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Freeport Forever [3/6 - Company Of Heroes] FINAL UPDATE!


DiFier said:
Wow your manhunter sounds like he's quickly stampieding past CN to CE. or maybe LE. killing 2 people who may or may have not killed your father or may or may not been a member of the crew when he was killed in cold blood sounds evil to me.

He started out CG, and is now definitely CN. Interestingly, Parika was CN and is now sliding toward CG. How will all of this turn out? I have some ideas, but you'll have to tune in to find out. :)

I'm pretty sure we won't be playing this coming weekend, but the next weekend should (hopefully) see the conclusion of Terror In Freeport.

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Smeege The Mighty

First Post
Interlude: The Morning After II

Nevroth awoke fully rested for the first time since the encounter in the Block and Tackle. He thought back on the previous night's events as he dressed.

He had planned on merely following the pair of pirates until an opportunity presented itself. Sitting near them in the bar, he had been pleasantly surprised when they challenged him to a game of darts. After that, they invited him to join in their pub crawl. It had been simple enough to steer the drunken fools down an alley. When they both decided to relieve themselves against a wall, he drew his swords and struck. Before the other could react, an arrow from the shadows took him in the chest. Obviously, Parika had kept her eyes open. Nevroth laughed as one of the pirates recovered enough wits to exclaim, "But we thought you were our friend!" He couldn't honestly consider killing them to be a fight. Drunk and off guard, they offered almost no resistance at all.

When it was over, he took their headbands, leaving the bodies as they lay, with their pants still around their ankles. Watching Parika carefully retrieve her arrows, and seeing the way she kept looking around, he guessed she was having second thoughts about the night's activities. That was fine with him. She had proven to be a worthy companion, and he trusted her at his side in a fight. But it had been wrong to ask her to join in his crusade. This quest for vengance was his, not hers. From now on, he would hunt alone.

*As the DM pointed out, 100% of my characters (all two of them) in the Freeport campaign have lured people to their deaths in Scurvytown. I really don't plan on Nevroth turning evil, but this revenge thing is going to remain a driving force in his life. Only time will tell, I suppose.


Terror In Freeport: Part 3

A group of three well dressed pedestrians was nothing out of the ordinary amid the morning traffic on Wave Avenue. They strolled past blocks of gilded townhouses and high priced boutiques, but they were not in the Merchant District for simple sightseeing. They slowed as they reached a section of free standing mansions, each an individual display of incredible wealth and exquisite taste. In the middle of these was 100 Wave Avenue.

"It figures," muttered Rachel. Swaying in the morning breeze were banners bearing the now familiar crest of Councillor Verlaine. She glanced at Parika. "What do you think?"

The burglar counted the guards arrayed around the building and assessed the barred windows and spiked roofline. "There's no way we are getting in there." She led the small group in a subtle about face that would take them back to the Old City.

"So what now?" asked Nevroth.

"I'll check with my sources and see what I can dig up about this guy," said Parika. "Maybe he's got a weak spot somewhere."


Parika felt more comfortable back in her normal clothes, but no better about her situation. Snick apparently didn't keep up with the intricacies of Freeport politics. He had seemed curious about who she was working for and why she was looking for dirt on Verlaine, but she didn't give him any hints. The best advice he had was to check the Office of Public Records. It didn't seem like a very exciting proposition, but it was the only one left.

"This is it," said Nevroth. They stood before a massive structure, nearly indistinguishable from its neighbors in the Warehouse District. Only the sign outside revealed the Office of Public Records for what it was.

The door opened into a large room filled with shelves. Each shelf was packed with papers, ledgers, book, and scrolls. There was no apparent order to the mess. A grizzled, middle-aged man sat behind a desk sorting through a stack of paper. He looked up as the door opened. "Whatcha lookin' fer?"

Parika glanced around. "Oh, we just wanted to take a look around."

The man shrugged. "Suit yerself." He jerked his thumb toward a door marked "Records".

The half-elf opened the door and stepped through. In the dim light she could see the cavernous interior of the warehouse, with shelves towering all the way to the ceiling. They seemed to use the same filing system as the outer room. Parika stepped back into the office. "Uh... maybe we could use a little help."

"I thought ya might," said the man, chuckling.


Nevroth flipped back and forth through the pages of a large ledger. "This Verlaine guy looks like just a run of the mill merchant. An exceptionally successful merchant, but that's all. Imports, exports, a stake in several businesses around the city. Nothing suspicious here."

