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D&D 5E FGG Lost Lands: Borderlands is 5e

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Charles Wright

First Post
Any other questions about the setting?

Outside of being a member of the Frog God Games company, I am a fan of 5E and I personally want our company to support this ruleset. I'm hoping that enough of you want this to continue as well.

And we're starting the 5E campaign books off with the part of the setting that fans of Necromancer Games have been wanting fleshed out for years now (The Borderland Provinces).

As Matt said in a recent update in response to questions being asked on the Kickstarter:

(5) Will Bard's Gate be converted for Fifth Edition?

That depends entirely on this Kickstarter's success with 5th edition players. We won't have a clue until people tell us on Backer Kit which version of the books they want, so I can't even hazard a guess.

And that doesn't just go for Bard's Gate, either. If enough people want them, the older material will see conversion as well.

Weird question (maybe answered elsewhere) but as a backer, what if I pick 5E and like...say....5 other people do? Or what if that happens for Pathfinder or S&W? How will that work out for you logistically? I am of course rooting for the idea that you get a ton of 5E backers in because I'd really like to see the other Lost Lands books in 5E format as well as future works, but curious about your strategy for handling this.

Charles Wright

First Post
Logistically it would work out that we have a ton of books to warehouse because we would have to meet a minimum print run and wind up costing us more in the long run just to keep the books. (Not to mention that selling 5 copies won't even cover the cost of printing.)

Let's say our minimum print run is 500 copies and we sell 5 copies of the book. That would mean warehousing 495 books for who-knows-how-long until they sell.

Now, if we sell 400 copies and we have an overprint of 100 books? That's good, we know that we'll sell those 100 overflow copies soon-ish because there are always people that missed the kickstarter.

That's why it's so important to gauge interest now. We can't keep making 5E conversions that don't sell enough to turn a profit or at least cover costs.


First Post
Just a friendly bump. Still $4,000 shy of the goal. I've backed for the Provinces hardback book. Gotta support as many 5E resources as I can, especially for campaign settings.


Where is the Slumbering Tsar in relation to this setting? One of our group has been converting Rappan Athuk for us to run, and I find it fun, but I hear so much enthusiasm about Slumbering Tsar that I would really like for him to take a look at it. Since he started with RA, I figure he's got dibs on "The Lost Lands" setting to run his campaigns in, so I let him know about the kickstarter. If he doesn't back it, I might just get it for him.


First Post
Hopefully either Bill, Matt or Greg will come answer your question. But if I recall correctly the Borderland Provinces are south of the location of Slumbering Tsar.


Greg V

First Post
Jerry is correct. Rappan Athuk and the Borderland Provinces are all located on our Sinnar Coast region map as are Lost City of Barakus, Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms, all of the old Hawkmoon modules from Necromancer Games, a bunch of the adventures in Quests of Doom Vol. 1 and 2, Trouble at Durbenford (more or less), The Mires of Mourning, and many other titles from Frog God Games and Necromancer Games.

Tsar, on the other hand, is about midway up the Gulf of Akados region map which is heavily featured in Sword of Air. The Gulf of Akados region includes not only Slumbering Tsar and the many disparate locations of Sword of Air but also covers Bard's Gate, the Stoneheart Mountains (including the upcoming Mountains of Madness), Stoneheart Valley (which includes the old NG classics The Wizard's Amulet, The Crucible of Freya, and Tomb of Abysthor), the old Grey Citadel modules from NG and FGG, and the southernmost extremes of the areas covered in the recently completed Northlands Saga Kickstarter.

The Sinnar Coast and Gulf of Akados do align together with the Gulf of Akados map's southern edge meeting up with the Sinnar Coast map's northern edge (though they are slightly offset to cover more landmass and less open water of the gulf).

Both the Sinnar Coast poster map and the Gulf of Akados poster map are available for sale on the Frog God Games website, and I believe we still have vellum copies of one and maybe both of them as well. Both poster maps are also available as add-ons to the Borderland Provinces Kickstarter.


First Post
There are 18 days left and just under $4200 to reach the goal of $45,000. The stretch goals are nice, and The Blight KS in December sounds exciting, but we need to clear this one first.

Voidrunner's Codex

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