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Walking Dad

First Post
"It is really not much. If we can keep any treasure or equipment we find during our assignment, I'm in."

Ryash says, looking ready for movement.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 13 Insight: 13 Normal Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 21 Reflex 16 Will 15
Hit Points: 54 / 54 Bloodied: 27
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 13 Surges per day: 10 / 11
Encounter Powers: Passing Attack, Sweeping Blow, Earthshock, No Opening
Daily Powers: Comeback Strike, Crack the Shell


At the group’s summons Emesha returns, and quickly agrees to allow the group to claim any treasure they discover along the way.

With that settled I must take my leave,” she says. “My companions and I are escorting a group of refugees to Yeshelmar.

Bending over the table she takes out a scrap of parchment and quill and jots down a crude map of the region. The map shows your journey will head west from Kront to Bezentil and then northwest to the edge of the Dunwood. "That's all I can offer, hopefully you'll be able to pick up Jaryn's trail by then."

With that, she stands, “know that you have my utmost thanks, and I wish you all the luck of Tymora,” she says before she turns and strides from the building.

[sblock=OOC]You can simply tell me out of character if you pick anything up before you leave, or anything else you need to do before you leave.

As the crow flies it’s about 145 miles from Kront to Bezentil, the road takes a slightly more meandering route so it’s about 150ish miles.

That’s about a 6 day journey on foot, and a 3 day journey on riding horses.[/sblock]
Your destination is west, and the road is all but empty as you head out.

Walking Dad

First Post
"I have anything I need. Do you want to purchase horses? I like to feel the earth below my boots!"

Ryash asks the others.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 13 Insight: 13 Normal Vision
AC 20 Fortitude 21 Reflex 16 Will 15
Hit Points: 54 / 54 Bloodied: 27
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 13 Surges per day: 11 / 11
Encounter Powers: Passing Attack, Sweeping Blow, Earthshock, No Opening
Daily Powers: Comeback Strike, Crack the Shell


Oramail nods, and begins to walk down the road. He never found riding horses very enjoyable, it just seemed like he was ..... not as free when he was riding. No, he would walk.

ooc: I'd like to refill my arrows. All 3 of them lol.


The miles begin slowly, but as the journey proceeds they start to add up. Day after day you trudge along the Great road, muddy for sure, but with each passing day the spring sun seems stronger and erases a little more of the effects of the spring rains.

What is also painfully obvious is the distinct lack of traffic on perhaps the busiest trade road of the region. You can’t help but wonder if it’s somehow related to the cult.

Just before dusk on the sixth day Bezentil, or what should be Bezentil if Emesha's map is correct, comes into view perhaps a mile or so down the road. Just ahead the road meets up with a wide stream, green fields to both sides. Beside the stream is a simple stone pillar roughly five feet tall. Carved into the face of the pillar is the familiar tree-in-circle symbol of Leth. As you approach, a figure on horseback rides out from the nearest farmhouse. An older human man hails you, one hand resting on the longsword at his hip.

Well met strangers.” The rider begins, not removing his hand from the hilt of his sword.

My names Perren Auldwyl, what brings… adventurers such as yourselves to Bezentil?” Auldwyl asks eyeing the five of you as his mount skitters nervously.

[sblock=OOC]That's fine OnlytheStrong
Did I mention arrows are 1,000gp each ;-)[/sblock]


Oramail stands still, unwilling to be the reason this human attacked.


Ouch on the price of arrows! lol

Can I get you to narrate Oramail off the normally beaten path? I mean like if the group is walking down the road, he may be off to the side either in front or behind. That's if you don't mind of course. Thanks!![/sblock]


At your words Auldwyl relaxes noticeably. “The Dunwood… dangerous place,” he says letting his hand fall from the hilt of his sword. But still careful to keep all five of you in front of him, noticing the elf in the group’s flanking position.

All’s just peachy here in Bezentil,” he continues. “You be looking for a place to bed down for the night?” he asks, his gaze towards the west as the top of the sun is quickly disappearing behind the horizon.

You won’t be finding a better place in town then my farm-house, that is of course unless your not just passing right on through and not even stopping?

Voidrunner's Codex

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