Gate Pass Gazette Annual 2023 Coming Soon!

EN Publishing

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Coming to Kickstarter in January 2024 is the Gate Pass Gazette Annual for 2023!

This hardcover book is crammed full of new material for your Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition games! Between these covers you will find:

  • Over 30 new exploration challenges including Promises Unfulfilled and Unseen Gateways
  • 27 archetypes (subclasses) for 11 character classes
  • 14 new cultures, and 5 new heritages
  • 9 backgrounds including the Aeronaut and Hedge Witch
  • 4 new feats & 3 new combat traditions
  • 10 new magic items, and 8 collections of cultural gear
  • Over 20 monsters such as the Rime Ant Queen and Xeraz the Vicious
  • More than 30 spells and invocations for a range of classes!

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