"Nothing unusual that I can see either," said Parika. "He doesn't appear in any of the Captains' Council minutes until right after Milton Drac became Sea Lord, and then he shoots straight to the top of the heap."

The record keeper, who had eventually introduced himself as Reed, approached the book strewn table with another armload of books. He set the stack down with a thump. "So you're trying to dig up dirt on Verlaine, eh?"

Parika shrugged. "Just taking an interest in local affairs."

Reed grunted and turned to leave. Before he could go, Rachel stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. When he looked back at her, she batted her eyes. "I'm sure an important official like yourself has some opinion on Verlaine. I'd love to hear what you have to say."

Reed gave her a yellow-toothed grin. "Well, I can't say as I have much love for the man. He ain't done much but line his own pockets since he's been on the Council. And just the other day he sent his thugs in here to go diggin' around in my files, the filthy wretches."

"Oh?" asked Rachel. "What were they looking for?"

"Old maps of Scurvytown. I told 'em there hadn't been a useful map o' that place in fifty years, but they kept demanding one, so I gave 'em what I had. And then they said they needed maps o' the sewers, too. I don't know what they was lookin' fer, but they made a right mess that I ain't had time to clean up yet."

"Do you think we might be able to take a look at those maps?"

"Sure, they're, ah, over there on the floor. I'd get 'em, but my back is killin' me."

Rachel thanked him and helpfully bent over to retrieve the maps. Parika rolled her eyes. Soon the maps were rolled out on the table, and they began studying them. "Whoever those guys were," said Parika, "they weren't the cleanest people in the world." She indicated a number of greasy fingerprints around the map. One particularly nasty spot was on a sewer entrance in Scurvytown.

Nevroth checked the spot against the old street map and nodded. "That looks like it's right behind the temple."

Meanwhile, Rachel was scrutinizing the sewer map. She traced one of the sewer lines with her finger. "They left us a trail, too. It goes all the way across town into the Merchant District, but it trails off there. Interesting."

Parika found a sheet of parchment and made a rough copy of the route. She tucked it away in her pack and stood up. "Well, that should give us something to go on. Lets get moving."

They packed up their gear and Rachel thanked Reed sweetly. They left the cackling record keeper behind and went back out into the afternoon sun. Their conversation ground to a quick halt as they saw a large group of armed men surrounding the records office, all bearing Verlaine's seal.

"Your presence is requested at the Courts by Councillor Verlaine. Please come with us."


Terror In Freeport: Part 4

Rachel walked along between the ranks of Verlaine's guards, headed toward the wall surrounding the Old City. "This doesn't look good," she muttered.

Nevroth shrugged. "Well, they didn't actually say we were under arrest."

"Somehow that's not very comforting," grumbled Parika.

On the far side of the Old City lay a walled complex containing, among other municipal buildings, the low granite building housing the Courts. It wasn't much to look at, with no architectural details of note save the large city seal carved above the doors, but it was ominous enough nonetheless.

Soon the three detainees found themselves in a courtroom, empty save for the guards that had escorted them and a like number already arrayed around the room. They were asked to surrender their weapons, which they did, save for a couple of concealed daggers that the guards failed to find during their cursory inspection. Two small knives against a dozen armed guardsmen was more of a joke than a plan, but it made them feel better.

It seemed like hours before the door finally opened again. The sour-faced man who entered was unfamiliar to them, but the rich robes he wore bore a familiar seal: this was undoubtedly Councillor Verlaine.

"Adventurers." He spat the word like a curse. "I know your type, I've certainly seen enough stomp their way through this city, looking under rocks for stray coins and kicking down doors." He shook his head. "I don't know who you are, and frankly I don't care. I don't deny that you have done some valuable work for the city, but that doesn't give you the right to go poking around where you're not welcome. No matter what flimsy excuses you come up with." He glared at Nevroth.

"I don't know what you were after down in that old cult hideout, but I'm sure it wasn't anything legal. I want you out of my city by dawn. I've got a fleet of ships in the harbor that can ferry you elsewhere; you can take your pick of them." He turned to the captain of his guard. "Lloyd, make sure they get on board without any... problems." Verlaine gave them a final sneer and walked out.

"Well, that could have gone worse," muttered Nevroth.

"Bah," grunted Parika. "Let's pack up our weapons and put this town behind us."

Lloyd put his hand on his sword hilt. "I don't think you're going to be needing those. We'll keep you safe until you get on your boat."

