeanSPS and Nightstride

Friday at 2 pm Eastern,
Streaming on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Steam, & Facebook.

Fantasy Grounds Game Day

March 9th

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.

This week's games are Pathfinder for Savage Worlds and Savage Worlds.

Pathfinder for Savage Worlds: Crown of the Kobold King

SWADE Deadlands - Blood Drive 1: Bad Times on the Goodnight [Play to Learn]

SFS 5-11: Archivist's Inquiry [Play to Learn]

SWADE: Lankhmar - Siren's Call [Play to Learn]

This is a Free event!

Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn

gd mar 9 swade.png

Paizo Organized Play on Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder Society & Starfinder Society

March 11th

SFS 1-01: The Commencement [FG Beginner Friendly]

Players only need the free Demo account to play.

Paizo Organized Play on Fantasy Grounds | Warhorn

paizo org mar 11 5.png
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Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News March 13-19, 2023

🎲Steam Spring Sale

March 16-23, 2023 10 am Pacific

Save some Green


ALL NEW RELEASES 03-13-23.jpg

New Release
Arcadia Issue 010
MCDM Productions, LLC

Welcome to ARCADIA! Inspired by old-school tabletop magazines, ARCADIA is MCDM's digital magazine for 5th-edition GMs and players.

Arcadia Issue 010 for Fantasy Grounds

Arcadia Issue 010(MCDMFG5EA010).jpg

New Release
Wilderness Map Collection
Grim Press

50 Encounter Maps for your TTRPG games!

Have your players wandered off the beaten path and now you're scrambling to pull up a map for a random encounter? Look no further!

Wilderness Map Collection for Fantasy Grounds

Wilderness Map Collection(GPFGMCW).jpg

New Release
Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting
Grim Press

Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting is a tome packed with content that brings the incorporeal undead to life in your next 5E campaign. Discover a haunted bestiary, loads of player options, new magic items, tools for building ghost-hunting guilds, and GM tools for immersing your players in ghostly adventures and investigations.

Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting for Fantasy Grounds

Grizelda's Guide to Ghost Hunting(GPFG5EGGGH).jpg

New Release
The Book of Fiends
Green Ronin

Devils, demons, and daemons--these are the ultimate servants of evil. Learn all their foul secrets in the Book of the Fiends, the definitive Fifth Edition sourcebook on these fell creatures. This tome presents over 130 of horrific fiends hailing from Hell, the Abyss, and Gehenna, with Challenge Ratings ranging from 0 to 31. It builds on the information found in the core rulebooks, expanding and revealing all you could ever want to know about these evil planes and their inhabitants. The Book of Fiends provides profoundly wicked foes your players will never forget.

The Book of Fiends for Fantasy Grounds

The Book of Fiends(GRFG5ETBOF).jpg

New Release
Esper Genesis 5E Threats Database
Castle Skydawn Design

A Grand Collection of Monsters and Villains for Your Sci-fi Universe!

The Threats Database introduces a trove of sci-fi creatures, antagonists, and hazards to use with the Esper Genesis Roleplaying Game. Keeping with EG's full compatibility feature, this product can be used as a supplement to any 5E setting, giving you the power to drop your futuristic baddies into a world of your choosing.

Esper Genesis 5E Threats Database for Fantasy Grounds

Esper Genesis 5E Threats Database(IPFG5ECSDAAE3102).jpg

New Release
Shadow of the Demon Lord Tales of the Demon Lord
Schwalb Entertainment

The End Starts Here

The signs are everywhere. The mad prophets shriek dire warnings on the streets of Crossings, while strange monsters roam the lands beyond the city's walls. Strange cults flourish in the lawless wilds, while the undead muster in the desert wastes to the north. The end is near, but is it too late to stop it?

Shadow of the Demon Lord Tales of the Demon Lord for Fantasy Grounds

Shadow of the Demon Lord Tales of the Demon Lord(IPFGSDLSETDL).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary
Paizo Inc.

