D&D 5E Flanking


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Is there flanking in 5th edition? During DnD Next, I thought the intent was to make core without it, but to add a grid based tactical module that would presumably have flanking. I've been DMing a next game where I have been giving adv for flanking.

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There are no flanking rules as of yet. If/when they appear it will be in the DMG. I personally would not hand out advantage for something as easy to get as flanking in 5e, advantage/disadvantage is something I give out just a couple times an encounter not every round.

The current rules, one of the two flankers could use the help action to give the other one advantage.

I might give advantage if the target was out numbered by 4 to 1 by opponents equal to his size, or so like a gang up rule.


First Post
There are no flanking rules as of yet. If/when they appear it will be in the DMG. I personally would not hand out advantage for something as easy to get as flanking in 5e, advantage/disadvantage is something I give out just a couple times an encounter not every round. The current rules, one of the two flankers could use the help action to give the other one advantage. I might give advantage if the target was out numbered by 4 to 1 by opponents equal to his size, or so like a gang up rule.
Advantage on flanking would suck as advantage is a horrible mechanic that doesn't work with itself. Barbarians and monks giving themselves advantage every round would get nothing from it.


First Post
I disagree. Barbs wouldn't have to work on fancy footwork (positioning), they could just pick nearest target and swing. Other melee types would have to flank, and thus maybe put themselves in a position where they are easily flanked.

Combat adv in 3rd and 4th was predicated on flanking first and foremost. Also, it makes sense that surrounding your opponent would give you advantage.

Any other thoughts? Any predictions on how the DMG will handle flanking?


Thinking on this some more, I came up with the following.

If you are flanking an enemy, you can use a bonus action to perform the help action.

To me this works well because it keeps it as an advantage/disadvantage thing not a fiddly number bonus like a +1 or +2, it uses up a bonus action so it takes some effort on the flankers part, and it only applies to the allies first attack against it not all of them.

For now that will be my house rule, if one of my players asks.


Thinking on this some more, I came up with the following.

If you are flanking an enemy, you can use a bonus action to perform the help action.

To me this works well because it keeps it as an advantage/disadvantage thing not a fiddly number bonus like a +1 or +2, it uses up a bonus action so it takes some effort on the flankers part, and it only applies to the allies first attack against it not all of them.

For now that will be my house rule, if one of my players asks.

I'll have to think about that one a bit. I've been going with advantage for one of the allies, provided the first ally hits with their attack. I've also considered allowing the 'helped' ally to move out of reach without provoking an opportunity attack.

Originally I was just going with the Help rule, but that meant that one of the allies couldn't attack. That didn't really make sense to me, because if you weren't taking an attack then you wouldn't be drawing the enemy away from your ally very much. Yes, I know that descriptively you could still be attacking, and just not hitting.

Another alternative I thought about was to use the Help action, and allow a bonus attack instead. This would limit you to a single attack, instead of whatever multiple attacks you'd normally get.

I don't particularly mind granting advantage or disadvantage. Combat is often all about trying to put yourself into an advantageous position, and goes back to the simple rule of earlier editions to not worry about all of the modifiers and just go with a +2 or -2 based on who has the advantage. Of course, the monsters are usually trying to get the advantage as well.

Since Combat and Tactics, though, flanking has been a staple tactic (rightfully so), so I do want to go with something.


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