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Gamers and Thieves

Cerubus Dark

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EricNoah said:
Ugh, do we have to have the piracy discussion again?
This entire thread hurts my brain.

Stealing is wrong M'kay

Copying PDFs is wrong M'kay

Copying MP3s is wrong M'Kay

Killing baby goats to drink their blood is wrong M'kay

As long as I can get decent PDF files cheap I am happy, that reminds me need to re-look over the ones from this site. :D

And as long as I can burn them to CD and read them on the computers at the shop I won't get mad, now that stupid format that is used by the PDF warehouse or what ever its called really ticks me off. *hugs rpgnow*

Oh well, back to sleep.

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Recently, my FLGS got broken into and robbed of a couple of thousand dollars worth of CCGs - right before a tournament, which meant he had no cards to sell the people in the tournament, and probably got hit a lot worse than he would have been at any other time.

I did know one light-fingered gamer, back in high school. I have helped the FLGS owner keep an eye on some kids - middle school or high school age - that he suspected. Past that age, everyone I knew or met thankfully seems to have grown out of it.



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Li Shenron said:
Your tale really makes me worry! :(

You're tellin' me! But, it's not just gamers who do this sort of thing. It's people. There are always going to be a few that ruin it for everyone else.

Li Shenron said:
Beside the obvious about the theft, it's incredible that someone would steal the cards and not the money. I mean, if it was a "regular" thief, he would have stolen the money, right? Instead he stole the cards, because in his mind they were more valuable than money. Probably (or perhaps) this guy wouldn't normally steal, what brought him to steal was the fact that he prized that specific object so much that suddenly it was worth to commit himself to a crime. He wouldn't have stolen money with which he could buy 100s of cards packs, but he stole the cards... Isn't that a consequence of the insanity of rarity-based collections? :\

I know this probably sounds like an Urban Legend, but the reason I know is because I had gone to All Star Games to buy a few singles of Arabian Nights to complete my collection just after the owner had returned from the Con and she didn't have any cards to sell me. She was really upset about the whole thing. She eventually ended up breaking out some of her own personal collection to sell, I believe, and then slowly rebuilt her supply.

The theory was that the people were only interested in the cards and probably didn't think of themselves as "real thieves", hence they didn't take the money. That whole "honor amongst thieves" thing got to them, I guess.

I'm most familiar with the borrow and never get/give it back phenomenon. Though once I gamed with a couple of jerks who said, "I love going to Tita's to play cause then I can walk out with a book". Tita's was the local game store and since I considered her a friend I also considered that a bad idea.


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reanjr said:
I personally believe that, due to the great money investiture in tracking down digital crimes, and the difficulty involved in finding criminals and prosecuting them compared to other crimes, that what you are doing should be a capital offense. I truly believe the US government (assuming you're American) should have the right to hang you for your actions. THAT is deterrence.

Well, I personally believe that killing people is wrong.


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