This book contains dozens of new monsters found in the Inner Sea region--all invented specifically for the Pathfinder campaign setting! Some, like the gearsmen of Numeria or the moth-like star monarchs who serve the goddess of dreams, have been mentioned many times in Pathfinder Campaign Setting books, but others, like the alien vespergaunt or Rahadoum's desert-dwelling whirlmaws, have only been obliquely illustrated or mentioned before. And some--like the mysterious and ancient veiled masters, and the disturbingly alluring fungus queen--make their appearance for the first time in print after debuting in Paizo's office campaigns.

Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting Inner Sea Bestiary(PZOSMWPZO9251FG).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Elves of Golarion
Paizo Inc.

Elves have been a part of the world for as long as anyone can remember. Caretakers of the natural world, warriors against the tide of savagery, and scholars of the deepest secrets of magic, elves are among Golarion's most mystical and mysterious races. This book presents the definitive word on how elves live, fight, worship, and relate with other races. The information contained herein presents a wealth of information about the elven race, with new rules, details on making elven characters, and an extensive exploration of their society, history, and goals as a people. Even if you aren't playing an elf, this booklet contains new spells, magic items, and character options perfect for any character.

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Elves of Golarion for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Elves of Golarion(PZOSMWPZO9402FG).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG- Campaign Setting: Mystery Monsters Revisited
Paizo Inc.

Every culture tells stories of strange beasts that haunt the edges of civilization. Seldom corroborated, the accounts of those who have encountered such creatures are brushed aside, or at best turned into colorful local legends. But always lurking beneath such myths are more than a few shreds of doubt--for what if the stories were true?

Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting: Mystery Monsters Revisited for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder RPG - Campaign Setting Mystery Monsters Revisited(PZOSMWPZO9252FG).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Gatewalkers AP 2: They Watched the Stars
Paizo Inc.

After learning the truth behind the alien being responsible for their missing memories, the characters join forces with Sakuachi, a young oracle whose destiny is inextricably bound to theirs. To help Sakuachi fulfill her quest to find a living god and seal away an ancient evil, the party travels across frigid northlands toward the demon-ravaged wastes of Sarkoris. As they voyage across the harrowing waters of the Lake of Mists and Veils and push through monster-filled ruins, the party must rely on their own wits, their new friends, and the stars above to guide them to safety.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Gatewalkers AP 2: They Watched the Stars for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Gatewalkers AP 2 They Watched the Stars(PZOSMWPZO90188FG).jpg

New Release
SmiteWorks USA, LLC

Roll your attack with style and become the envy of your gaming table.

Artificer Dice Pack

Wizard Wrought Dice Pack


🎲Fantasy Grounds Friday
with Host Bryce Mousseau
and Special Guests
from War Games News Radio

Friday, March 17th, at 2 pm Eastern,
Streaming on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Steam, & Facebook.

FGF AD 2023 - WARGAMES.jpg

Fantasy Grounds Game Day
March 16th

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
This week's games are Pathfinder for Savage Worlds, D&D5e, and Pathfinder.

This is a Free event!

gd Mar 16 dnd.png

Fantasy Grounds Game Day
March 18th

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
This week's games are Savage Worlds, D&D5e, and OSE.

This is a Free event!

gd mar 18 ose.png


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Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News March 20-26, 2023

New Release
Shadow of the Demon Lord Bundle
Schwalb Entertainment

Shadow of the Demon Lord opens a door to an imaginary world held in the grip of a cosmic destroyer. Now bundled together for extra savings.


We are proud to be involved in the latest Steam Festival.
Digital Tabletop Fest: Blood & Dice
March 23-27, 2023 starts at 1 PM Pacific

The 3rd reprise of Steam's Digital Tabletop Fest is focused on Fantasy, Horror, Versus, and War Games. Celebrate these Board, Card, and Tabletop Games through exclusive Let’s Plays, In-Depth Panels with Notable Figures from the community, and Savings on the Games We Love to Play.

