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(FR) Silver Marches

I'm debating picking up Silver Marches...I do run my campaign there...but I'm trying to wean myself off of published stuff... oh god it's so tempting...nyeargh!!!

Anyhow, I've loved all of the FR products that I've gotten to date (from 3e at least...I can't exactly remember how good all of the 2e stuff was) and I think Magic of Faerun and Lords of Darkness are both VERY well done.

I haven't picked up the new gods book simply because I have both Faiths and Avatars and Demihuman Deities and the Silverstar Prestige class was printed in Dragon, so I'm all set as far as gods go.

And Eric...if you don't want any of the FR stuff you get.... :D

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EricNoah said:
I also am running a campaign with a character who's using Spellfire; I figured why not just go all out and see what it's like? As it turns out, the non-scaling saving throw, the ranged touch required, and the fact that you have to ready an action to absorb incoming spells makes it a smidge less useful than you'd think just by reading it.

I was going along the same lines when I allowed the Dwarven Wizard in my (now defunct :() campain have Spellfire. I wanted to see if it really was as 'overpowered' as claimed by oh-so-many. As it turned out it was nearly useless. Of course it didn't help that he'd announce "I ready an action to absorb spells" after the enemy caster(s) were outta mojo to throw or they just weren't targeting him... (A charging Paladin does sorta attract attention, as well as spells. :))

Being just plain magic-happy I'm of course all for any book that includes more crunchy goodness for Arcane casters. I liked the Master Alchemist PrC, not too powerfull (I don't like Potoins' cost-to-usefullness ratio) but a good class to have to help explain where higher level potions come from.

As to Silver Marches, I can't wait to see/buy this book. One of the games I play in, which is temporarily on hold, is centered in that very area. When my DM and I saw the announcement of this book months ago we thought to ourselfs "Oh looky, Wizards made a Campain Supliment just for us!" :p If I ever got another group going it'd probabaly be in this area, after I scrounged up a copy.

Hatchling Dragon
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First Post
My only problem with it is that Edena (my D&D cleric/mage upon whom this SN is based) isn't in it.

After all, Edena is - in our home game - an important character of the Silver Marches, being Alustriel's love and all.


Trevalon Moonleirion said:
I'm debating picking up Silver Marches...I do run my campaign there...but I'm trying to wean myself off of published stuff... oh god it's so tempting...nyeargh!!!

Hey Trev, if you adventure in the Silver Marches and you don't want to pay for product, I hope you've checked out and downloaded Project: Silverymoon. The netbook is 72 or so pages long, with another 30 or so pages of supplementary text at the site! I'm redoing the pdf download with art and a snazzy layout, too (although that won't be up for another few weeks).

Project Silverymoon is also nominated for an ENnie award, and I'd be grateful for any FR fan who voted for us!


First Post
Just outta odd old curiousity, does anyone know where you can get the 2E versions of the deity books (the ones mentioned by Eric). Now that all of you have spread your 2E propaganda, I'm going to have to check it out.


Dragon Lord

Faiths and Pantheons

Best thing about this book is the Specialty Priest classes, if you already have the old 2nd edition FRCS Faiths and Avatars, Demihuman Deities, and Powers and Pantheons.

This book covers the actual faiths in less detail than the previous 2nd edition books, which was disappointing to me. I don't know why they listed God stats. I keep wondering if people actually requested that they give stats to the Gods. I know I didn't want the Gods to have stats. To me, they are gods, not some enemy I play to send the PC's against.

Magic of Faerun

From a DM's perspective, not buying this book is really screwing over your players. There are some great spells, prestige class, and just general information included in this tome. It is one of the better books they have made.

As far as warrior versus wizard balance, the balance should come because your wizard can't go toe to toe with your warrior. Wizards or priests should be stronger than the warrior given time to prepare. Magic is far stronger than a steel sword. In Forgotten Realms, the wizards are the power. That is why so many rulers are wizards rather than warriors.

Every single major Empire in the Forgotten Realms is ruled by a wizard or has a wizard as a major figure. That is the Forgotten Realms, it is high magic. Personally, I like it that way. It fits more in line with the Fantasy books I have read such as Lord of the Ring, the Arthurian Legends, and many Forgotten Realms novels.

Magic of Faerun is an awsome book that adds alot to any Forgotten Realms game.

I can't wait to pick up the Silver Marches and the Epic Level Handbook. I have two characters I am playing now that were born in Silverymoon. This will help me flesh out their backgrounds.
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House Ruler
Re: the cartoon

jhanzur said:
Eric, how old is that picture? :D

In Eric's sig:
"Mandingo, I grok your mouth music!" -- The Tick

I'd probably be considered an old geezer, but my kid, who's 19 now, grokked The Tick (I thought he was hilarious, too). So, at a guess, not knowing Eric personally, I'd say that pic is probably not very old. :eek:


First Post
That was the first picture ever of Eric Noah posted on EnWorld (then Eric Noah's Third Edition News)... quite a few of our female guests made the comment that Eric looked like a member from New Kids on the Block... the females were swooning ;)

Sorry Eric... I had to.



My FRCS campaign is up to 17th/18th level now. Is Silver Marches worth my time?

Does it have a lot of useful information, or will it just be a lot of stuff I read for flavor that my party will have little to no interaction with due to their power level?

My game is set in the Marches - the party's stronghold is just south of Mithril Hall in fact, in the now slaad-free Dungeon of Ruin. The group is an order of knights that swore fealty to the Lords' Alliance.

Given all of that... is the book useful to me, in your humble opinions?

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