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Frozen Whispers (adventure)

Vigwyn the Unruly

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The party travels for several weeks to reach the city of Allthrop. The road courses west for a couple of weeks through the grasslands, punctuated with scattered woods. The road then turns north to follow a river for a few more weeks of steady travel. In this time, the woods get closer and closer together, and finally merge into a full-fledged forest.

By the time the party makes it to Allthrop, the muggy days of late summer have passed, and autumn is in full swing. The trees on either side of the road have exploded in reds, yellows, and oranges. The first falling brown leaves float gently along the rippling surface of the river. The sun sets earlier and rises later every day.

One morning, the party rises to the sight of frost on the ground. After cooking breakfast and warming themselves by the fire, they set off again. That evening, as the late October light filters in steep angles through the brightly colored leaves, the party enters the metropolis of Allthrop.

Frozen Whispers​

After a few days in town, the party finds and meets Elwin. The mage owns and runs a large magic item emporium. He usually wears deep, rich blue robes, and has a flowing white beard. His twinkling eyes are accentuated by small, silver-rimmed glasses.

You tell him the story of your adventure in Green Glade, and offer him the eversoaking sponge. After listening intently, and shaking his head occasionally, he takes the item from you. He takes a small enameled rod from beneath his robes, and briefly touches it to the sponge. The rod instantly becomes brittle-looking and dull. Elwin throws both items in the closest waste-basket. “You’ve done a good thing for that small place,” he says to you with a wink.

Over the next few weeks, you strike up a fast friendship with the mage. You can often be found in his emporium sharing stories of heroic deeds and faraway places. Your mutual trust has become strong, and you enjoy the mage’s company and the great city of Allthrop.

But you grow restless—your adventuring spirit has rested enough, and you feel the call of the open road. Sensing your condition, Elwin entrusts you with a small quest.

“I have a proposal for you, my friends—a small adventure, if you will. About a month before you arrived here, a clever young thief by the name of Keller made off with a ring of mine. I had loaned it to a member of the city guard—it was a ring of protection, and he was a friend of mine—but he was no match for the nimble fingers of the thief.”

“The thief fled north, I believe to Bluerock. There is a lodge deep in the wilds there. Years ago, it was commonly used by hunters and trappers looking for timberway lions. But of late, it has been visited by fey and by foul undead creatures. Keller’s ‘associates’ heard him speak of it several times as a good place to hide while waiting for the heat to blow over.”

“I never bothered with trying to retrieve the ring—it’s a small thing to me. However, I sense this task may slake your thirst for adventure, if only for a while, and I would like to see Keller brought to justice.”

“If you follow the thief and retrieve the ring, you can feel free to keep it for your own use. The quest might be very dangerous, however, and I would like to see you better equipped. Please, take you pick of any item or items you would like from the emporium—I’ll let you have them for only the cost of the materials used to make them.”

OOC Notes:
Welcome back, players! You can choose any magic item or items from the DMG. You will only have to pay half market price. You can only pick things whose individual
market prices are 3000 gp or less. If you want anything from any source other than the DMG, please ask me about it.

By the way, the enameled rod was a
rod of cancellation; the sponge won't be a problem anymore.
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Belisha nods her head. "Yes, we must bring this miscreant to justice. Thank you for your generosity. We are tremendously grateful for your kindness," she says. Rufus is grateful to be travelling again, while Narkus has grown sedentary and wouldn't mind settling down at Elwin's abode.

Belisha selects a Wand of Magic Missiles (3rd)
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First Post
"Indeed, that is mighty kind of you Elwin. You read us right, we are getting a bit restless, but not for lack of good company, that's for sure. As far as an item is concerned, I've taken a fancy for those goggles over there that magnify things up close."

ooc: Slyfen will buy Goggles of Minute Seeing (625), Cloak of Resistance +1 (500), and two potions of Invisibility (150x2)

I'd also suggest that we split the cost among us on a wand of cure light wounds for downtime healing. Slyfen will chip in on up to 2 of such wands with his remaining money.
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First Post

Agreeing with his companions, the red-haired warrior voices his opinion, "Elwin, justice must be done. We will make certain that this thief, Keller, pays for his crime." Grimly the tall knight nods his head and asks, "What do you know of this thief, does he have allies?" Eolan thinks back to Relgore, not wanting to be ambushed.


I don't have the DMG with me, I will review and post Eolan's magical purchases.

+1 Shield (1,000 gp) * 1/2 = 500 gp
+1 Chain Shirt (1,250 gp) * 1/2 = 625 gp

Eolan will throw his remaining gold into the party-pot for healing potions, wand, etc.
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Nac Mac Feegle

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"Bringing a thief to justice is certainly a worthy cause, and I will admit to missing adventures." Says Hardin.

