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Flight of the Resistance


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Kospirian doesn't wait for Arsinoë answer as he goes to the bodies to cut them down quickly with his vibroknife. He then pulls them over to behind a log or something similar on the trail where the troopers are coming from, to try and poss them for a possible distraction.

OOC: Not sure what rolls I would need with this or difficulty. I am thinking Deception but maybe Warfare

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Rico attempted to maneuver across the natural foot bridge, but couldn't balance himself on the slippery branches. He began to get angry with himself, so he took a moment to calm his nerves and refocus on the task at hand.
Seeing as the walker with speeder support was far too much for anyone to handle alone, Rico made his way back down to the surface and began slowly closing the distance to the other troopers he had seen from above.

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Kabal/Rainforest outside Spirepoint/Jedi Temple
5:46 PM/Hour from sunset

Arsinoë looked up with surprise as she felt the ground tremble slightly, and Rex announced what was coming. “A walker?” she exclaimed. While intellectually she knew the big guns of the walkers were far from efficient at hitting small targets like sentients on the ground, what they lacked in accuracy they made up for in intimidation. Of course, she had only seen such things in parades or on display.

"What do you think? We might be able to use them as decoys and give us a couple of extra seconds or draw the troopers to where we want them?"

Kospirian’s voice pulled Arsinoë’s attention back to reality and she looked up. The slender girl gave a visible shudder at seeing the bodies. “You want me to touch those?” she asked in disbelief.

Kospirian was already up in the trees and cutting the bodies free. Arsinoë yelped and jumped out of the way as one landed at her feet, pressing a hand to her chest. “That...is disgusting!” she said, but she tried to help position them.

“Where is Garrett?” she asked, and then the young man’s voice came over her comm saying he found some kind of tunnel.

“That does sound promising,” Arsinoë said, looking at Kospirian. “As long as they don’t find it. We should get down there. We don’t have much time.” She looked to Rex and Kospirian for confirmation before heading toward the temple.


First Post
Kospirian nods after placing the bodies in their positions, saying "Sure, but we better move quick and can we get Rex in there? Guess only one way to find out..."

Garrett paces impatiently. Other than a cryptic message from the R3 unit he had no indication that his message reached his companions. As the minutes stretch on Garrett looks to the hole for any sign the others are going to follow him down. He then looks to the dark archway. He shrugs to himself and walks over to the archway and pulls a marker from his toolkit. He crouches down to a flagstone directly in front of the archway and marks an arrow pointing down the hall. He then stands and starts to walk down the hallway but pauses for a minute. He pulls out some tape from his toolkit and tapes the light to the end of his weapon. With the light affixed he raises the carbine and proceeds down the hall at a careful pace.

As he walks he realizes that leaving the mark was probably not the best idea if the stormtroopers descend into the hole. He just hoped his friends came down first and erased the mark before they follow him. With the possibility that there was a labyrinth down here marking his path was better than getting lost and dying in a maze. Despite the thoughts of getting lost and dying Garrett smiled as he explored the ruined temple that looks to have been abandoned for god knows how long.


Stormtrooper transmissions, intercepted by Rex
5:49 PM/sunset at 6:45

GM: AT-FRC sensor operator cutting through Rex's com jammer: 1eA+1eP+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage

"<<I've got a fix on their position, sir...four...no, three warm bodies...I...th--" The sensor operator in the AT-FRC squinted at his screen as one of the images abruptly dropped off the map. He swore as static barraged the stormtrooper's comms. After a moment, however, the operator adapted the signal to compensate. <<"Someone's jamming our comms. It's not a ship, sir. It- it looks like it's a Hail Com Jammer. Th--- be used by ground personnel.>>"

The sergeant's voice crackled over the comms, breathing hard as he climbed through the rough rainforest terrain. <<"RSO, patch your sensor data through.
And see if you can triangulate where the comms suffer the most interference and pin down these Resistance sympathizers. Heavy? ST? Report. What's the status of our target?">>

