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Favorite "Home Base" Rules?

aramis erak

What were your favorite home base or stronghold building rules you ever encountered or used?

Any system, any edition.
Pendragon I've used 1e's Nobles Book, 4e's Lordly Domains, and 5e's Book of the Manor. Each is great in different ways. Eventually, I settled on a hybrid of the three.

I used the covenant rules from Ars Magica 4e.

Vaesen, my players didn't engage with the base building all that well.

I can't say any of them are great, but those are all at least good.

I've also used TTNE's World Tamer's Handbook, for TTNE... it was mediocre

In T2K, none of my groups wanted to settle in. two did start revamping their stolen BTR-60 into RVs...

Edit: Bloodtide reminded me, I, too, have used the landholding in the D&D Cyclopedia. They worked, not great, not horrible, but provide fewer adventure hooks than Pendragon.

I can't tell y'all about the one I did like, it's still under NDA.
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I generally do not have rules save that I do not burn the town down until after 10th level. There may be NPCs taken or a rampaging giant attacking outlying farms, but the home base is safe for a while until the PCs really care for it.


I found the Organizations rules in the True20 Experts Handbook to be interesting and quite effective. There's a lot of diversity among organizations, and they can range in size from a small company of 3-5 players to a horde with 330k+ members. Designed for a universal RPG, those rules present a different take on organizations with great variety; from medieval guilds to the crews of collosal, far future capital ship. Organziations have some of the traits of the 3 core roles (classes), by virtue of having reputations and even save bonuses. Those rules also feature ways for organizations to engage in financial, social and military conflicts. Quite crunchy, but also cool; T20 organizations proved to be fun as medieval and renaissance like institutions in my Midgard World adaptation, and as cults and Investigator and NPC lodges in my Shadows of Cthulhu campaign.

I also liked Green Ronin's Realms and Organizations for the Dragon Age RPG. Much simpler, but somewhat similar to T20's, in that organizations had some character-like traits. That said, in general their features were more specfic to the lore, cultures and politics of Dragon Age's continent of Thedas.


A suffusion of yellow
My favourite at the moment would be Princess World: Frontier Kingdoms - a very whimsical hack of Blades in the Dark with no playbooks where you play a group of magical princesses establishing a new frontier kingdom.

for more traditional games I do like the Pathfinder Kingdom/Settlement rules (Ultimate Campaign Guide), and have been using them with my own modifications.


The 3E Kingdoms of Kalamar Arms and Equipment Guide had a section on strongholds and keeps, that was pretty succinct and simple. As an aside the Atlas they produced for that setting late 2002, early 2003 was gorgeous.

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