Rachel narrowed her eyes at the captain. "Hey, I paid good money for that sword!"

"Oh, I'm sure we'll find a good use for it. We can always use new weapons."

Before any ill-advised violence could erupt, the courtroom doors burst open. A breathless Edwin trotted in, waving a rolled-up parchment. He showed it to Lloyd and the two exchanged a few words. The captain looked at the scroll distastefully, but eventually nodded and led his men back out the door, leaving the pile of weapons unguarded.

Edwin approached the three companions as they retrieved their gear. "I'm glad I found you in time. I don't know what was going to happen to you, but I can only assume it was the same thing they had planned for poor Lucius. I'm afraid he's been taken again. I heard him cry out and found his room empty, but when I got out to the street there was no sign of him or his captors. I came looking for you but couldn't find you at the inn."

Rachel hung her cutlass back in its proper place. "How did you know where we were?"

"I suspected that something might have happened to you, but I knew that you couldn't be taken purely by force. I knew the serpent cult must have used some human agency to snare you. I asked a member of the Guard and he confirmed that you had been taken here. Fortunately, I was able to get Monsignor Thuron to use his clout to convince a sympathetic Councillor to draw up a writ for your release. You were declared wards of the temple and under or protection. I can only hope that it buys us enough time to find poor Lucius."

The group left the Courts, making their way out of the Old City and back to more familiar territory. "Where do you think they might have taken Lucius?"

"I don't know exactly how," said Parika, "but Verlaine is involved in all of this somehow. We found a map that his men had been using to find a route from the old cult temple through the sewers to the Merchant District. Maybe that's where they took him."


Rachel grunted as she lifted the manhole cover, revealing a dark hole leading into the bowels of Freeport. Nevroth pulled a lantern from his pack, and soon he had a bright beam of light shining down into the damp tunnel.

"I finally got around to buying a light after last time."

Edwin smiled sheepishly. "I'm glad you did. I wasn't planning on going spelunking today, so I didn't prepare any light of my own."

They descended into the sewer tunnel, slowly acclimating themselves to the foul stench. Edwin was handed the lantern as the others drew weapons. Parika checked her map, then led the way down the tunnel. They marched in single file along a narrow walkway. The arched tunnel had a channel of waste-filled water running through the center, with another walkway on the far side. Edwin brought up the rear, shining the light as best he could in the direction they were going.

After they had gone a few hundred feet down the main sewer tunnel, Edwin called out, "I found something!" The others turned to look as the priest extracted a shoe from the muck on the floor. "This is one of Lucius's shoes. We must be on the right track."

Parika continued leading the way, her keen eyes revealing details that the others could not see in the dim light. As she came around a small pillar she froze. high up on the wall was an opening leading back into the wall of the tunnel. She could see the glimmer of two pairs of eyes looking out from the hole, and the tips of rubbery black tentacles curling over the edge of the opening. She retreated quickly, leaping over to the other side of the tunnel and fitting an arrow to her bowstring. "Something up ahead," she said to the others. "Hiding in a hole in the wall."

Rachel hung back with Edwin, watching for something to appear up ahead. Whatever it was didn't seem to be coming out, though. Nevroth tried to leap across to join Parika, but he lost his footing on the slick stone and fell into the filth running through the middle of the tunnel. Cursing, he climbed out the far side.

Parika advanced slowly until she could see the hole again, though she could no longer make out anything inside. She fired an arrow into the blackness and was rewarded with an angry hiss. A hunched humanoid form leaped out of the hole, waving its tentacles menacingly. One of them whipped across the tunnel, wrapping itself around Parika's throat and squeezing.

Seeing a target at last, Rachel charged with her cutlass raised high. She brought it down in a wicked slash across the thing's torso, spraying black ichor on the wall and floor. Gasping for breath, Parika managed to fire another arrow into the creature's chest. She felt the tentacle around her throat loosen, and the creature slowly toppled into the water.

Nevroth finally reached Parika's side and called for Edwin to heal her. The priest tried to cross the channel but fell in as well, finally scrabbling his way toward the battle. He kneeled next to Parika and chanted briefly, but for some reason her throat felt no better.

Meanwhile, two more tentacles lashed out from the dark cleft, one wrapping itself around Rachel's throat. She was no weakling, however, and she flexed her neck muscles to avoid being throttled. She slashed at the creature, cutting a gash in its tentacle but not severing it. Nevroth tried to join her, but his already slick boots could get no purchase on the stone and he was forced to wade through the water once more.

