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Frostfell Rift


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Well, I like picking up the Fantastic Locations because of thier plug n' play capability. I picked up this one because Ari impressed me with Heroes of Horror (the best WOTC book ever, in my opinion), and he's a pretty nice guy with a good sense of humor. Aren't you, Captain? ;)

The overall feel of the -for lack of a better word- module is pretty slick, with a nice background story and everything. I was a bit dissappointed, however, to see that Ari had named a section the "Caves of Chaos". Ari doesn't strike me as someone incapable of originality, so I waz wondering if the allusion to Keep On The Borderlands was intentional, an accidental over sight, or what? I'm not accusing Ari of ripping off Gary by any means, I'm only curious as to why he decided on that name.

The rest of the module is quite good, however, and I reccommend it readily. Hey, it's only fifteen bucks. pick it up!

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Hey, BR.

In point of fact, I didn't choose the name. The maps (or at least rough versions thereof) were provided for me to work from. That one was already named "The Caves of Chaos."

That said, I was told that it was a deliberate homage to Keep, and I chose to continue the homage by including the creatures I did in the encounters attached to that map. ;)

And I'm glad you liked the rest of it. :)


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It's all very nice, and the choice of monsters is why I asked.

Good job, bud. Any thing else coming down the pipeline from you I should keep an eye out for, particularly things with lots of cool tables or modules?

BroccoliRage said:
Good job, bud. Any thing else coming down the pipeline from you I should keep an eye out for, particularly things with lots of cool tables...

The Tome of Artifacts from Necromancer includes an appendix that consists primarily of tables designed to drive random artifact generation. :)

...or modules?

Well, I wrote about 1/3 of The Sinister Spire; Bruce Cordell did the rest.

Lots of other stuff in the works, but everything else is either

A) Not particularly chart-intensive or a module, or

B) Not something I can talk about yet.


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Point taken. When you get around to realeasing something new that can be easily ported to AD&D (like the two things of yours I own) please let me know!

BroccoliRage said:
Point taken. When you get around to realeasing something new that can be easily ported to AD&D (like the two things of yours I own) please let me know!

Well, the aforementioned Tome of Artifacts should be pretty easy to port to any edition of the game. :)

There should be a decent amount of material in Drow of the Underdark, as well, or at least the portions I worked on.

Edit: Oh, and while it's not out for a while, the gig I'm doing for Green Ronin's Freeport line is system-neutral. :)
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Mouseferatu said:
The Tome of Artifacts from Necromancer includes an appendix that consists primarily of tables designed to drive random artifact generation. :)

Any idea on a release date?


Hey, let me just echo Brocoli's appreciation for Frostfell Rift. Just picked it up on Friday. Nice work. I've always loved the Fantastic Locations stuff, but his one had a better adventure with it than a lot of the others. We'll be playing through that next chance I get.

Alas, I never played thru Keep on the Borderlands, so I missed the references, other than thinking that Caves of Chaos sounded vaguely familiar.

Shadowslayer said:
Alas, I never played thru Keep on the Borderlands, so I missed the references, other than thinking that Caves of Chaos sounded vaguely familiar.

Well, they're not really all that major. Just the fact that I used a minotaur, bugbears, and the term "Labrys" (which, IIRC, appeared as a symbol in one part of the dungeon, though I could actually be thinking of something else).

I've actually got a bizarre habit of working in references to Keep in other modules. In The Doom of Listonshire (from Necromancer), I've got a scene with a wild druidic hermit living in the woods. I made sure the treasure he has lines up with the treasure owned by the wild hermit in Keep. :D I'll tell you, nobody (that I know of) has been quite geek-anal enough to catch that reference yet. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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