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FR Heathen


Oramail sat there, his mind playing a million scenarios through. It was probably his most elven trait, his willingness to think of every result; both good and bad, before making a decision. At last he spoke, softly but with a distinct firmness, "A hunter should be hard to track, especially if he does not wish to be found. I believe it is safe to assume that he is not alone and would very much prefer to be discovered. His last whereabouts should be sufficent in starting our search, as a wise hunter, even captive, would find a way to leave a trail. A snapped branch, an overturned rock, even the grass itself can guide us." He paused for a moment, considering his next words.

Oramail decided that he would have the information he needed, and now his main concern was being supplied good enough to get to the hunter. "I shall be restocking my arrows, good night to you all." He rose smoothly, with nearly unnatural grace. If he made any noise when he walked, the inn's noise covered it easily.

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Walking Dad

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"I have questions to ask. How much do they pay, do they cover our expanses and if we get any special equipment, like a golden compass that shows the direction or something. Something to identify us as friendly to this huter would be handy, too.

And now I need my sleep. See you tomorrow.

Ryash leaves the others with hard steps, the earth itself seems to vibrate with his movement.

short rest. expending a healing surge to power healing word.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 13 Insight: 13 Normal Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 21 Reflex 16 Will 15
Hit Points: 54 / 54 Bloodied: 27
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 13 Surges per day: 10 / 11
Encounter Powers: Passing Attack, Sweeping Blow, Earthshock, No Opening
Daily Powers: Comeback Strike, Crack the Shell
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The group sleeps soundly, perhaps the knowledge that this may be their last sleep in a bed for some time helps them slumber. When they wake the sky is clear and the air is crisp.

The trip to the town hall is not a long one by any measure. The building is a stout stone building which triples as a town hall, militia headquarters, and makeshift jail.

Emesha waves to you as the group approaches the front door, the look of someone who has slept very little but is accustomed to it, clearly on her face.

Beautiful morn,” she greets as she escorts the group inside to an empty table.

I take it you have some questions, which I will hopefully have the answers for.


First Post
"First of all, we'd like to know exactly what the mission is, and how hard it is like to be. We'll, at the very least, need a detailed description of this Jaryn fellow and a general idea of what direction he went and with what purpose. Beyond that, is there any special equipment you can provide us with, up-front pay, or ensignia of your order that you can provide us with?

After we discuss those things, I think we'll be ready to talk fair compensation."


Emesha nods along as you speak, as if mentally tallying what she will need to say.

Well I guess we should begin at the beginning,” she says, taking a seat at the head of the table you are all seated around.

Your task is simple, should you accept it. I only ask that you find Jaryn and, if at all possible, bring him back. Our own operatives are too well-known among the cultists. Two groups have tried already to follow Jaryn’s path. Neither returned. A capable party unknown to the cult might succeed where others have failed.

Jaryn is a stalwart of our order and a veteran of countless campaigns against the cult. He and a group loyal to him undertook a mission a year ago that would have struck a mortal blow at the heart of Naarash.

While our order defends the villages of the Dale, Jaryn and four companions sought to take the battle to the heart of the cult. Naarash’s faithful are based in a great temple near Dun-Tharos deep in the Dunwood. The Pillars of Night, they call it. Jaryn swore to break the cult by destroying its leaders.

Our last contact with Jaryn was a sending ritual six months ago that placed him deep in the Dunwood at the head of a trail he called the Black March. We have had no further word.

Four faithful accompanied Jaryn —Andressa and Annika, sister-druids of Silvanus; the fighter Kelma; and Dajani, a tiefling sworn to our cause.

Naarash is said to be a hobgoblin prophet of Bane. The Hand of Naarash arose as a hobgoblin cult five years past, though it now counts all of the Dale’s races among its members.

They prey on the most isolated villages for converts and spoils. Townsfolk are given the choice of joining the Hand or accepting the salvation of death.

With that Emesha slumps back in her chair as if the retelling of all of this has taxed her greatly,

I can sketch you a map through the dale and to where we believe he entered the Dunwood. That should see you through the first leg of your journey,” she continues in a weaker voice.

As for Jaryns’ appearance he is a tall human with long brown hair and a prominent scar on his left cheek he earned fighting a cult warpriest.

Unfortunately commissioning a mission was not our purpose in coming to Kront so I am ill prepared to offer much in the way of official help. However, I can probably scrape together as much as 100gp for each of you to get you on your way. If you succeed I’m sure the Nentyarch will be willing to compensate you further.

I still believe your actions from last night prove you are the type of people we’re looking for,” she finishes as she rises from the table.

I’ll let you have a moment,” she says as she strolls to the door. “I’ll be just out here if you need anything.
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Oramail searches his mind to see what he can remember about Dunwood, Naarash, even hobgoblins.


Arcana +2, Dungeoneering +5, History +2, Nature +12t, Religion +2

Once again, please pick and choose what you would like to use for each knowledge check. I hate feeling like i'm assuming what the DM would decide. Sorry if it's a pain.



First Post
"I am in for this friends, it looks like a worth while cause... And if she is a creature in service to Bane... I am all the more willing, plus, who can go wrong with an extra hundred gold..."


First Post
Greive's familiar grin reveals his opinion on the matter before he even speaks it...

"I'd split a few cultist skulls just for sport... my blade needs no further incentive."

Voidrunner's Codex

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