Edwin had moved further down the tunnel away from the battle, watching from a safe distance. Nevroth managed to get up onto the other walkway, only to find a tentacle around his neck as well. They heard Edwin chanting, and the tunnel was suddenly enveloped in a thick mist that boiled up from the stinking water.

"That's not helping, Edwin," growled Rachel through clenched teeth. She and Nevroth kept slashing at their attacker through the fog, and soon it lay unmoving. They unwrapped its tentacles from their throats and Rachel called out, "Edwin, it's dead. You can come back now." Instead of coming closer, however, the light quickly receded, leaving them in the darkness listening to the sound of running footsteps.

Parika rubbed her throat. "This is not a good sign."


Terror In Freeport: Part 5

"I don't think that was Edwin," said Rachel.

"Maybe it was him, but he was under some sort of mind control like Lucius was," theorized Nevroth.

Parika shrugged, though the gesture was useless in the pitch dark. "Well, whoever he was, he left us without any light. I've got flint and steel, but nothing to light with it."

"I have some flasks of lamp oil, but no lamp anymore," grumbled Nevroth.

"Wait, I have an idea," said Parika. She managed to get one of Nevroth's oil flasks in the dark, then cut off a short piece of rope and threaded it through the mouth of the flask to make a wick. A few minutes later, she had a crude but serviceable lamp. The flickering light made the wet stone tunnel look like the gullet of some gargantuan beast. Nevroth looked up at the cleft in the wall. "I wonder who else those things might have caught down here. I'm already wet and nasty, I may as well go take a look."

The manhunter borrowed Parika's lamp and clambered up into the narrow opening. Crawling on his belly, he found a small cave littered with piles of old bones. Most of them were the remains of rats, but several larger skeletons looked like they were humanoid. Poking through the remains, he found several pouches of coins which he tossed out to his companions. He also found a sturdy metal flask with a hinged lid. He could feel liquid sloshing around inside. Just as he was about to wiggle his way back out, he caught sight of a cracked leather scroll case tucked inside some unfortunate person's clothes. He pulled the brass bound case free of the tattered cloth and returned to the sewer tunnel. He tucked the case in his pack. "Whatever's in there, I'd rather wait until I'm less filthy before opening it."

"So what do we do now?" asked Rachel.


Nevroth perched on the edge of a pew as a Fargothan priest healed Parika's wounds. The freshly washed manhunter opened his pack and took out the leather scroll case. As he turned it over in his hands, he could feel something sliding around inside.

Leaning over his shoulder, Rachel asked, "What do you think's inside?"

He shrugged. "It could be anything." He twisted the cap off the end of the tube and peered inside. A curled sheet of parchment, yellow and cracked with age, lay within. The mysterious rattling object turned out to be a heavy brass key. He tipped the key out into his hand. The key's handle was engraved with a stylized wave, still clear beneath the thick patina. Carefully, he removed the parchment and unrolled it.

The money is hidden inside the wall behind the bed. We're even now.

"That's interesting," said Rachel. "Too bad we don't know what that key unlocks."

Nevroth returned the note and key to the case. "I don't know what a wave might mean. Maybe someplace on Wave Avenue?"

Rachel shrugged. "It's as good a guess as any."


As they entered the temple of St. Uller, the three companions were only mildly surprised to see Lucius alive and well, bustling about among the stacks. They approached him and asked if he had seen Brother Edwin.

Lucius's brow furrowed. "No, not since this morning." He saw the glances exchanged between them and added, "Is something wrong?"

"We were left for dead in the sewers by someone claiming to be Edwin," said Nevroth. "Either is was someone disguised as him, or he's under some sort of mind control"

"Oh no," said Lucius. "If those awful cultists have captured him, there's no telling what they might be doing to him. Where do you think they might have taken him?"

Parika shrugged. "The only lead we have is the route Verlaine's men traced in the sewer. They might have him in Verlaine's basement, for all we know." She folded her arms and frowned. "If that wasn't really Edwin, then that writ he used to get us released is probably a fake, too. If they check it out, we may be back where we were before -- on the first boat out of town."

Lucius nodded. "I see. Well, if anyone comes around asking, I'll try to delay them as long as I can. I don't know how long I can keep them waiting, though, so you need to find out what's going on as quickly as you can. I may be able to call in a few favors and get you some healing elixirs as well. Please hurry; I know what horrible tortures those people are capable of."


