Fantasy Grounds VTT
SmiteWorks USA LLC.
Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News May 15-21, 2023
This Week's Fantasy Grounds
New Releases!
♦Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store - VTT modules
New Release
D&D Classics: The Ruins of Undermountain (2E)
Wizards of the Coast
UNDERMOUNTAIN awaits you: the fabled and feared battleground of the Realms - "The Deepest Dungeon of them all"
DARE YOU FACE? Miles upon miles of deadly traps, glittering treasures, strange and cryptic rooms, and slithering, skulking, lurking monsters? They await you underneath Waterdeep!
New Release
Starfinder RPG - Adventure Path #50: Clockwork Demons (Drift Hackers 2 of 3)
Paizo Inc.
To begin restoring trust between the factions of a fractured Church of Triune, the heroes must get their leaders to agree to a summit. This meeting takes place in the city's most popular tavern, which doubles as a museum of clockworks. When the talks end, all sides agree that to restore Alluvion, they must first oust the heretical interlopers within the Temple of Triune. But suddenly, the clockwork exhibits lurch to life and the heroes must fight their way through the building to shut them all down. Afterward, the PCs travel up a river of elemental water to reach a secret entrance to the temple, where they must deal with the implacable guardian of Triune's holy computers. Clockwork Demons is a Starfinder adventure for four 9th-level characters, continuing the 3-volume Drift Hackers Adventure Path. Drift Hackers is part of the Drift Crisis, an event taking place across the entire Starfinder game line, in which faster-than-light travel breaks down and the galaxy is thrown into chaos.
New Release
Shadow of the Demon Lord Exquisite Agony
Schwalb Entertainment
What Wonders You Will See!
Somewhere far below Urth's surface lies a place of shadow and fire, a realm of exquisite agonies and terrible delights. Hell awaits all who bear corruption's stain on their souls, for it is a boundless repository for the damned, a place where every wickedness, every deviance, every sin is on full display along with the consequences for those actions. The devils, Hell's denizens, profit from mortal misdeeds and go to incredible lengths to lead mortals astray. While they readily destroy lives and laugh with glee at the rivers of tears and blood they create, they need the world as much as mortals do--for without it they too would be doomed. A shadow has fallen on Urth, a grim darkness cast by the Voice in the Void, and the devils wring their hands with worry. Some, perhaps, might set aside their appetites for evil to join forces and take a stand against the impossible foe.
New Release
Zobeck: The Clockwork City Collector Edition
Kobold Press
From the lofty towers of the Collegium to the dark and dirty docks--to the dangerous Underbelly of the city itself--this is Zobeck, the thriving, bustling free city at the crossroads of Midgard. Noted for its clockwork ingenuity and its cutthroat politics, all sorts flock toward the city's opportunities, merchants and travelers, rulers and refugees. Some stay and some only pass through, but everyone has an angle.
New Releases
Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Packs 1-3
Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 1 - The Undead
A collection of four Monstrous Pages based on the theme of the undead.
Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 2 - The Monstrous Humanoids
A collection of five Monstrous Pages based on the theme of monsters that walk on two feet.
Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 3 - The Faerie and the Genie
A collection of four Monstrous Pages based on the themes of faerie and genie.
New Release
Aegis of Empires 6: Knight Fall in Old Curgantium
Legendary Games
Doom Arises!
The glorious capital city of legendary Hyperborea fell to ruin two thousand years ago in a fiery night of destruction that burned half a continent and heralded the end of an ageless empire. New auguries brought a fellowship of valiant knights to the scorched ruins seeking an ancient danger that threatened the world anew, but those champions themselves disappeared among the broken stones of the shattered city. Now new heroes must take up their mantle, whether to rescue or avenge them and by all means to complete their desperate mission to forestall a new cataclysm. However, those daring to tread the ancient streets quickly discover that the ruins do not rest easy, and ancient memories can be as deadly as new perils in Old Curgantium.
New Releases
Arcadia Issues 014 & 015
MCDM Productions
Welcome to ARCADIA! Inspired by old-school tabletop magazines, ARCADIA is MCDM's digital magazine for 5th-edition GMs and players
Arcadia Issue 014
Arcadia Issue 015
On Sale This Week
♦Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store - VTT modules
Fantasy Grounds Game Day
May 18th
Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
The games are D&D5E, Savage Worlds Deadlands, and Pathfinder for Savage Worlds.
This is a Free event!
Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn
Fantasy Grounds Game Day
May 20th
Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
The games are D&D5E and Pathfinder2
This is a Free event!
Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn

New Releases!
♦Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store - VTT modules
New Release
D&D Classics: The Ruins of Undermountain (2E)
Wizards of the Coast
UNDERMOUNTAIN awaits you: the fabled and feared battleground of the Realms - "The Deepest Dungeon of them all"
DARE YOU FACE? Miles upon miles of deadly traps, glittering treasures, strange and cryptic rooms, and slithering, skulking, lurking monsters? They await you underneath Waterdeep!

