
What are your plans for illustration? In monster manuals, adventures, settings, and anything else needing them. Are these going to be tied in as part of the rules again? Will I be able to hold up pictures and say "Your characters see this"? Will the pictures in adventures be part of the process of play again? -potentially to be revealed through the play of the adventure.

What are your plans for illustration? In monster manuals, adventures, settings, and anything else needing them. Are these going to be tied in as part of the rules again? Will I be able to hold up pictures and say "Your characters see this"? Will the pictures in adventures be part of the process of play again? -potentially to be revealed through the play of the adventure.

Jon has a question for you: What do you want to read about next in this column? Yes, you have a chance to ask questions regarding D&D art and design topics you want him to address or make suggestions for upcoming columns, so come forth and type away!

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