A few restless hours of sleep later, they returned to the sewers with two new lanterns. Nevroth shone the beam of light down at the walkway where they had fought the night before. "Whoever he was, he left a pretty good trail."

As they followed the trail through the sewer tunnel, they would occasionally find objects half-concealed in the muck. "I suppose these were meant to keep us on the path," commented Parika, "like that shoe 'Edwin' found. I wonder where he was planning to take us."

The trail continued on down the tunnel, following the main sewer line toward the Merchant District. As they passed a short side passage, Parika noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She called a halt and went down the passage, finding a section of wall at the end that easily swung open. She shone the beam of her lantern inside, revealing a small square room filled with large chunks of stone. A quick inspection revealed that the room had a hinged ceiling and wall.

"What do you guys make of this?"

Nevroth shrugged. "I have no idea." He inspected the floor of the passage for a moment. "Whatever it is, our friend didn't go that way. He kept going down the main tunnel."

They followed the trail further, eventually coming to a section where iron bars had been cemented in place across the entire passage, presumably to block access to the underside of the Merchant District. The trail continued past them, so Parika inspected the bars and found that some of them had been cut through. They removed them and passed through, replacing them before continuing on.

After a few more minutes, Nevroth finally came to a stop. He crouched down and looked closely at the floor, but it was cleaner here than in the downstream parts of the sewer and the trail was no longer visible. "Well, this is as far as I can track him."

Parika looked around the tunnel, then turned to face the stone wall. "Let's see what we can see here."


The half-elf smiled as she ran her finger along a small seam in the wall. Her meticulous nature had finally paid off. "I think I've found something," she called to the others. By the time they joined her, she had already swung the wall aside, revealing a steeply sloping passage descending into darkness.

Rachel drew her cutlass and started down the passage. The seemingly endless trudge through the sewer had left her with a thirst for action. The narrow ramp was difficult for her to navigate, but she managed to reach the bottom without incident. She looked back to see the others practically strolling down behind her.

Taking the lantern from Parika, Rachel led the way through a winding stone passage. Eventually they found a small storage room to their left. A quick inspection of the crates and boxes found an array of familiar cult paraphernalia.

"Looks like we're in the right place," whispered Parika.

They continued on, finding another small room on the opposite side of the passage. Inside were a number of shelves filled with books marked in the indecipherable serpent tongue. Parika searched a desk at the back of the room, finding a book at the bottom of a stack of papers in a drawer. It was titled The True And Secrette Historie of the Brotherhoode of Free-Port, and appeared to be written in Tavian. She warily opened it, recalling her last experience with cult literature. Fortunately, this book seemed to have no ill effect.

Relieved, the thief scanned the book's table of contents. The chapter titles outlined an intriguing timeline. Apparently, the region around Freeport was once a vast land ruled by serpent men, who eventually brought a cataclysm upon themselves that sank their empire into the ocean.

She showed her find to Rachel and Nevroth. "The serpent men started this Brotherhood of the Unspeakable One, and destroyed their entire civilization."

Nevroth flipped through the book to the last chapter, "The Brotherhoode Today". He frowned as he read the last few paragraphs. "It says here that the Brotherhood survived through the ages, and is now disguised within the temple of St. Uller."

"I never trusted those guys," said Parika. She took the book back and stowed it in her pack. Unslinging her bow once more, she said, "Let's finish this."

The passage continued on, curving back on itself like a great serpent. Nevroth took the lead at the edge of the lantern light. As the passage curved around, they began to see flickering light up ahead. The manhunter peeked around the corner, seeing a disturbingly familiar scene. The Brotherhood's temple had been rebuilt, the hulking statue glowering over its basalt altar in the light of black candles. This time the altar was not empty, however; bound on its scarred surface was Brother Edwin, flanked by two men in the black robes of cultists. Standing guard around them were also three serpent men. Nevroth's stomach tightened as he saw all eyes turn toward him.

DM Notes:
* I decided not to lead them all the way to the deathtrap, mostly because I just don't like deathtraps.


Terror In Freeport: Part 6

Hearing the angry hiss of serpent men ahead, Rachel rushed to the attack. She charged in with her cutlass held high, dodging the serpents' hurled javelins. Her blade flashed downward, opening the belly of one of the serpents and leaving it writhing on the floor. Nevroth and Parika fired arrows from the doorway, scoring hits on a serpent and one of the cultists.

