Frozen Whispers (adventure)


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In the midst of the melee, Eolan sees Belisha's danger. Shouting above the din of combat, the knight warns, "Stay down and avoid that foul fey's bullets!" Knowing the danger to his companions and the value of brevity, Eolan presses his attack against the nearest redcap that he and Hardin are now flanking.

Calling words of encouragement to Orlan, the tall warrior says, "Once more, old friend . . . .let us finish this fight . . . now!" With this bellow, Eolan swings his bastard sword once again, while Orlan joins with his bloody hoofs.


Eolan and Orlan will continue their attack.

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Vigwyn the Unruly

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Belisha moves to a tree, with Rufus right behind her. Two more bolts scream out from her wand. They find their way to the fey at the tree, and mercilessly tear at him. The redcap cries out, "No more! No more! We can’t take it!" The redcap begins to run away to the east, hoping to cut its losses.

Slyfen moves in against the redcap in the road and strikes it with his flashing rapier! But right before the elf’s eyes, the wound heals immediately, doing absolutely no damage.

Eolan continues a very unfortunate series of attacks. He successfully guides his horse to attack with him, but both horse and rider are unable to connect as the slippery fey dodges their blows.

Hardin makes a dangerous gambit. He moves to gain a flanking advantage with the mounted warrior. But he must trudge through the snow to set up the attack. As Hardin’s feet stick in the snow, the redcap takes advantage. He swings his oversized scythe at the cleric. Dwarven blood spills onto the snow in a large fan shape as the blade finds its way through Hardin’s flesh.

Reeling with pain, Hardin determines to make the redcap pay for this grievous wound. He smashes at it two-handed with his massive warhammer. The magic weapon strikes true, and the bones in the redcap’s left arm snap like twigs. The redcap cries out! The bones begin to quickly heal up, but the warhammer did a lot of damage.

"Come back, coward, come back!" the redcap screams out to his fleeing companion. When he sees that the other redcap is running for his life and that he will be left alone, despair and fear overcome him. He tries to bolt after the other, but his awkward progress through the snow leaves him open to attacks from Eolan and Hardin. Unbelievably, Eolan misses yet again! But Hardin’s warhammer returns to the redcap’s body, battering him down in midstride.

One redcap lies dying at your feet, and the other runs crazily through the trees, trying to escape with his life.

OOC Notes:

Moves 5’
magic missile wand
5 hp damage (Dmg roll [2d4+2] 2 + 1 + 2 = 5 hp)
Redcap1 reduced to

Moves 10’
Rapier hits (AC 13, Atk roll 11 + 6 = 17)
No damage (Dmg roll [1d6] 1, damage reduction 5)

Fight with warhorse succeeds (DC 10, Ride check result 13 + 6 = 19)
Orlan hoof misses (AC 13, Atk roll 6 + 6 = 12)
Bastard sword 1h misses (AC 13, Atk roll 5 + 6 = 11)

Moves 5’
Continues to perform Guard [Belisha]

(can’t take 5’ step due to difficult terrain [snow cover])
Moves 5’ provoking AoO from redcap2
Scythe power attack (Hardin AC 18, Atk roll 19 + 3 = 22)
15 hp damage (Dmg roll [2d4+7] 4 + 4 + 7 = 15 hp)
Hardin reduced to 11 hp
Warhammer 2h flanking hits (AC 13, Atk roll 13 + 5 + 2 = 20)
6 hp damage (Dmg roll [1d8+4] 7 + 4 = 11, damage reduction 5)
Redcap2 reduced to

Round 4

Moves 40’ to the east

Withdraws, provoking AoO from Hardin and Eolan
Eolan bastard sword 1h misses (AC 13, Atk roll 3 + 6 = 9)
Hardin warhammer 2h (AC 13, Atk roll 16 + 5 = 21)
7 hp damage (Dmg roll [1d8+4] 8 + 4 = 12, damage reduction 5)
Redcap2 reduced to
hp and is dying


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Belisha watches the Redcap run, hesitates and thinks about it. I have to stop him. Redcaps are the foulest fey, and he could bring even more ruin down on us.

She points her magic missile wand and sends another two bolts of force spiralling towards the retreating creature.


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Angry at himself, Eolan set off to follow the fleeing redcap. "Damn sorry I am for my poor aim."


In as straight a line as possible, Eolan will follow on the heels of the fleeing redcap, urging Orlan to his greatest speed.
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Nac Mac Feegle

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Hardin winces at the damage done by the strike with the scythe, and pulls out his wand of healing to heal whoever is hurt.

OOC: Use wand of CLW on whoever needs it, drop mending to stabilize the Redcap for further questioning.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Belisha, fully aware of the gravity of the act, fires one last round of bolts at the fleeing redcap. Once again, the magic missiles fly true and strike the fey creature. He tumbles forward with a pathetically comical "Oomph!" sending up a small plume of snow. He lies dying on the forest floor.

Slyfen and Eolan cut off their own actions now that Belisha has dropped the redcap.

Meanwhile, Hardin recites a short prayer and calls upon Moradin’s power to stabilize the redcap lying in the road. He then pulls out his curing wand and looks around at his battered companions.

OOC Notes:

magic missile wand
10 hp damage (Dmg roll [2d4+2] 4 + 4 + 2 = 10 hp)
Redcap1 reduced to
hp and is dying



Continues to perform Guard [Belisha]

Spontaneously casts
cure minor wounds in place of mending
Redcap2 raised to
hp and is dying but stable

Draws wand


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