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[FR]The Return of the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach (updated 8/20!)

My favorite Hero is....

  • Benito

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Aris

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Grim

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Ellysidell

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Ivan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kyros

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nosr

    Votes: 3 17.6%


First Post
:eek: :confused: :eek:
You're marrying me off to ARIS?!?!?!?! When did THIS HAPPEN???
:eek: :confused: :eek:

No offense Aris but you look like you might snore. That would be unacceptable. Whoever heard of a air genasi who didn't snore? Can't live with a snorer dood. I may end up smothering you with a pillow or something and it wouldn't really be my fault, but then where would we be? The legend of the loudness of brothers' snoring is frightening in and of itself.
However, I do have to admit marrying Aris would be better than marrying Benito Cheeto afterall. *DUCKS THE TOMATO* MUAH!!! =)

Your fellow brigand

And where are my flowers? And bended knees? And does this mean I get to book my own catering and band? :p
Here is the ring that is wanted. *picture attached* *takes charge the way all women do when dealing with weddings* WHERE IS THAT dratted florist!

hehhe *sends the bill to Aris* *ponders sending the bills to Broc instead since he's the one who agreed on her behalf... =)*


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Midsummer, 1378, Year of the Cauldron

The wedding was a grand affair. Everyone who was anyone in Cormyr attended. Belsimmers and Huntcrowns, Wyvernspurs and Silverleafs crowded into the splendid courtyard of DragonStorm Castle. The Steel Regent came, standing in shining full plate armor as the maid-of-honor for her fellow warrior woman, Alberia Lhal. Even Caladnei, chief War Wizard of Cormyr came with a bumbling and babbling Vanderghast in tow.

Nosr sulked during the whole event. He questioned Aris's motives. Then again maybe Alberia was the one marrying for politcial reasons or maybe they were actually marrying because they loved each other. Plus, Benito Moltos who had been gone for over five years was performing the ceremony and Ellysidell, whom Aris had only kept tabs upon was the "best man" while he had been relegated to usher.

"So much for loyalty...," Nosr muttered under his breath.

Kith also mopped, but nor for the same reasons as Nosr. It was more of a matter of security.

The doppleganger, Aris's chief on intelligence and an ardent worshipper of Tyr, recalled the recent conversation:

"You're just putting another person in harm's way, Aris."

"Alberia can take care of herself."

"And now some of our resources will have to be devoted to protecting her. Making sure that the many enemies that you have collected don't try and use her for leverage."

"Kith, we are in the middle of Cormyr."

"Exactly! This is not the same Cormyr it was under Azoun, and I know that the Night Masks, Quivering Thumb, People of the Black Blood, Eldereth Veluthraa--"

"You need not continued. I know who our enemies are."

"Zhentarim and the Shades, thanks to your meddling cousin. Any one of those groups can waltz on in here and cause trouble even with advance notice. Keep yourself in danger if you want to, boss, but why add a weak link in our chain."

"Kith, I appreciate your concern, but Alberia is not a 'weak link'. We are getting married and that is all there is to it!"


Aris had then summarily dismissed him and they had not spoken more than a few words in the last month. Now Kith watched and worried and probed peoples minds as Benito presided over the exchange of vows. He ground his teeth. When Jhovan returned he would approach Aris again. Maybe he and the assassin together could make him more tractable...


The wedding finished and feast began. Much wine and ale was consumed and the musicians played long into the night. Nosr's mood lightened somewhat as many a young noble lass pulled him from his corner chair and into a dance. Conversations, with their plots and machianitions cropped up here and there among the nobles, with Kith and Kyros cataloguing it all (and their instigators) for analysis (and follow-up) later.

Ivan and Benito and their wives sat together and their children played and the two dads compared diaper and dookie stories laughing a lot and enjoying the peace and innocence that their families brought.

"You'll have to come an visit the old inn, Benito. You remember Twillight Hollow?"

"Only too well, my friend. That's were Ellysidell died. Where my doubts about Tyr began."

Ivan furrowed his brow and tried to maintain the light atmosphere, "Well I renamed it. It's called the Twin Swords. Lots of fun and a few brawls to keep me honest."

"That's great. I see you've married a sister of Ilmater."

Ivan smiled, looking for Gwynneth among the crowd. He squirmed feeling out of place among all the finery. Fortunately, his wife and Johanna had hit it off tremendously and they were talking and watching the children. They all seemed like bumpkins compared to the silk- and jewels-laddened locals.