The cultist nearest Rachel dropped his smoking censer and began chanting, pointing his finger at the warrior. Rachel gritted her teeth as the all-too-familiar chill began to wrap itself around her heart. This time, however, the fear did not send her running. Instead she advanced, slashing the black robed man across the shoulder. The other cultist drew a short sword from within his robe and held his hand over the blade. The sword began glowing with a vile luminescence.

One of the serpent men threw a javelin toward Rachel. It few true and straight, on target for her heart. She raised her shield and the glyph on its face flashed red, sending the missile flying harmlessly away. Even as she grinned triumphantly, she felt an arrow tear across her shoulder. She turned to see Nevroth sheepishly moving his aim toward the other side of the room.

The serpent men gave up their fruitless barrage and charged the archers at the door. Nevroth and Parika were no strangers to close quarters archery, however, and their attackers were soon lying still on the floor. Meanwhile, Rachel has delivered a final blow to her first opponent and was facing off against the cultist with the black-glowing sword. They traded blows briefly, but the cultist was no match for Rachel's flashing blade and fell without once drawing blood.

"I'm so glad to see you," said Edwin. "I thought for sure they were going to kill me." After a moment he craned his neck up to see his rescuers cautiously approaching the altar. "Is something wrong?"

"Well, we're just not sure you're... you," said Parika. "Someone looking like you tried to leave us to die in the sewers last night."

"Oh, I assure you I'm myself," Edwin said. "One of the cultists used a potion to change himself into a likeness of me. It must have been him who tricked you. I've been chained to this altar since yesterday."

Nevroth glanced at Edwin's robes. "He certainly doesn't look like he's been splashing around in the sewer. I think we can trust him."

Edwin was quite relieved to be finally released, and he proceeded to heal their wounds, further convincing them that he was genuine. Parika searched the room, finding nothing except a rolled up note hidden in a niche under the altar. The note was written in the indecipherable serpent script, except three words: "Parika", "Nevroth", and "Rachel". She stowed the curious paper for later study.

Rachel finished cleaning her cutlass and slid it back in its sheath. "So now what?"

Edwin's brow furrowed. "When they first captured me, one of them said, 'After tonight, your kind will be out of the way for good.' I'm not sure what he meant, but it can't be good. We have to stop them, and quickly."

Parika glanced around the room. "Well, this place is a dead end." She fell silent as she say the black candles flickering. Underground, there shouldn't have been any wind to disturb the flames. "Hm, maybe not." She inspected the rear wall of the temple, finally discovering another secret door behind the looming statue. She opened it to reveal another steep ramp going up.


Rachel poked her head into the room at the top of the ramp. She played the beam of her lantern across the walls, revealing a well-stocked wine cellar. In addition to the casks and bottles, there were also several open crates. There were no people in sight, so she led the way quietly into the cellar. She illuminated one of the crates with the lantern light. "Bierce Vintners? We must be in Verlaine's basement!"

The others filed in, looking around the room. Parika put a hand on her hip. "I knew he was involved in this somehow. So now what do we do?"

Nevroth scratched his chin. "I don't know. Do we have enough evidence to accuse a powerful member of the city government?"

Heading for the stairs, Rachel slashed her cutlass through the air. "I don't much care. This is the only lead we've got on this whole mess, and I'm not going to leave without checking it out."

Unable to find fault in that logic, the others followed up the stairs as quietly as they could. The inside of Verlaine's manor was as exquisitely decorated as the exterior. Creeping slowly into the dark-paneled main hall, they saw no guards or servants in evidence.

"So far, so good," whispered Parika. She noticed that there was a door close at hand that was open. She peeked inside to see a well appointed but empty kitchen. At the other end of the long hall she could see the heavy front door they had seen from the street. It was slightly ajar now, which seemed odd to her. Another door at the end of the hall was still closed. The burglar led the way down the hall, glancing up the stairs to the next level as she neared them. Still no one was in sight.

Parika eased the closed door open, revealing an opulent sitting room. A large portrait of one of Verlaine's forebears glowered from above the hearth, but no living eyes were to be seen. "Why can't I have this kind of luck all the time?" she muttered to herself. A pair of double doors on the right hand wall swung aside to reveal a dining room set with a lavish supper.

Rachel sniffed as she entered the room, then frowned. She stepped toward the unoccupied table and held her hand over a roasted pig. "This food is cold. Something is very wrong in this house."

