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General Discussion


Thank you Systole. I'll keep that in mind. Galandra is a switcher ranger and Damaris will also rely on archery for combat when her spells run out. They have it in their blood. ;)

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I have a sort of an ethical question about character swapping. I have always wanted to give the "mystic theurge" archetype a whirl, both based on the interesting role-playing opportunities and the fun casting abilities. I know the conventional wisdom is that the class is sub-par, but I'm curious.

What I'd like to do after the current adventure is potentially retire Larissa and try a mystic theurge. But if the MT class does not work well for me, I'd like to go back to Larissa. Technically, this would mean retiring the MT and introducing Larissa as a "new" character, which does not seem to violate the letter of the rules. On the other hand, I don't want to abuse the hard-working judges by constantly swapping characters around.

What are peoples' thoughts on this? I'd commit to running the test character for a certain amount of time (6 months? a year?), if that helped. And obviously I would not withdraw the character in the middle of an adventure or otherwise disrupt an adventure in progress. Just looking for some guidance.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
me said:
Ok, I goofed on something. I have no idea what I was thinking at the time. I would like to have judge's approval to do the following:

1. Change Feat - Light armor proficiency to - Combat Casting.

I do not know when I chose this or why. I might have been in a hurry. I just don't remember doing this.

Thank you in advance.

had this in character level up approval for 9 days with a bump in that thread and a request for a looky look in another thread. still waiting so thought this thread mat get a result.


[MENTION=23867]mfloyd3[/MENTION] I don't have a problem with it. I think other judges should probably weight in, though.
[MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION] Ok. But lay off the scotch next time you're working on your character. ;)


First Post
Well, we wouldn't have a problem with it if mfloyd retired Character A, then made Character B, then decided he didn't like Character B and made Character C. I don't see how it changes anything if he goes A->B->A instead of A->B->C, except that re-approval of Character A would actually be easier than approval entirely new Character C. And personally, I'm interested to see how a MT turns out as well. No problem from where I sit.

Satin Knights

First Post
[MENTION=23867]mfloyd3[/MENTION] I will put in the fourth yes, so you are approved to give Larissa a sabbatical if she makes it out of the Darkness Rising campaign in one piece. :lol:
A mystic theurge in the 8-11 level range will feel very gimped. You are behind in many of the powerhouse expectations of the single class side. But when you get to the 15+ levels, you get very strong as you can cast almost anything and never run out of spell slots. I have a couple of them in other games. The high level one is truly dominant. The 3 cleric/5 bard/1 MT is useless if she has to melee herself, but her buffs are what always tip the scales in a fight. Equipment choice is also key in making a good MT.


First Post
I am toying with the idea of retiring Tonris at the end of my current adventure in order to replace him with a divine spellcaster of some sort. The main reason I am thinking of this is because it has become apparent to me that there is a distinct lack of divine spellcasters (especially of the sort that focus on healing) in the higher level brackets, and I would very much like to help alleviate that problem. I was wondering if this would be acceptable to the Judges or not? Tonris is a great character and I would love to have him remain available in the game's storyline as either an NPC that I can utilize in helping me to further propagate storyline in various area's, or as an NPC that other DM's can use, but ultimately I am thinking that we need more Divine Casters in this game and we just don't have the numbers of divine casters that we should.

I was also wondering if there was someone on here who would be willing to help me design a Divine Caster with a decent back story, and with decent stats to go with that back story?

Satin Knights

First Post
Those that optimize say a life oracle can do just a little bit more healing than a cleric can. As far as stats, an aasimar seems to give you the best jump on having the right stat boosts in the right abilities.

Voidrunner's Codex

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