Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for July 28, 2024

Welcome to the Bundles, Freebies, and Sales News, the weekly column at EN World that helps make sure you don’t miss out on big tabletop RPG bundles, charity fundraisers, and sales from around the internet.


Freebies and Pay What You Want

Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!

If you’re attending Gen Con and able to give blood, the convention is partnering with The Heinlein Society and the Versiti Blood Center of Indiana to host a blood drive. All confirmed donors will receive an exclusive Loot Crate including three months access to dScryb, three months of audio by Michael Ghelfi Studios with a dScryb Composer subscription, a copy of Roll20’s Burn Bryte Core Rulebook, plus dice and other swag at the sign-up booth. You’ll also be registered to win a daily prize package including an annual Compusre subscription to TTRPG audio by Michael Ghelfi Studios, an annual Hero subscription to dScryb, an annual Pro subscription to Roll20, your choice of the Pathfinder Beginner Box or Starfinder Beginner Box, and a quill and ink writing set. One grand prize willer will also receive everything in the daily prize package plus a 10 year Pro Subscription to Roll20. Sign up for the giveaways on the Dscryb sign-up page.
  • Price: A pint of your blood

If you’re looking for a smurfing good time, you can pick up the Quick Start Guide for the upcoming The Smurfs Roleplaying Game from Maestro Media. Sign up for updates on their Kickstarter on the Backerkit page and you’ll get a copy of the Quick Start Guide send directly to your inbox.
  • Price: Free

Izegrim Creations also has a preview of their new RPG with GEAS Quick Start Guide. This heroic fantasy RPG uses a unique dice pool system that puts player agency first and foremost.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Ilias Iovis wants to send you on an OSR adventure inspired by Greek mythology with Myths of Destiny. This hack of Songs and Sagas where you play as sentient animated statues in the new land of Gaia tasked to protect the new humans populating the world.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.00)

Zerotheory Games released Wasteland Escorts, a one-page post-apocalyptic RPG where you play escorts making sure the caravans between megacities arrive at their destination safely and deal with the complications the wasteland has to offer.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

If you’re looking to create the tension and terror of horror movies, then UGLI Games has you covered with The Horror Film Simulation Tabletop Role-Playing Game. Designed for 1-2 sessions meant to recreate the unease, mystery, terror, and even humor of your favorite horror flicks.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Mad Titan has an alternative to your regular old encumbrance system with Slot-Based Inventory System. This alternative system is designed for 5e but can be adapted to any system with just a bit of tweaking as it covers what you’re holding, what you’re carrying, and what extra you’re able to haul with a higher strength based on the size of the item in an abstract way rather than forcing you to keep track of every single pound.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

I’m a bit old for the TikToks, but I’m vaguely aware of the current trend of videos that Koumiss Games seeks to replicate with Gnomes vs Knights. Draw inspiration from the thousands of videos created from the trend as you choose your side between the tiny gnomes and the great armored knights.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.00)

While the inspiration is just as obvious, it’s not directly called out in the case of Hellsquad for Old-School Revival from Oddplan! Your mission is to land your clone on an hostile alien planet and pacify the location as a Helldiver err I mean Hellsquad!
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $5.90)

Speaking of OSR, Empty Castle Press released The Echoing Manor, an adventuring location that easy to fit into any sandbox campaign based on the concept of a medieval manor home and early modern period English country home. This supplement has floor plans, room information, notes, and a name generator to give a name for your manor.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Over on Dungeonmasters Guild, Vincente Caifo released Rescue in the Forest, a 5e adventure that sends 1st level adventurers after Little Eliza who has been kidnapped by goblins from the Dark Forest. Also available in Portuguese.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00 each)

On Storytellers Vault, a large group of creators have come together to create the massive 194-page Chronicles of Conquest. Unveil the secrets of the World of Darkness in Chile, from the pre-Inca age to the arrival of the Spanish crown and all the massive changes to the land for all World of Darkness games including Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Mummy: The Resurrection, and more.
  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $5.00)

The first Lightning Round this week features gamemaster/DM resources like monsters, maps, random generators, one-page adventures, drop-in encounters, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses.

The second Lightning Round features player resources like classes, subclasses, backgrounds, feats, races/species, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses.


Bundles and Sales

Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.

