Free Free Fanzine for the World of Greyhawk: The Grey Grimoire



Hey everybody!

Ewan Cummins, AKA Norker, here. My team has produced a snazzy new magazine for the World of Greyhawk (setting owned by Wizards of the Coast). It's free, non-commercial, unofficial, and packed with gaming goodness. We've got new items, monsters, a scenario, lore, and more. The Grey Grimoire supports multiple editions. 5E, 1E, etc. Come check it out.

I will be on Lord Gosumba's Twitch this weekend to discuss the zine.


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Fantastic stuff, @Norker! And great timing with the coastal/marine-themed articles, as I'm currently prepping my Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign in Greyhawk.

While I've only skimmed the zine so far, I am really impressed with the artwork and layout. I'll hopefully be able to contribute something in the future.


Fantastic stuff, @Norker! And great timing with the coastal/marine-themed articles, as I'm currently prepping my Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign in Greyhawk.

While I've only skimmed the zine so far, I am really impressed with the artwork and layout. I'll hopefully be able to contribute something in the future.

The next issue is already in the works. Spring 2024.

Voidrunner's Codex

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