Tune in for some Let's Plays & Panels.


🎲Steam Spring Sale
March 16-23, 2023 10 am Pacific

Spring into Savings


🎲Fantasy Grounds Friday
with Host Bryce Mousseau
and Special Guest Dominic Morta
from SmiteWorks

Friday at 2 pm Eastern,
Streaming on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Steam, & Facebook.

FGF AD 2023 - DOMINIC.jpg

Fantasy Grounds Game Day
March 23rd

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
This week's games are D&D5e and Pathfinder 2.

This is a Free event!
Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn

gd Mar 23 pf .png

D&D Adventurers League on Fantasy Grounds
Game Day

March 25th

Player sign-ups are now live on Warhorn!
This is a Free event!

dnd al.png
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Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News March 27-April 2, 2023

🎲This Week's Fantasy Grounds
New Releases!

♦Fantasy Grounds Store

ALL NEW RELEASES 03-27-23.jpg

New Release
FG Completed Maps Pack 3
SmiteWorks USA, LLC

This map pack consists of 9 completed 25x25 maps that can be used on their own or combined to create a single massive seamless map. This map pack is also completely integrated and seamless when combined with Completed Maps Pack.


New Release
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Gatewalkers AP 3: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires
Paizo Inc.

The gatewalkers' quest for answers reaches its exciting conclusion when they return to the spooky town of Lepidstadt for a reunion with their cryptic employer, the eminent researcher Dr. Ritalson. The occasion turns sour, however, when the characters discover that matters at home have been far from quiet. The final leg of the party's quest to unravel their memory gaps and fulfill Sakuachi's destiny takes them to the Crown of the World, where ice-rimed temples, dream-devouring monsters, and ancient alien evils await.

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Gatewalkers AP 3: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires for Fantasy Grounds


New Release
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Lost Omens: Firebrands
Paizo Inc.

The Firebrands were born in the flames of rebellion, eventually becoming some of the Inner Sea's most well-known adventurers. Lost Omens Firebrands takes a detailed look at the characters that choose to take on oppressors or simply head out on adventures for fame and fortune. This book presents information on the Firebrands organization, from membership to spreading the word of rebellion, to the missions to defeat tyranny, and the types of daredevil antics they perform for fun. Features new rules content including new equipment, magic items, spells, and support for archetypes for players who want to play a Firebrand in their campaigns!


New Release
Pathfinder RPG- Pathfinder Companion Osirion Land of Pharaohs
Paizo Inc.

The race is on to discover the lost treasures of ancient Osirion, seat of the Pharaohs of antiquity. Scoundrels, archaeologists, Pathfinders, and foreigners scour the sand-choked pyramids and temples of this once mighty kingdom. Pathfinder Companion: Osirion, Land of Pharaohs provides a comprehensive overview of Osirion from its star-crossed ancient history to its treacherous modern politics. A complete gazetteer of the nation's teeming, monument-laden capital of Sothis provides a great resource for player characters from--and for Game Masters running campaigns set in--the pulp-inspired nation of Osirion.

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion Osirion Land of Pharaohs for Fantasy Grounds


New Release
Darktide's Night
Gooey Cube

The Red Star looms high in the night sky and the world is bathed in an angry crimson glow. The forest is alive with the noises of beasts - and worse - as the magicks of Darktide and the leering red face staring down from above whips them into a frenzy. Specters and apparitions glide amongst the wagons while the shuffling steps of soulless wanderers can be heard just beyond the lantern's light. What will you do?

Darktide's Night for Fantasy Grounds


New Release
Big Apple Sewer Samurai

This is a love letter to the action cartoons of the 80s and 90s. More specifically a toolkit for Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition) to emulate the fun and mayhem of the Saturday morning animated shows. Whether you plan to use the included micro setting or create your own inspired by your favorite show, you'll find everything you need to play.