The Christmas in July Sale on DriveThruRPG is going on right now with massive discounts on thousands of titles. Grab titles like Cyberpunk RED, Fabula Ultima, Knave 2nd Edition, Vaesen, The Lazy Dungeonmaster series, the Without Number games, Dragonbane, RuneQuest, The One Ring, Delta Green, and a hell of a lot more. Oh, and if you’re looking for VTT products, the Christmas in July Sale is also going strong on Roll20.
  • Price: Up to 80% off
  • End Date: August 2, 2024

If you don’t follow many RPG creators on social media, you may have missed the relationship between artist and designer Stan! and the legendary Owen K.C. Stephens where Owen will make a comment and Stan! will respond with some variation of “Damn it, Owen!” and be forced to draw a comic with whatever weird idea Owen has come up with this time because it’s an idea that refuses to not exist. Well, Stan! has created a collection of these comics up on Kickstarter with half the proceeds from the crowdfunding campaign going to assist with Owen’s cancer treatment bills.
  • Price: $20 and up for additional rewards
  • Charity: Owen K.C. Stephens cancer treatment (50%)
  • End Date: August 4, 2024

Darington Press’s Candela Obscura is coming to Roll20 and now there’s a bundle to pick up both the PDF and the VTT format at a discount. This bundle includes not only the quickstart and core rules, but also the adventure Dressed to Kill.
  • Price: $39.98 (20% off)

Alluria Publishing wants to get in on the Christmas in July action on their own with the New from Alluria Bundle featuring four sourcebooks for 5e including Remarkable Races Unhinged: The Icosian, Remarkable Races Unhinged: The Mirthling, Lost Chromatic Dragons, and Remarkable Races: Citizens of the Shoreline.
  • Price: $19.98 (56% off)

Random Tables has a bundle to help with your prep either by saving you some time or giving you some ideas with the Dungeon & Ruins Encounters Bundle. Each volume in this bundle features a random table of 200 encounters themed to a different location including both combat and non-combat encounters so it’s useful no matter what you need for your game.
  • Price: $12.95 (46% off)


Charity Bundles and Sales

Over on Bundle of Holding…I’m so sorry, it’s a pair of BattleTech bundles. Meaning you have to put up with me gushing. The first is the BattleTech Readouts Bundle which is the heart and soul of any BattleTech game – more BattleMechs, more AeroSpace fighers, more vehicles, more dropships, and more everything that makes the game so fun. The Starter Collection features the classic era BattleTech Technical Readouts 3025-3081 covering the Succession Wars deep into the technological advancements of the Clan Invasion and the era-ending Jihad into the start of the Dark Ages. The Bonus Collection adds on the BattleTech Technical Readouts 3085-3150 taking us from the Dark Ages all the way to the current war for Terra and the infamous Project Phoenix that brings back the classic Unseen ‘Mechs that were removed due to legal concerns.
  • Price: $19.95 (75% off) with variable-cost Level Up option
  • Charity: Direct Relief (10%)
  • End Date: August 13, 2024

And if you don’t have the rules to play the game, the BattleTech Total War Bundle will take care of you with the BattleTech: Total Warfare core rulebook covering all the the ground combat options for the game along with the BattleTech Tech Manual to let you design your own BattleMechs. But the REAL fun comes with the Bonus Collection which adds on the four Operations rulebooks which add on space combat rules, rules for managing a unit, campaign rules (as in actual military campaigns), and everything you need to create an entire ongoing almost roleplay like experience.
  • Price: $7.95 (74% off) with variable-cost Level Up option
  • Charity: Direct Relief (10%)
  • End Date: August 13, 2024

The Stars Without Numbers Bundle from Sine Nomine Publishing is back once again. You can pick up the Starter Collection with Stars Without Number Revised Deluxe, the scene backdrop book Sixteen Stars, and the SWN Revised GM Screen. The Bonus Collection adds on the sourcebooks Starvation Cheap, Suns of Gold, Skyward Steel, and Dead Names plus the cyberpunk adventure Polychrome.
  • Price: $7.95 (75% off) with variable cost level-up option
  • Charity: Benzie Food Partners (10%)
  • End Date: August 6, 2024

Monkeyfun Studios has a bundle from the age of muscle cars, afros, disco, daredevils, and badass detectives who don’t play by the rules with the Powered by the Apocalypse game Spirit of ’77. The Funky Collection includes the core Spirit of ’77 rulebook, the setting book Wide World of ’77, and the adventure anthologies Spirit of ’77 Greatest Hits 1-2. The Even Funkier Collection adds on three Very Special Episode and two Pilot adventures.
  • Price: $9.95 (83% Off) with variable cost level-up option
  • Charity: Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program (10%)
  • End Date: July 30, 2024

