D&D (2024) Find Familiar, the Alert feat, and the loss of the fly-by Owl.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
For many builds over the past ten years, it has been useful in combat for martials to have a familiar. Playtest changes will alter that. Please help me think through how the changes will work for playing Rogues in 2024 (assuming things stay as we’ve seen them).

In 2014, Find Familiar (which a rogue could get through Arcane Trickster, Magic Initiate, or a wizard-dip) gave you a creature (a) with its own initiative count, (b) that could have flyby (if an Owl). It meant some finessing to get the two to interact RAW, and most DMs I’m sure fudged it, but it was possible. With what we’ve seen in the playtest, both these variables have changed.

The Druid-and-Paladin UA has a revised Find Familiar, with a template, giving the caster a choice between land (+2 AC)/air (fly speed)/water (swim speed), that scales with the spell-level used. But it now works on the player’s initiative, moving after the player, and doesn’t have flyby.

Assuming this is going to stay, let’s sort through some permutations of a Rogue using a familiar to get advantage on Sneak Attack. (For each time the Familiar Helps, it can also Dodge and not continue moving; that allows SA without Advantage, and leaves it vulnerable)

  • Rogue Readies an action, to attack once the Familiar Helps
  • (Rogue also moves, uses Cunning Action, but can’t Hide).
  • Familiar moves and Helps
  • Rogue uses reaction to Sneak attack (with Advantage).
  • Familiar may continue moving, risking opportunity attack.
PLUS: All on player’s turn. MINUS: Uses reaction (uncanny dodge not available), Cunning action not available after attack (Rogue not hidden).

  • Rogue Attacks without SA (or using an Ally or whatever). Bonus Action to Hide (Cunning Action).
  • Familiar moves and Helps.
  • Familiar may continue moving, risking opportunity attack.
  • Monster goes (possibly attacking the Familiar).
  • On the next turn, Rogue gets Sneak Attack (with Advantage), and may hide again afterwards
PLUS: Cunning Action available after attack, reaction available for uncanny Dodge. MINUS: Takes a turn to set up (battlefield changes), Familiar vulnerable.

CAVEAT: Familiars working on the caster’s initiative: does this mean that the order can be swapped with the Alert feat (as presented in the Character-Origins UA)? The Familiar is an ally and always goes after the player. I think this is exactly what the feat is meant to do, and rewarding an Alert rogue makes sense, but it requires an investment (“feat tax”) – this will also help Beastmaster Rangers (and should).
  • In turn 1, everyone rolls initiative, and the Alert Rogue switches order with their familiar
  • On its turn, the Familiar moves and Helps.
  • Familiar may continue moving, risking opportunity attack.
  • Rogue moves and Attacks (with Advantage), and may hide again afterwards.
PLUS: All on Player’s turn, Cunning Action available after attack, reaction available for uncanny Dodge. MINUS: Feat tax.

  • Player uses Bonus action to use Steady Aim, does not move, and Attacks with advantage.
  • Familiar does its own thing (dodging, Helping another ally, whatever).
PLUS: All on player’s turn, Familiar safe, reaction available for uncanny Dodge. MINUS: Cunning action not available, Move not available (may add issues of cover, etc.).

All of these options require trade-offs, which perhaps is as it should be. Without risking a Familiar, you can get advantage if you give up your Move and Bonus Action, losing one of the most powerful Rogue abilities in Cunning Action. Easier perhaps for a ranged Rogue (=4). With a Familiar, you can Spend your Reaction and do it all in one turn, losing access to Uncanny Dodge (=1), or spread over two turns and keep your Reaction (=2). Or you can spend a feat to become Alert (=3).

Assuming the DM lets you switch places with your Familiar with the Alert feat, the feat becomes a great investment for any level-1 Rogue, and a Human Rogue (with an extra feat) is very viable – losing Darkvision for Alert becomes a reasonable trade.

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Hard to say about the familiar. Though druid 2 can summon one each short rest.

But also, since hiding is now a DC 15, any level 7+ rogue can get advantage with a bonus action and a wall.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Good point -- I hadn't factored the easier hiding. I don't think this changes things for using Familiars though.
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Familiars can take 2 hits, and just use the help action for your allies.

That's not bad for a level 1 slot that doesn't take actions in combat.

Also, melee rogue can Nick and still bonus action disengage. Plus Vex.

So the loss of fly-by is mostly made up for one way or another.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Familiars can take 2 hits, and just use the help action for your allies.

That's not bad for a level 1 slot that doesn't take actions in combat.
Also, melee rogue can Nick and still bonus action disengage.
Yup -- that gives another shot at getting SA, and comparable to getting advantage when using Dagger or Scimitar.
Plus Vex.
A Vex weapon (Rapier and Shortsword) gives advantage on the next attack. So these weapons present an alternative to (2) using a familiar.

So the loss of fly-by is mostly made up for one way or another.
Yes, this is my point. Just thinking through what one way and another might be.



I am all for martials not having a familiar to begin with. I think that always has been a bug, not a feature.
Instead I think weapon masteries should fill the gap and allow them to work on their own, not needing such gimmicks.
masteries should be like at-will maneuvers known, depending what can be used with what weapon.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I am not so sure the Druid-and-Paladin UA version of Find Familiar is going to make it to print. I don’t remember it being one of the things they really discussed the reception to, but we haven’t seen it in a UA since wild shape templates were scrapped. Also, in UA 5 (before the feedback on the Druid-and-Paladin UA was fully in), the first warlock draft had its Pact Familiar cantrip that worked similarly to the Druid-and-Paladin UA’s Find Familiar, with a scaling template that had small variations based on chosen creature type. But come UA 7 (after the Druid-and-Paladin UA feedback was in and wild shape templates were scrapped), the revised warlock went back to having an invocation that could grant regular Find Familiar, and allowed you to summon other monsters when you use it. The real kicker is that the other monsters went back to referencing monster manual stat blocks instead of having templates provided by the feature.

So, I suspect find familiar is going back to giving us a menu of monster manual stat blocks. Or, since a lot of beast stat blocks will be going in the PHB for druid, maybe it will reference those. Either way, I suspect the owl will be back on the menu. Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do change it to acting right after the caster instead of having its own initiative.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
I was wondering about that. I think they might keep it -- they're going to for Beastmaster, and really this is the closest there'll be. And I think they like their pocket-dimension solution for keeping things around.

At the same time, they did specify that the Warlock will have access to special familiars (including a skeleton! -- AWESOME), and so the beast blocks are a possibility (which could also then be available for Druid Wild Shape options, which would be good -- not everything needs to be a combat form.


I've always hated he way the find familiar spell gets abused for situations exactly as described in the OP, so I can't say that I am sad about the changes. I also hate that familiars are more ubiquitous in the 2024 rules. Familiars are a pain in the butt, unbalanced, and allow players to hog the mic.

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