Big Apple Sewer Samurai for Fantasy Grounds


New Release
Wee Folk
Mythic Portal Games

24 halflings and gnomes each placed in one of four different border variants. No matter your Wee Folk PC / NPC needs (Adventurers, Townsfolk, etc.) Mythic Portal Games has you covered.

Wee Folk for Fantasy Grounds


New Release
Mythic Portal Games

24 beautifully drawn Tieflings and Aasimar tokens. Each token has been presented in seven thematically appropriate border variants. Fill your game with all the otherworldly might and majesty of the Planetouched!

Planetouched for Fantasy Grounds


New Release
Spectacular Settlements
Nord Games LLC

An engine of inspiration, Spectacular Settlements will help you create all manner of places to populate the worlds in which you play, be they existing settings, or your very own.

Spectacular Settlements for Fantasy Grounds


New Release
Fey Encounters
Grim Press

Fey Encounters is a collection of 60 random encounters set in the Fey Realm for fifth-edition fantasy. These encounters are designed to capture the whimsical yet dangerous atmosphere the Fey are known for. This is an ideal companion for a campaign based in the Fey Realm.

Fey Encounters for Fantasy Grounds


New Release
Paizo Map Packs

Game Masters shouldn't waste their time sketching maps. With Pathfinder Map Packs, you'll always have maps ready for your adventurers!
Classic Pub Crawl Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Flip-Map - Classic Pub Crawl for Fantasy Grounds


🎲On Sale This Week

♦Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store

ALL SALES 03-27-23.jpg

Fantasy Grounds Game Days

March 30th
Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
The games are D&D5e, Traveller, and Savage Worlds.
Traveller: Mission to Mithril [Play to Learn]
5e: Beneath The Black Rose [Streamed - No Webcams]
SWADE: Saga of the Goblin Horde

gd Mar 30 dnd.png

April 1st

The games are D&D5e and Starfinder.
5e: Curse of the Wraith King [Streamed - No Webcams]
SF One-Shot #4: Before the Storm [Play to Learn]
5e: Shadows on the Long Road [Streamed- No Webcams]
These are Free events!

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Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News April 3-9, 2023

🎲This Week's Fantasy Grounds

New Releases!

Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store - VTT modules

ALL NEW RELEASES 04-03-23.jpg

New Release
D&D Tyranny of Dragons
Wizards of the Coast

THE RETURN OF TIAMAT! Defy the Queen of Evil Dragons in this adventure for the world's greatest roleplaying game. Tyranny of Dragons combines and refines two action-packed Dungeons & Dragons adventures-- Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat --into a single sweeping campaign. It also includes a gallery of concept art providing a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of an epic adventure spotlighting Tiamat, one of the most legendary foes in D&D.


New Release
Savage Rifts(R): Arcana & Mysticism
Pinnacle Entertainment Group

Transcend your limits. All Legionnaires know of the vile Federation of Magic and its vendetta against the Coalition States, but few comprehend the eldritch powers found further abroad... What do your Legionnaires know of the Spirit West--the Techno-Wizards of Arzno, the Native American Preserves, or the glory of Tryth-Sal? What do they understand of Lazlo and the territories it defends? What do they truly know about the political machinations splitting the Magic Zone apart? Unleash your power. Savage Rifts(R) North America: Arcana & Mysticism gives players the tools to dive deep into the magical side of Rifts(R). New Iconic Frameworks and M.A.R.S. Packages--such as the Dragon Juicer, Psi-Warrior, and Zapper--plus new gear and vehicles--like the Arzno Jackrabbit and the Dweomer Colossus--provide players access to new realms of mystical might. For Game Masters, new Savage Tales and over 30 new creatures flesh out the threats found in these far-flung magical realms. The Plot Point Campaign Souls of Darkness integrates mysterious Psyscape into Castle Refuge's alliances and rivalries. This epic adventure reshapes the Tomorrow Legion's role on Rifts(R) Earth!


New Release
Deep Magic
Kobold Press

Unlimited spellpower!
Deep Magic is here at last.
Contains some of the strangest, most wondrous, and most powerful arcane and divine magic ever devised, ready for use in any #Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign.


