Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for February 2, 2025

Welcome to the Bundles, Freebies, and Sales News, the weekly column at EN World that helps make sure you don’t miss out on big tabletop RPG bundles, charity fundraisers, and sales from around the internet.


Freebies and Pay What You Want

Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!

Ubique Publications released the Year Zero Engine English folk horror game Grimsbury. Set in the titular village from the 1950s to the 1990s, the 100 page rulebook contains everything you need for the folk horror, occult activity, errant scientific activity, and otherworldly encounters.
  • Price: Free

Within Cold Stars is a new RPG using a unique system from Midwest Mancers. Travel the stars from civilized space to wild unexplored frontiers as you choose from nine alien species, six professions, over 100 perks, and more.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $3.00)

If you’re looking for art for your personal games or published material, WatcherDM posted Stock Art 2, a collection of 80 fantasy and sci-fi illustrations licensed for both personal and commercial use.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $8.00)

Can you escape the wrath of the Blood God? Find out in Cult of the Blood God, an adventure from hexhog Mörk Borg or any OSR system.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Dice Monkey has a Fiasco playset, Robert’s Hamburgers. Robert’s Hamburgers is on Sea Street in Bay Town, home to big dreams, small budgets, and complicated relationships leading to many potential zany sdventures.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Ediciones FrankenRol released an interesting take on a zombie survival LARP with Red Dawn Zombie. The entire real world is your play space with no boundaries and anyone wearing red clothing is one of the undead and a threat.
  • Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)
  • Also available in Spanish, suggested price $1.04

TheNatOne wants to give you an option to the normal 5e rules with a variant Red Hack2er. This d20 system is “classless” with a skill-based system and action points featuring deadly combat as PCs don’t gain health as they level and there are two stackable critical hit systems.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)
  • Also available in Print-on-Demand softcover as PWYW (Suggested: $9,99)
  • You can also pick up the military sci-fi spinoff Troopers: All Out War

Bar(d) Crawl from Kristin Sigler is a one-page adventure for any system where you play a party of all bards looking to make some quick coin.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Over on Dungeonmasters Guild, The Wreck of the Waverunner from Carl Saunders has the 3rd level party investigating a destroyed village and the mysterious shipwreck that may have caused it.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.99)

Benjamin Xiaofang Hurley released Quick Quests: 12 Zodiac Quests is a dozen short adventures ranging from level 1 to 12 inspired by Xianxia (Chinese high fantasy) and based on the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.49)

The Lightning Round this week features gamemaster/DM resources like monsters, maps, random generators, one-page adventures, drop-in encounters, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses:


Bundles and Sales

Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.

DriveThruRPG has not one, not two, not three, but four bundles that collect every single available digital release for different games. And don’t worry, if you already own some of the titles in the bundle, you’ll get those deducted from your total so you’re not paying for them twice.

Twin Engine Publishing has a huge discount on an adventure collection with the Adventure Suite: Fantasy Mega PDF-Bundle. Pick up seven adventures for levels 3-5 or 6-8 compatible both with 5e and Basic Roleplay.
  • Price: $17.33 (50% off)

The Exploration Expanded Bundle from Gabrillo Despint features a trio of 5e books expanding your options for exploration with guides to cooking, foraging, and hunting.
  • Price: $6.00 (50% off)


Charity Bundles and Sales

Once again, I'm starting off with my GoFundMe for medical bills. From late October to mid November, I was hospitalized with kidney failure and infected wounds in my lower legs. I’ve been hospitalized three times since with various issues (numbness in one foot, pneumonia, symptoms of a stroke). I’m as okay as can be, but the bills are mounting up and I still have multiple outpatient appointments (dialysis three times weekly, wound care twice weekly, plus further appointments and tests). As I cannot walk, I require medical transport which I’m paying for out of pocket and, frankly, costs me more than my rent. Please consider donating as every dollar helps.
  • Charity: Darryl Mott’s medical bills (all proceeds) has the Best of 2024 TTRPG Bundle for TEP, a collection of 78 games from 39 creators. Pick up original indie titles, solo games, supplements for 5e and Pirate Borg, and a whole lot more.
  • Price: $10 (94% off)
  • Charity: Trans Empowerment Project (all proceeds)
  • End Date: February 10, 2025

Bundle of Holding has a bundle of catharsis with the Punch Nazis! Bundle. Pick up the punk rock game of rebellious romance Misspent Youth, the mecha game Apocalypse Frame, and a pair of subversive takes on Star Wars style sci-fi galactic 2e and its companion Going Rogue. The Bonus Collection adds on the expansions Eat the Reich, No God’s Country, Moonpunk, and two Misspent Youth expansions.
  • Price: $12.95 (82% off) with variable-cost Level Up option
  • Charity: Center for Constitutional Rights (10%)
  • End Date: February 12, 2025

Over on Humble Bundle, the Adventures, Crafting, Monsters, and VTT Assets Bundle has a huge collection of third-party D&D products for your games. The base level starts with nine map collections, the second level adds on nine VTT token collections and another three map collections, while the top tier has 58 total products including maps, monster books, DMing guides, alternate rules, encounters, adventures, and a whole lot more.
  • Price: $5/$15/$25 (97% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: February 9, 2025

While not an RPG product, the ElfQuest comic series has long been an inspiration for fantasy TTRPGs. Humble and Dark Horse have the ElfQuest Dark Horse Collection Encore featuring a collection of digital PDF graphic novels. The base tier has the Complete ElfQuest Volume 1 and ElfQuest: Stargazer’s Hunt Volume 1, the second tier adds on Complete ElfQuest Volume 2 and 3 plus Stargazer’s Hunt Volume 2, and the top tier finishes out the collection with Complete ElfQuest Volume 4-7 and ElfQuest: The Final Quest Volume 1-4.
  • Price: $1/$10/$18 (88% off at top tier)
  • Charity: World Central Kitchen (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: February 20, 2025

That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Bluesky , or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Miniature Marketplace, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

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