With nowhere else left to go, they mounted the stairs to the top floor of the house. Parika led the way, cautiously peering into the upper hall but seeing no one. The first door she opened led to a bathroom, but the next revealed an abattoir. Verlaine lay sprawled on a blood-soaked bed, with his guards strewn about the room like broken toy soldiers.

The point of Rachel's sword dropped. "I guess Verlaine's not behind all this. At least not anymore."

Ever practical, Parika stepped around the bodies to get to the bed. "If that key was to this house, then we need to check behind the bed." Before she could even start to contemplate how to move the massive bed, a mahogany wardrobe nearby burst open. A wiry man in black leather leaped out, drawing a wicked-looking rapier.

Parika jumped up onto the bed, fumbling for her bow. Nevroth charged across the room, but tripped on one of the many corpses and landed hard, smashing his head into the floor. Rachel hung back near the door, standing protectively in front of Edwin.

The dark man walked toward the door, casually slashing the stunned manhunter's throat as he passed. By the time he reached the door, Edwin had scurried back out into the hall. Parika finally found her balance and sent an arrow across the room into the man's shoulder. He glared at her and went to leap onto the bed, but he had underestimated Rachel's skill with a sword. She cut him across the leg even as he tried to twist out of her reach, sending him tumbling to the floor. He thrust at her with his rapier, but she batted it aside and delivered a hard downward slash across his collarbone.

Meanwhile, Nevroth had drunk one of his healing elixirs, with one hand clamped over his bleeding throat. He recovered enough to stand, and all converged on the assassin lying on the floor. Before they could question or kill him, however, they heard Edwin cry out from the hall. The priest's shout was followed by an explosion and another man's scream. Rachel poked her head out the door and looked down the hall, only to see a man with his hand held above his head, his body engulfed in flames. Parika and Nevroth were looking toward the door as well, but their attention returned to the assassin as he slammed a hand onto his belt pouch and exploded in flames as well.

"This is insane," said Parika as she backed away from the flaming corpse. She glanced toward the bed, then slung her bow over one shoulder. "Come on, let's check behind this bed before the whole place goes up."

Rachel and Nevroth put away their weapons and helped Parika move the bed away from the wall. As they worked at it, secondary explosions from the fire sprayed droplets of flame around the room. They finally got the bed moved far enough for Parika to see the seamless plaster behind it. "Blast! Nothing here," she said as she patted out a smoldering patch on her sleeve. most of the bed was burning now, and there was barely a path to the door. "Let's get out of this place."

DM Notes:
* Alchemist's fire + botched attack + bad roll on the critical fumble table = bursting into flame out in the hallway.
* At first I thought Slaan was going to be a tougher fight, especially after doing a casual 4d6 sneak attack on Nevroth, so I delayed sending McNeil into the fight. As it turned out, he didn't accomplish much anyway. Alas, poor assassins, we hardly knew ye!
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Terror In Freeport: Part 7 (The Finale)

They regrouped back down in the temple, rather than running out of the burning building into the street. "So now what?" wondered Parika. "We don't know who's backing the cult, or what they have planned for tonight."

Edwin's brow furrowed in thought. "Wait, didn't you find some documents in here after you released me?"

Parika shrugged. "I found a note, but it was all in that squiggly serpent language."

"Give it here," said the priest. "Since our last encounter with them I've been studying some old languages that are similar. I may be able to make something of it."

Some time later, Edwin set the note down and frowned. "This is very disturbing."

The others returned from pacing around the room. "What did you find?" asked Rachel.

The priest held up the note. "This is a draft of a speech lamenting the death of Verlaine. It also implicates my temple as a front for the Brotherhood and all of you as their agents. It begins, 'This evening, Councilor Verlaine and the clergy of the temple of St. Uller have been slain.' I daresay we have a good idea now what they are planning to do next."

He folded the note and placed it inside his robe. "The speech was to be given tonight by Milton Drac."

"Milton Drac, the Sea Lord?" asked Nevroth incredulously.

"The very same."


The three weary companions stood with Edwin in Monsignor Thuron's office as he looked over Drac's speech. The elder priest folded his hands and sighed. "I have feared something like this since I first heard of the Brotherhood's activities here in the city. Their vengeance knows no limit, and no human agency can destroy them completely." He rose from behind his desk. "We must secure the temple. They will be upon us soon, and we will make our stand here. I would ask that you stay and help us, as you have up to this point. I regret that you have become involved in the Brotherhood's schemes, but without your intervention they certainly would have grown even more powerful by now."

