Friday the 13th: Jason vs ? Contest


First Post
What's more fun than Friday the 13th? How about Friday the 13th during everyone's favorite month for frights? As part of our month-long Halloween festivities, we're holding a special contest to get everyone in the spirit. And the winner will receive a free PDF copy of our upcoming product The Keep of Lord Mmorpgus (more on that later).

So in an effort to forcibly tie Friday the 13th and gaming together, here is the contest. The Friday the 13th horror movie series has sent Jason to outer space and had him battle Freddie Krueger, but he's never done real battle with any of the heroes or villains of our favorite campaign settings! So your job is to decide who Jason's next opponent should be, and write a promotional tag line and 50 word or less synopsis to plug the "movie."

Friday the 13th, Part XII: Jason versus ___________
Tag line: every movie needs a tag line to help moviegoers remember it
synopsis: OK, in reality, all these slasher films have the same premise, but how can you make that premise appear different?

Post your entries in this thread. We'll select one winner from all posts made by October 20th.

One winner will receive a free PDF of our next RPG product, <i>The Keep of Lord Mmorpgus</i>. Inspired by the often silly names given to magical items in our favorite MMPORPGs, this product features dozens of oddly named but useful magical weapons, armor, and items that can be used in your d20 campaign setting. Now equip your players with the terrible Dire Maul of the Jumbo Shrimp or protect your warrior with Chainmail of the Cuddly Duckling. Also includes rules for creating magical sets, collections of magical items that when used together produce special results. Will you work on collecting all the pieces of the Barbaric Rabbit set, or are you more interested in the Bloodstained Zombie set?

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When the Hand holds his machete, and his mask conceals the Eye, Jason grasps divinity, and even gods will die.

Synopsis: Having gained the Hand and Eye of Vecna, Jason Voorhees now has the power of a god. But Vecna wants his artifacts back, and has personally come to collect them. Jason, however, won’t give them up without a fight. Now they’ll do battle, with godhood being the prize.


TAGLINE: The Tarrasque bites off more than it can chew.

SYNOPSIS: Jason engages on a killing-spree, but when the Tarrasque descends upon the same city, Jason is forced to protect his territory by killing the Tarrasque. The city survivors promote Jason to Marshall despite the protests of a lone paladin who seeks to send Jason to the Abyss forever.

Friday the 13th part XII: Jason vs. Jozan

TAGLINE: In the wake of destruction, one man's battle with dyslexia begins a quest for redemption...

SYNOPSIS: After Jason goes on a killing spree in a small kingdom, the High Sheriff mistakes a local cleric named Jozan for the killer. After being exiled, Jozan goes on a quest to find and do battle with Jason. He must reclaim his honor and prove that he is not the killer, and that the sheriff can't read very well.
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TAGLINE: Take the opportunity to attack!

SYNOPSIS: Protracted, out-of-screenplay rules nitpicking successfully halts Jason’s latest killing spree. Can Jason-- or any trace of fun—possibly escape the intentionally disruptive contrariness of the self-appointed Rules Lawyer?


Friday the 13th part XII: Jason vs. the Flumpf Paragon

TAGLINE: Horror turned upside-down

SYNOPSIS: In an alternate reality, Jason awakens in a land of peaceful, flying creatures named flumphs. The resulting reign of terror can only be haulted by a creature out of legend... myth... or a template in the EPIC LEVEL HANDBOOK: The Paragon Flumph! It's a gas!

We Have A Winner

Captain Howdy said:
Friday the 13th part XII: Jason vs. Jozan

TAGLINE: In the wake of destruction, one man's battle with dyslexia begins a quest for redemption...

SYNOPSIS: After Jason goes on a killing spree in a small kingdom, the High Sheriff mistakes a local cleric named Jozan for the killer. After being exiled, Jozan goes on a quest to find and do battle with Jason. He must reclaim his honor and prove that he is not the killer, and that the sheriff can't read very well.

Congratulations to CAPTAIN HOWDY for posting the winning entry. Now all we have to do is get the folks from WoTC to talk with Jason's agent and see about getting this filmed!

Captain Howdy will receive a free PDF copy of The Keep of Lord Mmorpgus.

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