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Features for PD 2.0


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As I get more involed I'd be interested to know who sort of features and changes people would like to see the Netbook of Planes rules for Plane Descriptions (see attached). Some requests include:

* Additional information on the Outer Planes mentioned in PD (Freedom , Tyranny, etc).

* Stat blocks for Planes was requested by an anonymous source. There is some merit to this: having all the information about a plane summarised in one place at the start of the description. Thoughts?

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I agree with the stat-block idea, but we're more than half way there already.
With a couple slight tweaks, we're even closer...

Size Type (subtype)
Denizens( %humanoids, %aberrations, %outsiders, etc)
Plane Description


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Hi Khorod,

Nice to hear from you again. How are you?

I agree with you on stat blocks, although I was thinking more along the lines of:

Size Type (subtype)
Plane Description

What about thoughts for the Outer Planes? Do we want to include them or rely on other cosmologies?


First Post
Oh, still alive. Working on a whole new paradigm for demons, etc.

On the stat-blocks, we pretty much have the same thing. Its not really debatable, just a matter of putting the short mechanical parts before the long flavor parts.

I just added the line on population dynamics because I figured it would be a nice 'lookup' thing for a plane. Is their going to be a city of displaced Moon Elves here? Is it all Oozes? An so on.


Plane Descriptions itself could do with a couple example planes, but I think showcasing a slew of Outer Planes should be in the netbook itself. The reason why everyone wants to see them is that outer planes, as the most conceptual and unnatural, are the true test and representation of any planar system.

Plane Descriptions has always been about flexible, core rules for any cosmology. Including some brief information and guidance on the fundamental sorts of Outer Planes makes perfect sense. Elaborate Outer planes, exotic Outer-Planar concepts, and advice on making them strikes me as a long article to be placed after Plane Design.

Freedom and Bliss are two great concepts for such an article, but I'd stick to the basics for PD itself - heaven, hell, elements, shadow, astral, and so forth. All rpg-ers can relate to such things, while 'Bliss' is even more abstract.

You asked :)


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Hi Khorod,

looking forward to reading your updated demon paradigm. Any sneak previews or are you going to keep us in suspense? :)

Outer Planes: I think I agree with you: I'll add some details for a generic fantasy heaven and hell plus the others. Does that mean you think the other suggested outer planes (Freedom, Bliss) belong elsewhere of should I still mention them?

At the moment I'm working on a plan to revise the way we work on and publish the Netbook of Planes, linked somewhat to my new web application to replace PHP-Nuke I'm working on (Xiki). My idea is to publish online using a Wiki-like site. Instead of posting to the mailing list or message board, you log on, copy-and-paste to Xiki and publish. More later :)

One last thing, I made several posts to the NboPl mailing list last week and nobody replied to any of them. Khorod, could you help get things started and reply to a couple?



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I think mentions of 'Bliss' and 'Freedom' should not be much more than teasers for information elsewhere. Like I said, High Concept Plane design could be an article in and of itself. Your existing plane design article, while very good, is oriented for more concrete plane design, with an angle toward planar-civilization.

Personal Definition: Planar-Civilization Multiverses are like Planescape- the planes are basically different continents in a wide world, rather than more intense and surreal.


My demon thoughts are coming together, Ill be starting one or more threads on them in the future. It involves a campaign setting in which they are a major, continuous threat, and have been for about a century.

My demons are less D&D and Buffy, and more Raymond Feist, David Eddings, Terry Brooks, Piers Anthony, and my own conceptions of what the spawn of the hells should be. It includes several base breeds, several base types, and a Demonic 'Racial Mold' - basically a character class that requires the demonic subtype (or whatever) to advance in it.

That's pretty vague, but they breathe fear and feed on life-energy. So it's all good... er...


Wiki Xiki?
Never heard of these crazy terms. Can't wait to see.
I'm planning on playing with PHP-nuke some in the coming months, what exactly is Xiki supposed to do?


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Planes in PD: I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the differences between Plane Design and High Concept Planes?

Demons: Sounds good :) I always thought the D&D demons could use a revamp. I especially like the idea of Demons breathing fear and feeding on life energy (like all demons should ! :)).

Xiki: Is a PHPNuke-like project I'm writing myself to create a content management system that is much more flexible and modular. Hopefully, it will have everything that PHP-Nuke has and more. As for Wiki, check the link in my last post.

Thanks for posting those replies to the mailing list. I'll send some of my own replies this evening.

Moonsword: No hear yet? How goes your template writing?


First Post
I like the demons, too :)

As for my templates, they should be ready in a few days. The half-anarchs and half-symmetrions should be ready by then. For now, I'm going to try and put up some flavor text.


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Admittedly, I don't have any grand notions on HC planes.

Offhand, I would say the major features of such an article would be instruction in the creation of appropriate special properties, adapting celestials/fiends/etc to the nuances of different planes, and how new concept planes might affect the multiverse and the mortal realms.

Probably all of this done through a slew of examples- Liberty, Bliss, Terror, and so on. Most of these would actually make more sense as layers...

I'd also tack on a note on multiverse design- if you keep adding such strange planes without predetermining the reason for their presence it will probably be pretty silly looking.


First Post
Khorod: Interesting thoughts on sub-layers: having different sub-concepts as sub-layers: Liberty as a sub-plane of Freedom. Very good. I think we have the concept for a simple, Great Wheel-like cosmology already - nine Outer Planes for nine alignments, Inner Planes, all bound by the Ethereal/Astral Plane.

I think Multiverse Design would be an article wholly and completely seperate to Plane Design. I wrote Plane Design as a simple guide for avoiding the pit-falls of plane design (e.g. special property glut) whilst giving some hints as to the basic types of planes that already exists. Designing cosmologies would require a wholly different set of tools and concepts.

Moonsword: Cool, looking forward to it.

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