Gamemastery Combat Pad


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So as I am back being employed, and with the holidays and such. I was looking towards purchasing some DM aids for my next D&D game whenever that might be. When I was play Dragonspear at Gen Con I saw one of the DMs with the GameMastery Combat Pads. I decided I want to pick on of these up but now they have been rebranded with Pathfinder.

I have no problems with Pathfinder, never touched it yet but would play it. But I just want a generic combat pad without the branding. Not sure why, but it just bugs me a bit. Is there a different site who offers a version of their own?

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Check and see if any of your local or big city games stores has in stock the old GameMastery combat pad. Someone on ebay could be selling one. But in my opinion as I have the Gamemastery Pad and have seen the Pathfinder combat Pad, they are same with minor layout difference. So if you can't find the original combat pad and can get past the Pathfinder brand it should serve you well.

Good Luck


First Post
I know it seems silly, just don't like the rebranding of GameMastery to Pathfinder is all. Just didn't know if there was a different company who offered such a product. But will probably just give me an excuse to break out some stickers and such.


Combat Pad App

What would be nice is a combat Pad App for the iPad or Surface PC but I digress. One thing will caution you on is don't drop the combat pad on it's edge, I did that to mine by accident and it split the corner.

Good Luck.


First Post
I thank you for the warning about dropping the combat pad.

As for an app, I have come across tons of different initiative tracker apps. But none have really jumped out at me to be honest. But that was just on my phone, now that I have a Galaxy Tab (Android) I have been thinking about looking at them again. But honestly I love "offline" methods more, but if it is a free app well nice to have a backup too.

I can't help you in regards to a non-Pathfinder branded version, but just wanted to say that I've had my Combat Pad for years now (it's a non-Pathfinder branded version) and think it's a great tool for running combat in my 3.5E D&D game.

It allows me to keep track of the initiative order, even when people are holding or using readied actions. The round tracker lets me mark at what round various spells expire and the other space is used for tracking hit points and various condition modifiers.

Great value for money for me.


First Post
Thanks for the review. Always like hearing from an owner of a product first. Thanks again.

P.S. That isnt a SnarfQuest avatar is it!?!

I wasn't intending on it being a review, but I guess it is. I've had the pad for several years now and everything is still in great condition, despite it being used every session. It would probably be up there with the flip mats in terms of my best value for money gaming item.

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