Parika shrugged. "If we don't help you stop them here, they'll come after us next anyway. We're in."

Thuron gave instructions to several of his assistants, who went to make preparations elsewhere in the temple. He then led the way to the atrium, where the two main entrances to the temple were located. "The other doors can be easily secured. This will be the hardest place to hold against any attack." Rachel, Nevroth, and Parika looked around the large vaulted room. The circular atrium faced southeast, with a single door leading back into the rest of the temple. Two large sets of double doors led out to the street, on the south and east faces of the room. A pair of staircases curved along the walls, leading up to one of two balconies filled with bookcases. At the center of the room was the statue of St. Uller receiving his epiphany, with an altar set into the southeastern wall.

Even as they were making their inspection of the room, both sets of doors opened. Instead of bloodthirsty cultists, however, the people coming in were priests, all of them smeared with blood and dripping from the rain. The woman leading the group at the south door drew back the hood of her cloak. "Thank the Lord! I didn't think we'd make it."

"What happened?" asked Edwin.

"We were attacked in the streets by men in black robes. I found as many others as I could and tried to get them back safely."

Nevroth noticed a large gold ring glinting on the woman's finger. "You priests sure pay well," he muttered.

Thuron raised an eyebrow. "Pay? Our Order takes a vow of poverty."

This comment was enough to make the naturally suspicious Parika nock an arrow. "Stay where you are," she warned. "Identify yourselves." Nevroth moved toward the south door and Rachel went to the east, each with swords drawn and prepared to take control of the situation if need be. The bloodied priests crowded around the warriors, begging them for aid. Parika fired a warning shot, but they would not desist. Nevroth and Rachel stayed their hands, equally suspicious but unwilling to spill innocent blood by mistake.

The woman wore a look of confusion as she moved toward the center of the room. "Why do you not trust us? Are we not your friends?" Her actions belied her words, however, as she stabbed a finger in Rachel's direction and began chanting. Rachel felt the grip of fear on her once more, but again she shrugged it off. The milling priests acted as one, drawing daggers from beneath their robes and attacking.

The scene became a confused brawl. Thuron and Edwin were surprised by the outburst of violence, and the senior priest took a wicked dagger blow to the gut before they withdrew to relative safety underneath the stairs.

Parika backed up the stairs to the balcony, firing down into the melee as she went. A few of the revealed cultists charged up the stairs after them, but she slew them as quickly as they came.

Nevroth held his ground at the south door, striking cultists down left and right with Parika's support from above. Eventually he faced their leader alone, but by that time she had invoked a mystical shield that made her nearly impervious to his blows.

At the east door Rachel finally had a chance to display her true skill at arms. Her whirling cutlass cut her opponents down like wheat before a scythe, and soon she stood unscathed amid her fallen enemies.

Knowing a lost battle when she saw one, the cultists' leader withdrew to the temple steps. She took off into the heavy rain, managing to evade Nevroth's pursuit. Nevroth returned to the temple, victorious nonetheless.

As the bodies of the slain cultists were being removed from the atrium, Thuron gathered the three companions together once more. "You have my thanks, and the gratitude of our Order. Had you not spotted their deceit, the Brotherhood might have wrought untold harm within these walls. I cannot offer you any monetary reward for your service to us, but I do feel that you deserve to know the truth." He led the way back into the temple and down into the catacombs beneath.

DM Notes:
* I find modules to be the hardest adventures to write. This one in particular is the most convoluted and confusing of the Freeport trilogy. The party kept missing and/or misinterpreting clues, so I kept having to shove them in the right direction. I tried to streamline things for the story hour without taking too many liberties with what actually happened.
* Opportunities to use Whirlwind Attack are few and far between, but they can be quite spectacular.


Citizen of Val Hor
Avast petey!

I haven't finished all of your updates just yet, but wanted to let you know I really enjoy your story hour. Your writing seems to flow, and the images you evoke are top-notch.

Plus, if pogre likes it, it's gotta be good!

Looking forward to more.



Destan said:
Avast petey!

I haven't finished all of your updates just yet, but wanted to let you know I really enjoy your story hour. Your writing seems to flow, and the images you evoke are top-notch.

Plus, if pogre likes it, it's gotta be good!

Looking forward to more.


As yours is one of the story hours I most look forward to reading, I take that as high praise.

Thanks for reading, and I hope things stay interesting enough to keep you coming back.

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