Over on Humble Bundle, the Doctor Who Ultimate RPG Collection is precisely what it says on the tin, the ultimate collection of Doctor Who TTRPGs. If you’ve already got the Doctor Who RPG and just want to support the bundle, the base level features four new adventures and a 20% off coupon for the Cubicle 7 store. New players will want to start with the second tier which includes the Adventures in Time and Space core rulebook (11th Doctor edition) plus the sourcebook for the First, Second, and Third Doctors and the Eleventh Doctor Adventure Book and Aliens and Creatures books. The third tier expands it even futhre with the updated core rulebook, sourcebooks for the Fourth through Thirteenth Doctors, The UNIT Sourcebook, Time Traveller’s Companion, and more. And if the idea of learning a custom system designed specifically for Doctor Who feels a bit much to jump into right away and you’d like to ease in with something more familiar rules-wise, the top tier adds on the core rulebooks for Doctors & Daleks, the 5e adaptation of the Doctor Who RPG plus sourcebooks. The top tier also has the two-part Sixty Years of Adventure book covering every single Doctor’s era in one massive adventure.
  • Price: $1/$10/$18/$25 (97% off at tip tier)
  • Charity: BBC Children in Need (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: August 17, 2024

Owners of 3D printers or those who have access through a local library, university, or maker space will have their project schedules filled by the Dungeons & Monsters 3 Bundle of STL files for 3D printed miniatures. The base level includes a centaur mage, two bear riders, and a collection of terrain fences, mimic variants, and more plus a dice display log. The second tier ups the number of STL file collections to ninety-three (yes, 93) with monsters, PCs/NPCs, terrain, decorations, walls, buildings, fences, tents, furniture, and a whole lot more. And that’s not even the final level, which adds on even more STL collections for a total of 117 – note, that’s not 117 STL files but 117 collections of files under a theme so the “Fantasy Market Stall” pack itself includes six different STL files, enough to keep you busy making worlds and displays for ages.
  • Price: $1/$20/Variable ($21.26 at time of writing, 97% off)
  • Charity: Make-a-Wish (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: August 5, 2024

MIT Press released the All About Gaming Book Bundle featuring a small library of books about the nuts-and-bolts of game design and the history of gaming. While much of the bundle focuses on video games, many of the lessons work just as well for tabletop such as the base level books Virtual Economies Design and Analysis, Rules of Play Game Design Fundamentals, and the more tabletop focused Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming. The second tier adds on four more titles while the top tier jumps the collection all the way up to 26 items total including the tabletop roleplaying history books Game Wizards: The Epic Battle for Dungeons & Dragons and The Elusive Shift: How Role-Playing Games Forged Their Identity by RPG historian Jon Peterson.
  • Price: $1/$10/$18 (97% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Girls Who Code (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: August 9, 2024

Kobold Press, Frog God Games, and Humble Bundle have the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Bundle with a collection of third party products for Pathfinder 1st Edition. When I say this bundle is huge, I mean HUGE. The base level starts out with 28 items while the second level expands that to 56, the penultimate tier to 74, and the top tier includes all the rest but also the 69 titles from the previous Classic Pathfinder Megabundle from last year for a total of ONE HUNDRED FORTY-THREE titles including adventures, campaign settings, alternate rules, classes, races, magic items, and everything else you’d expect from the most prolific of third-party Pathfinder publishers collecting over a decade of products.
  • Price: $5/$15/$25/$50
  • Charity: Make-a-Wish Foundation
  • End Date: August 1, 2024

Chaosium and Humble have extended the RuneQuest Roleplaying in Glorantha Bundle with everything you need to get started with RuneQuest. The base level will give you a taste with the RuneQuest Starter Set and the quickstart “Broken Tower Scenario” plus The Glorantha Sourcebook and The RuneQuest Coloring Book. If you want to jump into the game properly, the second tier adds on RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Core Rules, Glorantha Bestiary, Weapons & Equipment, The Red Book of Magic, and Argar Argar Atlas. The top tier gives you a full library of 18 books adding on nine more including the Cults of RuneQuest series, the gamemaster screen, and more setting and rules books.
  • Price: $1/$10/$18 (94% off at top tier)
  • Charity: (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: August 3, 2024

That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Mastodon, or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

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