A bass voice came over the comms, which for now kept adjusting to avoid being jammed. <<"She's not going anywhere, sir. ST will stun you with extreme prejudice if you try anything, Resistance scum! They don't call him Special Touch for nothing. I am hot for incoming hostiles. No one's getting passed us, sir. Happy hunting.">>


Kabal/Rainforest outside Spirepoint/Ruined Temple
5:49 PM/sunset at 6:45

Garrett's handheld comm hissed and a burst of garbled sounds emitted from it, echoing underground. While Rex's comm jammer was to blame, it was easy to assume the thick stone and dried coral walls were responsible. Once he moved away from the muddy room he'd entered from, the passageway was surprisingly dry, at least by Kabalian standards. The flagstones were upheaved at certain points, making for tough going, though as a scrapper Garrett was used to surmounting such obstacles. His footsteps scraped along the passageway, no sign of any other sounds down here.

Mid-way to the pinpoint of daylight at the end of the passage he found a well-preserved engraved mural of a cetacean spanning some 12 feet along the left wall, which seemed to be exhaling islands or perhaps stars from its mouth. A long chain of pictograms at the right side of the mural told about a traveler leaving his home, falling into the sea of stars, and returning with a starfish which he used to save his brother. The closer Garrett looked at the starfish pictogram, however, the more mechanical it seemed in design, as if some ancient Kabalian was trying to explain something from off-world prior to contact with the Republic in terms of what they knew.



Kabal/Rainforest outside Spirepoint/Jedi Temple
5:49 PM/Sunset at 6:45

Arsinoë considered the problem of the droid. “I do not have any synthrope with me, but perhaps cut some more of those vines, we can lower him down,” she suggested to Kospirian. Of course, she didn’t get her own hands dirty doing so!

Arsinoë found the hole Garrett had likely fallen through. “Over here!” she called to Rex and Kospirian. She gathered some brush together to hide the hole once they descended.

OOC: Arsinoë will stick around topside to help Rex down (giving him a Boost on his check?), then disguise the hole and descend herself. She will make sure they take the vines with them for getting out the other side.

Coordination: 1eP+2eA+1eD 1 success, 2 advantage



GM: Yes [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] that sounds good, parlaying 1 of your Advantages towards granting Rex a Boost on his Difficulty 1 Athletics or Coordination check to get down the hole safely. I am also interpreting the other of your Advantages as making good time down the hole, so you get down there sufficiently in advance of the First Order speeders & walker that they need to search to find your last location.

[MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] Just edited this post for Rico's action.

Kabal/Rainforest outside Spirepoint/Ruined Temple
5:50 PM/Sunset at 6:45

Entering the temple complex at the western "arm of the starfish", Rico found it easier going than trudging through the rainforest for the trees become much more sparse once he descended the brief flight of vine-covered stairs. At first there was cover from the ruined walls and tangles of cordgrass, but the further he moved into the open-air temple complex, the less opportunities for cover and concealment presented themselves. By the time Rico reached the central ziggurat, he had eyes on the stormtrooper sergeant with the black shoulder pip and the two stormtroopers flanking him cautiously leaving the northern "arm of the starfish", blaster rifles at the ready.

"Was that movement over there? 7 o'clock?" called out one of the stormtroopers, looking Rico's way.

"Hmm. I don't know. This is worse than Xagobah. Let's check it out. Stay alert," answered the sergeant. "RSO, where are those sensor readings? We've got potential movement at Green Zone center."

Rico had just enough time to duck behind an outcropping of stone - perhaps once an old pillar buttressing the ziggurat or some kind of ritual totem - before he was spotted. However, there were precious few places to go from here and the stormtroopers were slowly closing on his position.
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First Post
Kospirian nods to Arsinoë and cuts some vines down as he heads to the 'hole' he ties them around the droid as best he can to lower him down the hole first before jumping down himself...

OOC: Also going to try and aid R3 getting down the hole. Easy Coordination roll to try and aid him...
Coordination (easy): 3eA+1eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

Let me know if I need to add more difficulty and I will edit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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