D&D 5E my First Eberron campaign!


New Publisher
Fair enough! I haven't done a lightning rail adventure since that one, so it might be time to throw in another one. (That is to say, the PCs have ridden the lightning rail a few times since, but it's just been an uneventful way to get from A to B.)
I mean, I do sell a Riding the Rails conversion with maps.....just sayin' (note, I am not here to shill, but my wife chastised me the other day for not doing so). (also, I have some thoughts here: https://mikesixel.com/riding-the-rails-learnings-and-update/ )

Actually, I think any good city adventures is what I'm looking for......


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I mean, I do sell a Riding the Rails conversion with maps.....just sayin' (note, I am not here to shill, but my wife chastised me the other day for not doing so). (also, I have some thoughts here: https://mikesixel.com/riding-the-rails-learnings-and-update/ )

Actually, I think any good city adventures is what I'm looking for......

Thanks. That one is on my list of possibilities for 5th level. I could potentially squeeze it in with the two 5th level Golden Vault adventures before bumping them up to 6th.


New Publisher
Thanks. That one is on my list of possibilities for 5th level. I could potentially squeeze it in with the two 5th level Golden Vault adventures before bumping them up to 6th.
I've likely got another post going up tomorrow giving NPC ideas for the train passengers.


New Publisher
Totally using the initiation event and some of the other stuff from Fired and Forgotten in combination with the Forgotten Forge / Relics in a mish mash of stuff.....


The Mournland has claimed another victim! I ran "Dino World" the adventure before last. It was a blast, literally and figuratively. The players all had great fun with the Mournland. Unfortunately, the incinerating beam that Nedry had attached to the mechanical swordtooth titan (t-rex) got Glissando. I let him come back as a ghost so the player could finish that fight, and although they defeated Nedry, which ordinarily would mean that the ghost could rest, the player wanted Glissando's ghost to hang around in the Mournland at Dino World indefinitely. Perhaps there's something about the Mournland's magic that prevents (some) spirits from passing on to Dolurrh.

Next up was "Tockworth's Clockworks", which I placed under the Howling Peaks at Zilargo's northern border. Glissando's replacement, Belwar, is a deep gnome shadow monk who works for the Trust. We decided that Little Lockford is his hometown and the mayor is his aunt. The team succeeded in defeating Tockworth and her clockworks.

On to a new adventure!


It's been a little while since I last posted in this thread. I've since run "Masterwork Imbroglio" and "Axe from the Grave", so that makes three Golden Vault adventures in a row. I placed the former in Fairhaven and Lathleer in Aundair and the latter in northern Breland near Starilaskur and Lake Brey.

Tonight we started on "The Last Word" (adventure 6 from the Oracle of War series). I am running it as a standalone adventure. I had the half-elf assassins on the overnight lightning rail be in the employ of Prisoner 13, who has since discovered that the ledger the PCs gave her was a forgery full of false information. The assassins were taken alive, so the PCs could interrogate them, but they weren't able to reveal their employer. The PCs left them in the care of the Orien guards, so they didn't search them, otherwise they might have found the assassins' mindlink tattoos and may have recognized them as being similar to that tattoos all over Prisoner 13. Maybe next time!

(I expect that these two assassins will let their employer know that the party is tough and will recommend that she send a larger force after them next time.)

We finished this session with the PCs determining how they were going to get on board the ship for the armistice ball. The wild magic barbarian is a Cyran war veteran, so she will be able to attend the ball openly. The artificer forged a scroll of pedigree, which he will attempt to use to trick his way on board. The vengeance paladin and the shadow monk are going to use their respective short range teleportation abilities after the ball has started. The ranger is going swim / spider walk up the side of the ship during the day, use her nature's mantle cloak to hide, and then change into her Katniss Everdeen black dress with illusory flames and pretend like she's meant to be there. Should be fun!


I recently got Quests from the Infinite Staircase. I intend to adapt "When a Star Falls" to Eberron and upscale it a bit so my 6th level PCs can play through it. See here for more: D&D 5E - Infinite Staircase - When a Star Falls upscaling

After that, I will run "Beyond the Crystal Cave".

When the PCs hit 7th level, I'll run "Pharaoh". The book suggests making it a lost (human?) civilization in the Blade Desert. If I were to do that, I think I would switch it to the Dhakaani goblinoid civilization rather than a human one. Other options might be to upsize it and make it an ancient giant relic somewhere in the Menechtaren desert on Xen'drik or a relic of an ancient human civilization somewhere in Sarlona. I'm not too familiar with Sarlona, though. I feel like there are already examples of giant ziggurats and such in Xen'drik, so going with an upsized giant relic might make the most sense. I'd mostly just have to increase the scale on the pyramid and make it a lot bigger!
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Book-Friend, he/him
I recently got Quests from the Infinite Staircase. I intend to adapt "When a Star Falls" to Eberron and upscale it a bit so my 6th level PCs can play through it. See here for more: D&D 5E - Infinite Staircase - When a Star Falls upscaling

After that, I will run "Beyond the Crystal Cave".

When the PCs hit 7th level, I'll run "Pharaoh". The book suggests making it a lost (human?) civilization in the Blade Desert. If I were to do that, I think I would switch it to the Dhakaani goblinoid civilization rather than a human one. Other options might be to upsize it and make it an ancient giant relic somewhere in the Menechtaren desert on Xen'drik or a relic of an ancient human civilization somewhere in Sarlona. I'm not too familiar with Sarlona, though. I feel like there are already examples of giant ziggurats and such in Xen'drik, so going with an upsized giant relic might make the most sense. I'd mostly just have to increase the scale on the pyramid and make it a lot bigger!
I think a Hobgoblin enclave would make a lot of sense: Zargon can be a Daelkyr.


I think a Hobgoblin enclave would make a lot of sense: Zargon can be a Daelkyr.
I'm not going to run The Lost City. Wasn't to my taste. But I could potentially include Zargon as a daelkyr in some other fashion. I particularly like "When a Star Falls", and I think my group will enjoy it since it includes two groups of gnomes for their all-gnome party to encounter.

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