Gamer Wanted - NY - Staten Island


Great game involving 4 players in the Pathfinder setting. We've played D&D as well, but are curranty with Pathfinder. In the end the game system doesn't matter as much as the players and DM running a cool game system and story which I feel we have. Email me at if interested. I truly feel that we have some fantastic gaming that can bring fun to any type of player! I'm quite diverse with the game and just ask for details as I'd be happy to share! I've had multiple female players as well which started with my 2 sisters back in the day! Once again SI, NY! Hope to hear from ya as I do need one player and I'm excited to meet new people and especially players of our game! That's awesome!

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Hey Neil:
I'd be more than happy to share detailed information about the game, the players, myself and whatever else you're curious about. I'm sure you might be curious about the age range of the group. If nobody shaved the years when telling back in the day we're all in our early to late 40's. Another critical point might be the time and day we play. We play every Tuesday from 7-11pm consistently. Maybe I'm lucky, healthy or love the game but I've never missed GMing a game once. If you enjoy heavy role playing then you should enjoy our game. I love role playing with the players and the players love role playing amongst themselves on game decisions. I have thousands of miniatures, Dwarven Forge terrain pieces, battle mats and gaming accessories. We use these when necessary and I'll often set up big rooms prior to the game so there's no delay during it. I'm pretty open to rules but we typically play with classes from the core rulebook and advanced players guide. I'm open to other options as long as they're balanced with the strength of the core classes. I've also used psionics if a player has interest. If you search the site you might be able to pull up some of the great maps I've made. I create huge color maps of all the cities within the game world (which is a home brew that plays within the Pathfinder rules). When the group enters a city I put the huge poster sized map on the wall so all can see and interact while there. It's quite fun! Two of the five at the game table have kids with me being one. My daughter is away at College and my son still lives at home. We play in my furnished basement that has a bathroom and the space is all for us on game night. My wife does her thing on game night and lets the boys enjoy ourselves. She used to be a player back in the day and is 100% cool about my spending and playing of the game. Never a question, issue or bother. I can share much more of course but figured I'd start out here.



Update Neil:
You're my priority on the "gamer join list" as I've spoken to you first so I'd love to get some detail? I'm a long time gamer so understand there are MANY different styles and tastes of gaming! Every game is great, but some may not be to the taste of others regardless of how great they are. What do you like? Are you OK with drinking at the game? Do you smoke? I'm a previous smoker some 15 years ago but don't begrudge any if they do. I'm mot judgmental in any way. My group and I play to have a good time in game and out. Let me know. It's a great game Neil. Fun role and roll playing with all the extras! I'm not sure what, if any type of game you've played in the past but I'd guess you could have a good time here depending on what you're looking for.



Hi Neil:
Let me know if still interested. I have interest from another player but they're aware that I've received an email response from you first. You can always email me directly at



Last post was 2018. WOW. About 4 years ago. Hopefully that should display the greatness of our game as we are still strong with 5 players. However, I'm posting because 1 may be moving. I don't have an absolute opening but wanted to see if there are any looking for a game in Staten Island, New York. I'd love to see if there is a possibility of getting together now or in the future.


Just browsing and saw my posts. I have 4 players right now with 1 new player joining next week. Excited.

However, Neil from above, you never answered. Do you have a game, looking for a game, still interested in gaming?


Game has been fairly full, but I'd still love to add 1 player to our game. I really believe any who join us will be satisfied and very happy with the experience. All good guys with no dominant, overbearing players. I've had four players in the game for the past 20 years and this one last spot has always been a rotating gadget for the last 2. I am looking for a real gamer that loves playing 1x a week w/o question. I've not missed DM'ing a game for the last 15 years other than 1x during COVID. Yep, I'm Mr. Consistent DM. Join a game and see what you think. Shoot me an email

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