New Release
AAW Games

As Above, So Below

Deep in the Baevonian Mountains stands a monolithic spire of stone, peppered with ancient ruins, and mostly forgotten.
The spire contains a temple complex rich in history and steeped in the mysteries of the past, untouched for a millennium, but it is not without its dangers, for ancient evil stagnates within.

This is Rultmoork, where, according to legend, the very land died to the sound of a single falling tear.
Rultmoork is a deluxe adventure about duality. It is challenging, deadly, and intended for 4-6 characters of levels 5-7.


New Release
Cyberpunk Red - Tales of the RED: Street Stories
R. Talsorian Games Inc.

Night City is a big place, full of wild parties, dead bodies, and neon lights. Beneath the thin layer of advertising and grime, it's got some tales to tell. Stories of vicious gangs, hellbent artificial intelligence, and love. You'll get to meet suave mercenaries and movie stars, and even take a ride in a submarine. You'll fight cyberpsychos, dirty reporters, rival Edgerunners, and a high-flying assault team.

The city is voracious. It needs more bodies to chew on, and you'll supply them --one way or another. Seemingly simple jobs spiral wildly out of control, and herculean tasks can be solved with a single bullet. It's your city. It hates you. It loves you. And you can't help but feel the same. There's adventure to be had here, and if you know what's good for you, you've gotta experience it, Choomba.


New Release
Undead and Loving It
Mythic Portal Games, LLC.

Mythic Portal is proud to bring you Undead & Loving It in our ongoing & popular series of PC, NPC, and Monster tokens.

Show your players in gorgeous detail the finality of the grave by filling your next adventure with Banshee, Ghasts, Liches, Vampires, and more. Included are a host of 26 deadly opponents returned from beyond the mortal coil. Additionally, each token has been presented in several thematically appropriate border variants.


New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Player Companion: Goblins of Golarion
Paizo Inc.

We Be Goblins!

The goblins are on the loose! Unleash the homicidal hijinks of Golarion's most maniacal menaces with this guide to all things goblin. Infamous for their unpredictable attacks, catchy raiding songs, and fear of horses, goblins blend mischief and murderousness like no other monsters. But there's more to goblins than dogslicers and games of killgull. Now you can join in the quirky carnage with everything you need to know about goblins, whether you plan to do battle against their unpredictable tribes, or lead them as a goblin hero!


New Release
Deepnight Revelation Core Set
Mongoose Publishing

A grand 20-year campaign into deep space, commanding the exploration cruiser Deepnight Revelation.

The Deepnight Entity

It was alive when the stars were young. It saw the birth of galaxies, and it will see the death of the universe. It is growth and destruction; menace and saviour. It retreated into a prison of its own making, and there it waits. An exploration ship found the clues and was destroyed. A researcher touched its mind and was driven insane. What is it? We must know.


New Releases
Paizo Map Packs

Game Masters shouldn't waste their time sketching maps. With Pathfinder Map Packs, you'll always have maps ready for your adventurers!



Lost Island


🎲On Sale This Week

♦Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store
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Fantasy Grounds Game Day
April 6th

Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
This week's games are D&D5e and Star Trek.

5e: Hollows Last Hope [FG Beginner Friendly] [Streamed - No Webcams]
STA: The Rescue at Xerxes IV [Play to Learn]

This is a Free event!
Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn

gd apr 6 star trek.png

Paizo Organized Play on Fantasy Grounds
Pathfinder Society & Starfinder Society
April 8th

SFS 5-08: Tarnished Legacy: Star Sugar Superstar!!!
SF One-Shot #4: Before the Storm [Play to Learn] [Streamed - No
PFS2 Intro 1: The Second Confirmation [Play to Learn]
SF One-Shot #4: Before the Storm [Play to Learn] [Streamed - No Webcams]

Players only need the free Demo account to play.
Paizo Organized Play on Fantasy Grounds | Warhorn

paizo org play Apr 8 3 .png
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