Gamehole Con Event Registration: How Do Wishlists Work?


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Before event registration opens, you can add events to your "wish list". I appears that once event-registration goes live, you can click a button to process your wish list. You can order your wish list and are encouraged to put events you are more interested in higher on the list.

For anyone who has gone to Gamehole Con, how exactly do the Wish Lists work? Is it better to add all the events you are interested in to your wish list and process it as soon as event registration goes live? Or if there is one even you are most interested in, is it better to have that page open and try to register for it individually first?

If there is an event that is run as multiple times that you are really interested in, do you put all three times in your wish list? Is there a risk that you will be registered for more than one? That could be an issue for special events as you are limited to two.

How is payment handled for events that have an extra charge? Since I already paid for the badge, I'm assuming they have my card on file, but I had to replace one of my cards recently. There is nothing in the account/profile management pages that let you see, edit, or add payment methods. I'm hoping they will hold your reservation and give you a certain amount of time to make payment. I am hoping that entering payment info is not part of the race to register for events.

The Gamehole website does not give any instructions or information on wish lists, that I could find. Hoping someone who has gone through this before can explain it to me.

I am regretting not buying VIP tickets and getting early registration. I'm expecting that all of the special events will be taken up by VIP badge holders. I find event registration to be stressful. It is like buying a music concert ticket, except you are trying to rush to get tickets for like 12 events at once.

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They don’t release all of the tickets for events to VIP badge holders. Some tickets are reserved for the general pool as well. At least, that’s my understanding. But it does still mean competition can be high because there may be only 2-3 tickets out of 6 remaining after the VIPs get first crack. I’ve never done VIP and I’ve always still had plenty of good options (and gotten most of them).

But you’ve got the gist of it. Put the events you want on your wish list and on the processing day at, I think, noon (central time), click the Process Wishlist button and the queue will grab what it can and put them in your cart. I don’t believe they’ll just charge the same card you used for your badge automatically. You’ll have to process your cart, which also gives you a chance to release some tickets or snatch up more before you pay.
I believe the system checks for time conflicts so if you put 2 events at the same time on your list, it may balk at it. But I don’t think it checks for the same event description in multiple slots. So you could wishlist the same event at multiple times to increase your chances of getting it. You’d just want to release one back before checking out with your cart.

Alex is pretty responsive to people on the main Gamehole Con Facebook group, so feel free to ask questions there too.

Thanks @billd91, it is helpful to hear from folks who have been through it before. If some spots to special events are reserved for general badge holders, that gives me a little bit of hope.

I e-mailed their customer service and they got back to me earlier today:

As it states, when you process your wishlist, they will be processed in the order that you have them set (top down) on the wish list page. This way you can set up a prioritized list of events that you want to get into, with your most wanted being at the top of the list, and your 'backups' being further down the list, etc. In the event that you get into multiple of the same event being run at different times, you can always remove the ones that you're least interested in attending before you pay for your events.

A couple of things to keep in mind :

1) The wish list does NOT process automatically when event registration opens. You will need to go to your wishlist page and manually click the "process wish list" button.
2) Events you are trying to register for can not overlap. Since your wishlist is processed in order, you will get into the first available event at a given time, and any subsequent events at the same time will not be added to your cart.
3) None of your events are officially confirmed until you process payment for your cart. They will be held in your cart for a period of time not exceeding 24 hours, and if they are not paid for by that time, will be released back to the available pool.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

The two most important things they state in their e-mail that address my concerns are to avoid overlapping events and that events requiring payment will be held for 24 hours, giving you time to make payment.

I'm still a bit unsure about the best approach regarding two events for the same slot. Say there are two special events that take place at the same time and that I would be interested in both. It seems that I could put both on the wishlist in priority of interest. If I get into the one with the higher priority, it will just ignore any subsequent events in the same time slot. From the wording on the webpage, I was concerned that if I put two events scheduled at the same time in the wishlist that neither would be added to my cart. Based on the e-mail, however, it seems that putting two events scheduled at the same time in order of priority would still be a good strategy.

So it makes sense to me and seems as good a system as any. I just feel I shot myself in the foot by not paying the higher price for the VIP badge. I worry all of the special events that I'm interested in will be taken by VIP badge holders. But if you are right that some spots are held for general badge holders, that would give me some hope.

What interests me most about Conventions are the special events and lesser known games that I don't normally have an opportunity to play. Gamehole Con has a great variety of games, but some of the lesser known games light Dialect and Signs only have one game each the entire Con, and these are games that are best played in person.

For more popular game systems that have tons of games being run for them, I can find games on Start Playing and Roll20s find-a-game page. Really no reason to go through the expense and use my leave days just to play those games.

What I do is create my wishlist to fill in as many slots as possible. Some events I know I will have to jump on right away when you can start buying them, while others won't be an issue. If you have VIG events that show as open, I would wish list them and get on to the webpage as close to when it opens as possible to get a ticket.

This year is going to be special in that they are doing 50th anniversary D&D adventures, and some of my friends who are excellent GMs will be helping with that. I don't think you can see who's running a particular slot of that event.

What I do is create my wishlist to fill in as many slots as possible. Some events I know I will have to jump on right away when you can start buying them, while others won't be an issue. If you have VIG events that show as open, I would wish list them and get on to the webpage as close to when it opens as possible to get a ticket.

This year is going to be special in that they are doing 50th anniversary D&D adventures, and some of my friends who are excellent GMs will be helping with that. I don't think you can see who's running a particular slot of that event.
Yeah pretty much what I'm doing, but I'm leaving some open times so I give my self some breaks.

I didn't add any of the one hour D&D 50th Anniversary games to my wishlist as there a so many of them, that I will wait to see if I hit my limit of two special events I'm interested in, and some of the less common games that only have one slot when they are being run. If I get at least a couple of the events I'm most interested with, I'm happy to fill the remaining time with almost any game.

I didn't add any of the one hour D&D 50th Anniversary games to my wishlist as there a so many of them, that I will wait to see if I hit my limit of two special events I'm interested in, and some of the less common games that only have one slot when they are being run. If I get at least a couple of the events I'm most interested with, I'm happy to fill the remaining time with almost any game.
You're right, there are a ton of them. I'm going to see if I can find the ones that I know the GM and sign up for them. Special events are strange sometimes: they may fill up instantly, or they may get little interest. I love getting the chance to play with a game designer, or to do a special version of a game (a friend ran Ravenloft castle with props for much of the castle and it was glorious). Make sure to take some time to fit in lunch and other activities.

I don't know if you've been to the Con before, but I'm sure some people might find it unusual: they have food trucks on site that have some good and some ... okay food, and there's usually a pizza stand set up by a local company in the hall. There's also a bar, and the bartender remembers me because I follow proper tipping etiquette.

I don't know if you've been to the Con before, but I'm sure some people might find it unusual: they have food trucks on site that have some good and some ... okay food, and there's usually a pizza stand set up by a local company in the hall. There's also a bar, and the bartender remembers me because I follow proper tipping etiquette.
Some years, GHC has been a bit later - as in first week or so in November. A few years ago, it was cold and blustery and the food truck people were absolute troopers for it. So, yeah, I always tip appropriately.

Well, Gamehole Con's wishlist processing day for those of us non-VIG badge holders has arrived.
I hope you did OK, @MNblockhead.

My streak of good wishlist timing/luck continues to hold out. I got my top 4 priorities - including 3 games I've never played before.

I made it as well. Got a couple of interesting special events too. Still plenty of events are available, so come on and join us. Wisconsin is actually rather nice this time of year.

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