Press Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News October 30- November 5, 2023

Fantasy Grounds

SmiteWorks USA LLC.
Fantasy Grounds New Releases, Sales, & News October 30- November 5, 2023

FG Con 2023

Player sign-ups are live.

Only need a free Fantasy Grounds Demo account to play in most games.



New Release
FG Haunted Interiors Map Pack
SmiteWorks USA, LLC
This map pack consists of nearly 100 images that can be used to create or enhance existing maps to more classic haunted interiors. Such as haunted houses, forbidden crypts, and so on.
FG Haunted Interiors Map Pack for Fantasy Grounds

FG Haunted Interiors Map Pack(SWKARTPACKHNTDINTRS).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Rusthenge
Paizo Inc.
Rusthenge is a deluxe Pathfinder adventure for 1st-level characters.
The ruins of Rusthenge have stood silent vigil over the southern coastline of Chakikoth Isle for eons, dating back to the era of the Runelords of ancient Thassilon. The town of Iron Harbor was built in Rusthenge's shadow, but now that New Thassilon has risen from the depths of the distant past, the old ruins are coming under unexpected scrutiny. Something sinister is afoot in Rusthenge, and it falls to a brand new band of adventurers to learn the truth of the ancient evil that stirs deep within its long-abandoned halls! This adventure also includes new items and character backgrounds, as well as a pair of new monsters tied to the region's notorious history.
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure: Rusthenge for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder 2 RPG - Pathfinder Adventure Rusthenge (PZOSMWPZO9564FG).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Flip-Tiles - Villain Lairs set
Paizo Inc.
What's a villain to do without a proper lair? How will they vex and torment heroes if they don't have an appropriately diabolic home to hide out in? Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Villain Lairs provides beautifully illustrated 6 by 6 map tiles that can be configured to your taste whenever the party finally confronts the adventure's villain in their domain!
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Flip-Tiles - Villain Lairs set for Fantasy Grounds

Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Flip-Tiles - Villain Lairs set (PZOSMWPZO4096FG).jpg

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Arcane Anthology
Paizo Inc.
Throw the Book at Them!
If knowledge is power, then the eldritch secrets presented in Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology represent significant sources of potential might! From magus and wizard spellbooks to alchemist formula books to mystical options for bards, bloodragers, sorcerers, and witches, this volume presents tomes of spells and uncanny knowledge written and recorded by Golarion's mightiest arcane casters. In addition to new spells and secrets of spell preparation found in spellbooks such as the collected Analects of Aroden, the Wisdom of Jatembe, and the Runes of Wealth, this Player Companion also includes archetypes, feats, and character options for PCs of nearly every character class.
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Arcane Anthology for Fantasy Grounds

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Blood of Shadows
Paizo Inc.
Rule the Dark!
Embrace the shadows! Whether from the subterranean wilds of the Darklands or otherworldly realms of absolute shadow, heroes can rise from the darkest places. Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Shadows explores the strange paths and subtle abilities empowered by darkness. Discover the secrets of drow, fetchlings, and wayangs--races infused with lightless powers. Within this player-friendly volume are options and secrets for characters of every class, including a penumbral psychic discipline, shadowy rogue talents, and an oracle mystery that plumb the depths of darkness.
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Blood of Shadows for Fantasy Grounds

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Armor Master's Handbook
Paizo Inc.
Test Your Metal!
The most experienced combatants know the best offense is a good defense--and the best defenders get the most from their armor with Pathfinder Player Companion: Armor Master's Handbook! From methods of scribing spells onto pieces of armor to a plethora of different ways to use a shield, this guide has new options for every iron-clad hero, giving steely-nerved adventurers all the tools they need to escape any scrap unscathed.
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Armor Master's Handbook for Fantasy Grounds

New Release
Pathfinder RPG - Pathfinder Companion: Magic Tactics Toolbox
Paizo Inc.
Master Your Magic!
Magic can do anything, but good tactics are the key to using it effectively. Hone your methods of spellcasting to a razor edge with Pathfinder Player Companion: Magic Tactics Toolbox! This handy volume includes effective spell strategies to augment allies, control the battlefield, or just blast foes--along with plenty of new spells and other rules options designed to work with these eldritch tactics.


🎲On Sale This Week
October 30- November 5, 2023

in the
Fantasy Grounds Store

Fantasy Grounds Store - VTT modules

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