"Ivan, I do not want to leave my family, but I feel that Ilmater has asked me to continue that quest that we left long ago."

"I hung up my swords from heroics. Aris knows my mind. I'm stayin' in Twillight Hollow. I fear what may happen if I leave for too long."

He informed Benito of the precarious peace that existed between the Zhentarim from Irieabor and Darkhold and the belagured riders from Asbravan.

"Too many skirmishes have happened lately, Benito. The Hollow is neutral ground."

"I have a old debt to pay. We all do in Irieabor."

"Yes, your father. I despise Thaeglos as much as the next man. His wolfpacks roam the Vale at will, except in my village."

Ivan beat his chest for emphasis

"There will be a reckoning soon, my friend. Would you be there if I need you?"

Ivan thought for some time, but did not respond.

"Come visit Twillight Hollow, Benito. You're something of a celebrity there."

Grasping Benito on the shoulder, he gave him a knowing nod.


Elsewhere Aris had a candid conversation with Vanderghast.

Walking behind the mage while he practiced his senility, smelling roses and following butterflies, Aris asked "What are you doing here, Old Snoop?"

The former high mage of Cormyr narrowed his eyes and spoke in a harsh whisper, the trapping of an old fool gone.

"You are not one of the royals, Wolf's son, so please refrain from calling me by a nickname reserved by them. You have already crossed the Mistmaster. Would you like another geas placed on you? How about one that will dampen your honeymoon?"

Aris Cloud-dancer bowed and recanted, "Forgive me, Lord Vanderghast. I was testing your act. If you were the groom would you not take offense at someone of power pretending to be a doddering old fool?"

"If I were the groom, I would be attending to my wife! Oh so long ago..."

The high mage's eyes misted as he reminisced about love long past.

"Of course, all believe that you are just a gold-digger. Where do your loyalties lie, Wolf's son?"

Now it was Aris's turn to glower.

"Where they have since you forced me five years ago to swear loyalty to King Azoun's son. I am still loyal to Cormyr and loyal to my wife."

He crossed his arms as Vanderghast raised an eyebrow.

"And your legion?"

"When you need it, a part of Cormyr's armed forces."

"You realize that us allowing you to have an armed fighting force within our boundaries, sets a dangerous precedent. The nobles are clamouring to be allowed to do the same to bolster their own house forces. Sit on that wolf. Alusair values you and your wife's friendship to highly to tell you like it is. I, like you claim, care for Cormyr more than my own feelings or standing and I, unlike you, have proven so again and again. Do not disappoint me."

Amidst protests from Aris of "I fought in the Horde Wars...," Vanderghast began chasing a lizard.


Grim was so tempted to separate many a noble from his purse or bracelet or ring that night, but Ellysidell kept him in check. They had met on the road two days from the castle and had had so much time to rekindle their old friendship....

I was so nearby, big brother. Why didn't you come and get me?

"I didn't know where you were. We did not travel through Sembia. You are not easy to find little brother."

I guess we all got caught up in other responsibilities. How is Talindra? Is she still as ornery as ever?

THe mention of her name in the conversations usually ended them, but Grim kept probing. The thought of the wedding and all that food made him less grim and more giddy so the mischevious halfing came out....

By the time the music began to die, Grim had found a good place to hide and with a full belly went to sleep. Ellysidell, more comfortable outside, sat nearby, still never sleeping, but thinking what Aris was up to. He had been honored to be his "best man", but the bitter taste of all that time passing with barely any help for his cause remained.


The next day, Aris and Alberia invited their old adventuring companions to breakfast. Their plans were to honeymoon in Ilighon and return a week from that day.

Aris raised his cup. Alberia grasped his hand for support.

"I propose companions that we bring our righteousness to bear against the evil that surrounds our lands. For five years I have been building a small mercantile empire to someday rival that of the Zhentarim, the Iron Throne, the Rundeen, and the rest. I would wish, friends, that you would join me in the fight. From here, in the heart of Cormyr we can strike out against our foes with the Stormwolf Legion."

Benito and Ivan frowned. Grim smirked. Ellysidell crossed his arms, impassive. Nosr and Kyros raised their mugs echoing support.

"Ilmater decrees otherwise, Aris. We need to finish what our parents could not. The time is at hand."

The usually taciturn elf added, "If strike against our foes we must, then send more than just weapons and food to Cormanthor where my companions and I strike against the children of the Spider Queen."