D&D Classics: The Ruins of Undermountain (2E)
Feb 07, 2025 - D&D Classics: The Ruins of Undermountain (2E), the best D&D Classics - AD&D 1E/2E VTT Accessory by Wizards of the Coast for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
New Release
Starfinder RPG - Adventure Path #50: Clockwork Demons (Drift Hackers 2 of 3)
Paizo Inc.
To begin restoring trust between the factions of a fractured Church of Triune, the heroes must get their leaders to agree to a summit. This meeting takes place in the city's most popular tavern, which doubles as a museum of clockworks. When the talks end, all sides agree that to restore Alluvion, they must first oust the heretical interlopers within the Temple of Triune. But suddenly, the clockwork exhibits lurch to life and the heroes must fight their way through the building to shut them all down. Afterward, the PCs travel up a river of elemental water to reach a secret entrance to the temple, where they must deal with the implacable guardian of Triune's holy computers. Clockwork Demons is a Starfinder adventure for four 9th-level characters, continuing the 3-volume Drift Hackers Adventure Path. Drift Hackers is part of the Drift Crisis, an event taking place across the entire Starfinder game line, in which faster-than-light travel breaks down and the galaxy is thrown into chaos.

Starfinder RPG - Adventure Path #50: Clockwork Demons (Drift Hackers 2 of 3)
Feb 07, 2025 - Starfinder RPG - Adventure Path #50: Clockwork Demons (Drift Hackers 2 of 3), the best Starfinder VTT Adventure by Paizo Inc. for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
New Release
Shadow of the Demon Lord Exquisite Agony
Schwalb Entertainment
What Wonders You Will See!
Somewhere far below Urth's surface lies a place of shadow and fire, a realm of exquisite agonies and terrible delights. Hell awaits all who bear corruption's stain on their souls, for it is a boundless repository for the damned, a place where every wickedness, every deviance, every sin is on full display along with the consequences for those actions. The devils, Hell's denizens, profit from mortal misdeeds and go to incredible lengths to lead mortals astray. While they readily destroy lives and laugh with glee at the rivers of tears and blood they create, they need the world as much as mortals do--for without it they too would be doomed. A shadow has fallen on Urth, a grim darkness cast by the Voice in the Void, and the devils wring their hands with worry. Some, perhaps, might set aside their appetites for evil to join forces and take a stand against the impossible foe.

Shadow of the Demon Lord Exquisite Agony
Feb 07, 2025 - Shadow of the Demon Lord Exquisite Agony, the best Shadow of the Demon Lord VTT Accessory for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
New Release
Zobeck: The Clockwork City Collector Edition
Kobold Press
From the lofty towers of the Collegium to the dark and dirty docks--to the dangerous Underbelly of the city itself--this is Zobeck, the thriving, bustling free city at the crossroads of Midgard. Noted for its clockwork ingenuity and its cutthroat politics, all sorts flock toward the city's opportunities, merchants and travelers, rulers and refugees. Some stay and some only pass through, but everyone has an angle.

Zobeck: The Clockwork City Collector Edition
Feb 07, 2025 - Zobeck: The Clockwork City Collector Edition, the best 5E Compatible VTT Adventure by Kobold Press for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
New Releases
Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Packs 1-3
Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 1 - The Undead
A collection of four Monstrous Pages based on the theme of the undead.

Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 1 - The Undead
Feb 07, 2025 - Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 1 - The Undead, the best Shadow of the Demon Lord VTT Accessory for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 2 - The Monstrous Humanoids
A collection of five Monstrous Pages based on the theme of monsters that walk on two feet.

Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 2 - The Monstrous Humanoids
Feb 07, 2025 - Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 2 - The Monstrous Humanoids, the best Shadow of the Demon Lord VTT Accessory for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 3 - The Faerie and the Genie
A collection of four Monstrous Pages based on the themes of faerie and genie.

Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 3 - The Faerie and the Genie
Feb 07, 2025 - Shadow of the Demon Lord Monstrous Pack 3 - The Faerie and the Genie, the best Shadow of the Demon Lord VTT Accessory for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
New Release
Aegis of Empires 6: Knight Fall in Old Curgantium
Legendary Games
Doom Arises!
The glorious capital city of legendary Hyperborea fell to ruin two thousand years ago in a fiery night of destruction that burned half a continent and heralded the end of an ageless empire. New auguries brought a fellowship of valiant knights to the scorched ruins seeking an ancient danger that threatened the world anew, but those champions themselves disappeared among the broken stones of the shattered city. Now new heroes must take up their mantle, whether to rescue or avenge them and by all means to complete their desperate mission to forestall a new cataclysm. However, those daring to tread the ancient streets quickly discover that the ruins do not rest easy, and ancient memories can be as deadly as new perils in Old Curgantium.

Aegis of Empires 6: Knight Fall in Old Curgantium for Fantasy Grounds
May 17, 2023 - Aegis of Empires 6: Knight Fall in Old Curgantium, the best Pathfinder RPG and D&D 3.5/ OGL VTT Adventure by Legendary Games for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
New Releases
Arcadia Issues 014 & 015
MCDM Productions
Welcome to ARCADIA! Inspired by old-school tabletop magazines, ARCADIA is MCDM's digital magazine for 5th-edition GMs and players
Arcadia Issue 014

Arcadia Issue 014
Feb 07, 2025 - Arcadia Issue 014, the best 5E Compatible VTT Accessory by MCDM Productions, LLC for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.
Arcadia Issue 015

Arcadia Issue 015
Feb 07, 2025 - Arcadia Issue 015, the best 5E Compatible VTT Accessory by MCDM Productions, LLC for online or local play with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop.

♦Fantasy Grounds Store Fantasy Grounds Unity Store - VTT modules
Fantasy Grounds Game Day
May 18th
Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
The games are D&D5E, Savage Worlds Deadlands, and Pathfinder for Savage Worlds.
This is a Free event!
Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn
Fantasy Grounds Game Day
May 20th
Try out new rulesets and Fantasy Grounds.
The games are D&D5E and Pathfinder2
This is a Free event!
Fantasy Grounds Game Days | Warhorn
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