Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons and often known as the Father of Roleplaying, has passed away at the age of 69.
As well as Dungeons & Dragons and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Gary authored his Dangerous Journeys and Lejendary Adventures RPGs, along with sourcebooks for Troll Lord Games' Castles & Crusades system and generic d20 sourcebooks. He was also the author of numerous fantasy novels, including Greyhawk Adventures, Gord the Rogue, and much more.
You can read the CNN obituary here.
Gary was also a regular poster here on EN World's messageboards, under the username Col_Pladoh. He will be missed.
EN World member charlesatan has put together a list of tributes to Gary from across the web:
As well as Dungeons & Dragons and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Gary authored his Dangerous Journeys and Lejendary Adventures RPGs, along with sourcebooks for Troll Lord Games' Castles & Crusades system and generic d20 sourcebooks. He was also the author of numerous fantasy novels, including Greyhawk Adventures, Gord the Rogue, and much more.
You can read the CNN obituary here.
Gary was also a regular poster here on EN World's messageboards, under the username Col_Pladoh. He will be missed.

EN World member charlesatan has put together a list of tributes to Gary from across the web:
- Nick Mamatas
- Jay Lake
- Richard Dansky
- Aaron Williams
- Erik Mona
- Keith Baker
- Chris Pramas
- Michael Erb
- Mike Mearls (1, 2)
- SF Signal
- Slice of Sci-Fi
- Ken Hite
- Matt Forebeck
- Ari Marmell
- Robert Schwalb
- Paul S. Kemp
- Monte Cook
- Rob Rogers
- The Game Master Show
- The Gamer Traveler/The Digital Front (Podcast)
- This is Shadowrun
- Way of the Geek
- Stephen Chenault via NPR (Podcast)
- Jeff Rients
- Merric Blackman
- Dragonlance Canticle
- Crazy Monkey
- Jennifer Clarke Wilkes
- Elaine Cunningham
- Rich Burlew (comic)
- here)
- James Jacobs
- Elizabeth Bear
- Penny Arcade
- Dean Alfar
- R.K. Millholland
- The Tome
- GeekeratiGrimm Studios
- Have Games Will Travel (podcast)
- The Basics of the Game
- Wapcaplets (podcast)
- GU Comics
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