The Harpers could use your help in Sembia! sent Grim.

"What about Irieabor?" asked Ivan.

The murmur and hubub began as to what task was the most important. Aris tried to interrupt but the voices (and telepathic messages) grew louder and louder. Alberia wore a forced smile but stayed quiet.

Ivan's lionar-trained voice finally cut through the din.

"I am returning with my family to Twillight Hollow!"

In the silence that followed his shout Benito spoke.

"I am going to Hellgate Keep to retrieve the Gatekeeper's Crystal."

Nosr doubled over while Kyros and Aris grimaced as if in pain.

"Meet me in Silverymoon in a tenday if you want to go. I will go alone if need be for I do the will of Ilmater."

Then he rose to leave.


The reunion soon ended with many a troubled brow or frown on the faces of the heroes.

That afternoon, Benito and Ivan and their families travelled together towards Twillight Hollow, grateful for the respite from the world, at least for the next four days...
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First Post
lol, we werent that dysfunctional were we ?
I like the way you showed the dissention among the friends as to what to do. Ahh well the rest of them fools are just gonna need to get on the same page with Benito :) I mean Illmatter doesn't like to be kept waiting, heheh.


First Post
Bah Humbug!

Alberia has to stay home and everyone else gets to have fun!

I wonder what kind of freaky children Alberia and Aris will have?

Let's see...

1/2 Air Genasi, 1/2 Aasimar?


And if Aris thinks Alberia is going to let him run off and play while she tends the estate all by her lonesome, he has another think coming!

What about her Stepmother? I'll bet she feels she earned her just deserts after seeing Alberia marry...


Re: Bah Humbug!

Zen_Pollo said:

What about her Stepmother? I'll bet she feels she earned her just deserts after seeing Alberia marry...


yet another adventure hook.

And I agree. Alberia won't stay at home while Aris goes off to play. Maybe she'll form her own adventuring group?
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Donaldbain...I will get that info to you as soon as I compile it from the players...they tend to be a secretive lot! :D

Silverymoon, about 14 days after Midsummer, 1378, Year of the Cauldron

The raven ruffled is feathers trying to shake off the last droplets of dew as it perched on the stone ramparts of the palace. Occasionally, it would tilt its head as voices echoed from below.

The former group known as the Heroes of the Vilhon Reach banded together once again and met outside the gates of Silverymoon. After a brief sojurn to Twillight Hollow, Ivan had reluctantly left his wife and children to accompany Benito, Johanna, and Samantha back to Jalanthar in the Silver Marches. Then they travelled to Silverymoon. The rest (Kyros, Grim , Ellysidell, Nosr and Aris) had arrived with the help of the sorcerer and his teleports after Aris and Alberia had returned from Ilighon. Word of their impending trek into the ruins of Hellgate Keep had filtered to the ears of certain powers that be, and the company had been asked to assemble before Lady Alustriel, Guardian of the Silver Marches. Coincidentally, the rest of the High Council was in attendance.

"So, how much are we getting paid to do this task for you?" chimed Ivan.

"Bahh! Typical adventurers. They're all mercenaries only out to line their own pockets," grumbled King Harbromm, the dwarven ruler of Citadel Adbar not so under his breath.

"How dare you!" shouted Benito

The raven on the rooftop startled by the sudden noise from below flew off for a better perch.

"Benito!" came a harsh whisper from Aris as he tried to put his hand on the cleric of Tyr's forearm to hold him back.

Benito shrugged it away...he had had enough of keeping up appearences already this morning...


After formal introductions, Lady Alustriel had began, "Gentleman, Welcome! I have called you forth today to ask of you a favor for the good of the Marches."

Benito interrupted, "As long as it does not interefere with the will of Ilmater."

Aris grimaced as the cleric's remark drew murmurs from the assembled peers and their advisors. An air of exclusivicity hung over the meeting as many of the courtiers and nobles had been dismissed leaving only the High Council and select, trusted advisors. The pause after the interruption lingered even as the High Lady continued to smile and to the heroes made the grand hall feel very large. Grim not liking the hard stares of the council members, especially the dwarves, wanted to crawl into a shadow but Ellysidell, sensing his intentions shook his head.

Aris broke the awkward silence, "My lady, please excuse young Benito. He is not used to appearing in such formal gatherings. Whatever task benefits your graces and the good people of the Marches we will willingly do."

Benito crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Why should we do anything to help them? What have they done for us?"

