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Gamerprinter's Map Emporeum

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Haven't posted in a while, this is my entry into the December Mapping Challenge at the Cartographers' Guild - create a Dragon's Lair. I decided to use my photorealistic style for this and just went crazy with details.




Link to full scale version - Dragon's Lair Map




Just for a bonus, I exported this as a 200 ppi image, pixel adjusted the image to 100 ppi to achieve the proper 1" square = 5' scale, so the final map measures 51.8" x 76.5", then ran it through poster razor to slice the map into printable 7" x 9.5" letter size pieces, 66 pages of that...!? Here's the PDF of those 66 pages, ready to download! Note: this is 23.9 MB, so it's a rather big download.


Wyrm Sign Map (sliced) PDF


Well, I wasn't allowed to show this until after the release of Part 6 of the Jade Regent Adventure Path, The Empty Throne - it's out (and I got the adventure in my hands).

I got a cool opportunity back in July 2010. Paizo was commissioning Steven D. Russell of Rite Publishing to create some monsters for Jade Regent, and was also asked to write the gazetteer the city of Kasai and create a map so their own cartographer could use it to reference the final cartography. Steve is great with monsters, but non-combat plothooks as might be found in a gazetteer might not be his best skill. Since he works with many freelancers, he got Frank Carr (Jade Oath setting) to write the gazetteer, and me to create the map. Because I created several specific locations of interest on the map, I also contributed to the gazetteer writing, and have authorship credits with Frank Carr on the gazetteer.

This is just a hand-drawn lineart version of the map, but having seen the final, there is no alterations between my map and the final full color version.

However, it's a big map - hand drawn at 36 x 45 inches, if I tried to post a thumbnail it would be difficult to see the detail. So here's a link to the final map I submitted for the Jade Regent AP - City of Kasai, Minkai Empire map

So hey, I've got name credits with Paizo now!


Next map is the castle town of Kawashi, for Way of the Samurai supplement for Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story setting - a book of archetypes for Samurai and other members of the Buke caste, traits, feats, spells, equipment; a complete guide on creating your own Samurai clans, and a sample clan, town and gazetteer.




While I do commission artwork for my publications, I find that sometimes I lack the budget for a proper artist and usually take on the task myself. While I am a better cartographer than illustrator, sometimes the art works.

Here is my illustration of the Nitojutsu Sensei (two swords master) Samurai archetype for Kaidan (PFRPG) for my upcoming Way of the Samurai supplement. This is created in Xara Xtreme Pro - the same app I use to create my maps.



I can't find Xtreme Pro on their website. Is it Designer Pro?

Yeah, I haven't upgraded. It's Xara Photo Designer Pro 6 (I think..?) as it's current version. I love the software, but so far 4.0 works fine for me. I'll upgrade some day.

And here's the next illustration, same project, the Onmyoji (origami wizard archetype):

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Not as exciting as maps and illustrations, these are Samurai House Crests (kammon) which I intend to feature in Way of the Samurai supplement. These are the first 12, I intend to create 36 in all, though I won't assign samurai clans to each, rather make them available for samurai PCs to choose for themselves.


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