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Friday Night Six Pack: Adventurers Set 1

When I saw these at one of my local hobby stores, I snatched them right up. As a DM, I can always use premade characters as NPC's or to do a quick replace for a PC who bit the dust or as a guest appearance for a player who can't make regular sessions. When I sat down and really went over these with a fine tooth comb, I found that lots of editing errors are present on the characters themselves. Skills and feats the characters should have are nowhere to be seen (the Cleric is equipped with a longsword and does not have the feat Martial Weapon Proficiency: Longsword or the War Domain, the Bard is completely lacking the Perform Skill), or Racial Abilities are misquoted (One of the elves shows Racial:Proficiency with Longsword and Rapier, when it should be Longsword OR Rapier) I also don't like the fact that some of the characters start out at 1st level and some start out at 2nd level. They should all be consistant levels. This also means that the higher level sheets are not consistant. The character illustrations, however, are excellent and I will probably use them for illustrating NPC's of my own creation or allowing the player to use them for their characters. I wouldn't recommend these packs as a DM unless you want to sit down and seriously review each character and make the necessary changes to bring the characters in line with the rules.

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The Friday Night Six Pack is our newest series of accessories for the D20TM system. These packs of pre-generated character packs turn a good evening of
gaming into a great evening! Ever have one of those nights where you really want to play, not spend the evening rolling up the character?

These "Friday Night Six Packs" have 6 beautifully illustrated characters and
pre-generated character sheets at 3 different experience levels. Value priced at $7.95, you get 6 character illustrations and 18 character sheets.

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