OOC: A wand of CLW costs 375 base price, split four ways makes about 95 gp per person. I think for now Hardin will just do +1 armor, +1 warhammer for 1500 total cost.
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Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Each member of the party takes advantage of the mage’s offer.

Belisha has her mind set on a wand useful for fighting, which will free up her mental reserves for more…interesting spells. She asks Elwin if he has a wand of magic missile.

"Aaaah—I have just what you need." Elwin disappears into a back room for several minutes. When he reappears, he is holding a finely crafted wand of yew wood, with a small red garnet set in the tip. "This should do quite nicely," he says, handing the wand to the gnome.

Meanwhile, Slyfen tries on a pair of goggles he has seen hanging in the emporium on several earlier occasions. At first everything appears somewhat blurry. Then the elf leans over and peers closely at the surface of the counter. A wonder! Slyfen can see through the crystals like he has never seen before! Every mote of dust is a boulder, every crack in the varnish a canyon. Slyfen immediately purchases the goggles.

Eolan and Hardin forego purchasing any new items for the moment, but ask their new friend to enchant their armor and Hardin’s hammer. "Of course, of course. These are already very finely crafted items so there should be little difficulty. Leave them with me for a week and I’ll complete the work."

The party members use the intervening week trying to find out more about this Bluerock Lodge. Gathering information around town, they discover that it is located to the north in the Timberway Forest. The Allthrop locals speak of the hunters of Bluerock Lodge committing a crime against nature. It’s said that they hunted the Timberway lions of the area out of a sense of cruelty, rather than for their furs or meat. The hunters decimated their numbers, driving them nearly to extinction. Then, a few decades ago, fey and undead creatures began to appear around Bluerock Lodge, effectively putting an end to the slaughter. Some of the hunters of the Timberway Forest still frequent the area, but none stay at the lodge unless driven there by desperation.

(Belisha, with her keen knowledge of the natural world, is familiar with Timberway lions. They are smaller and lither than regular lions, with an almost leopard-like physique.)

On returning to Elwin’s emporium at the end of the week, the party has grown excited but somewhat nervous about the trip. Their fears are forgotten, however, when Elwin presents them with the magical armor and hammer. Eolan’s chain shirt and shield were never so impressive, even when new. The links of the chain fairly sparkle with reflected candlelight. Hardin’s plate mail now has not only the look, but also the feel, of stone. And his hammer—his hammer!—has a preternatural heft to it that almost draws the arm along with it. It’s almost as if the hammer knows where it needs to go, even before he swings it.

Slyfen decides to pick up an enchanted cloak of subtle colors before heading off to the north, along with a couple of potions to make him temporarily invisible. The party also buys a wand of cure light wounds to free up the cleric’s magic for less mundane uses. Hardin’s eyes light up when he sees it. The wand has been carved from the ivory-colored antler of a dire elk. Mounted on the end is a small pebble flecked with black. The party also makes sure that every member has at least one emergency potion of the same spell.

They settle on leaving in the morning. That evening, each of the members of the party, save Rufus, has trouble falling asleep. They know that in the morning they will set off for another adventure. Perhaps they will see sights they have never seen before. Perhaps one or more of them will be hurt—maybe even not make it back to Allthrop… But best to look on the bright side. If they succeed, they will bring a thief to justice, and they will be bringing back a magic ring. They have heard the bards sing many a song about heroes and magic rings.

That night, after sleep finally comes, the first snow of the season falls. In the morning the party sets out through Allthrop’s north gate, making fresh tracks in the soft white bed of new-fallen snow.


"That was a nice man," says Belisha, cradling her wand. "This should be an easy adventure, won't you say, Rufus? Oh you've got the bloat from eating too much. Look at you. Plump as a hen after summer harvest..." She looks at the other companions. "Armor fine enough to lead an army in," she says to Hardin.


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Slyfen whistles a tune quietly as he walks along. After a while he seems to forget about it and it fades out. He speaks up, "Ah, the open road and adventure ahead. This is what we live for, is it not?"

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
Hardin gives a rare grin. "This is surely the best life, I'll agree."

OOC: Now that Hardin's Warhammer is magical, he'll drop magic weapon in favor of bless.
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Nodding and grinning, Eolan is quick to agree, "Aye, as nice a town as this is, tis' not the same as strolling along the open road. The smell of fresh pine and sleeping outside, I never grow tired of it." Scratching his chin, the red-headed knight continues, "Plus, I have an excuse to not shave!"

Chuckling the human warrior examines his gear more closely once more, amazed at the difference magic can make on his old shield and chain shirt. "I shall never lose my sense of awe at the magic that you [looks at Belisha and Hardin] harness. Truly impressive," concludes Eolan.


Eolan will take a position towards the front of the group; if Slyfen wants to scout, fine, if not, Eolan will take the lead.

Voidrunner's Codex

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