More murmurs arose, but no one cut of the priest of Ilmater as he continued.

"We will do what we are going to do with or without your blessing and whether you have a task for us or not. The gods decree our path."

Alustriel, outwardly maintaining the same smiling demeanor, went on. "Very well. You will see that our paths meet, young cleric of Ilmater."

She spoke to the group as a whole, "When Hellgate Keep was destroyed, the mythal energies were torn asunder. In your journey into the ruin, we merely ask that you activate this item." Lady Alustriel held out a small green marble or jade sphere. "This will repair what was destroyed and more importantly, keep anything inside from leaving."

That was when Ivan decided to ask for compensation.


Facing and pointing at Harbromm, Benito continued his rebuke, "How dare you judge us as you would judge others and perhaps yourself! If I had a choice in this matter I would be at home with my wife and child. However, I do the will of Ilmater in spite of the sacrifice and the gaze from your haughty eyes."

Now it was King Bruennor Battlehammer's turn to hold back one of his companions as Harbromm rose from his highbacked chair and pounded one fist onto the table while shaking the other at the cleric of Ilmater.

"What do you know of sacrifice, whelp?! I have seen countless of my people give their lives to stave back the orc hordes! Where have you been? When you were not even a thought, I had already sacrificed much."

King Harbromm would have exploded even more, except that Bruennor's calm bass drowned out his tirade, "Benito Moltos, do not take the King of Adbarimm's generalization personally. Before you were even born, Harbromm has been slaying orcs to prevent the extinction of his people. His cynicism towards the short-lived races is legendary."

The King of Mithral Hall gave a sharp tug on King Harbromm's forearm, yanking the dwarf back to his seat.

"And in any case, if these heroes were of questionable ethics we would not have summoned them to appear before us and undertake this delicate task. You must trust mine, and the High Lady's judgement," added Taern Hornblade, High Mage of Silverymoon.

"However, the Rashemani bears watching," proclaimed Emerus Warcrown, lord of Citadel Felbarr.

"This meeting is only a formality. We have already all agreed to request their aid. They come highly recommended. Your son, High Lady AND the High Mage have scrutinized them." Helm Dwarf-friend of Sundabar spoke. "What say you, Lord Kayl?"

Lord Kayl Moorwalker, First Elder of Everlund merely shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I am but a humble merchant. I know not of adventuring and whom to hire or not, and--"

"Yes, yes we know. You have to consult the rest of the elders in Everlund," Bruennor added with a hint of sarcasm.

Aris could only shake his head during the whole ordeal. Only Aris, Ivan, and Benito had even opened their mouths. The rest of the group had remained in awed silence. Grim still wanted to slink away. Ellysidell kept looking at the stained glass windows wishing to catch a glimpse of the outdoors. Nosr could not help staring at the High Lady. He hoped she would just look his way. Kyros was just impassive recording everything.

How embarrassing! thought Aris placing his hand on his forehead and shaking his head once more.

"By the honor of the Stormwolf Legion, we will undertake this quest to Hellgate Keep for you, High Lady Alustriel!"

Aris gritted his teeth as he mentioned Hellgate Keep and he saw Nosr almost double over. Kyros gave him a hurt look.

"Can you do anything about this curse that the Mistmaster has laid upon us, Lady. It would help us to serve you better?"

Before she could reply, Benito clarified, "The Stormwolf Legion does not speak for nor does it include me."

"Alas, the powers of the Mistmaster are beyond even my ken, " said Lady Alustriel. She added with a frown that nearly broke Nosr's heart, "It seems to me that you are very disjointed as a group. I had thought that there was more unity among you."

Harbromm guffawed,"I think we should re-think our proposal. They cannot even agree upon a name to call themselves."

"Aren't we just as bad, Harbromm?" came Bruennor to their defense.

"Besides what is in a name. We have been apart for five long years, but be assured that when the battles come, we work like a well-oiled machine. I am confident in that," said Aris.

"So will you undertake the quest?" asked Alustriel again holding out the jade marble.

Aris bowed, approached the dais, and accepted the item. He was very suprised by the weight of the sphere as the High Lady placed it into his hand. Courtiers also gave each hero a unicorn pendant to bring them right outside the gates of Silverymoon when they had completed the task or things became dire....

"Companions of the Quest, then. I will go," said Benito accepting the pendant. First, however, we need to stop and pay a visit to Mr. Mistmaster!


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