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I wouldn't mind it if the background was the grey of the messages, but as it is, it stands out a wee bit too much.

Michael Morris

First Post
Ok, what about this... Less garish.


  • generic.gif
    492 bytes · Views: 200

the Jester

I too find it... distracting.

Not like a hot chick standing behind you tickling your ear with a feather distracting; more like... a sweaty fat uncle who's really loud and bellicose trying to set you up with his mom's friend over Thanksgiving dinner when you're hung over distracting. ;)

It isn't even really accurate, since very few threads are actually 'generic' (imho).

(No offense, Moruss! :D)

Michael Morris

First Post
the Jester said:
I too find it... distracting.

Not like a hot chick standing behind you tickling your ear with a feather distracting; more like... a sweaty fat uncle who's really loud and bellicose trying to set you up with his mom's friend over Thanksgiving dinner when you're hung over distracting. ;)

It isn't even really accurate, since very few threads are actually 'generic' (imho).

(No offense, Moruss! :D)

The idea is that it's a default icon. But for it to be operable we'll need more community icons and I notice they're slowly appearing - it's takes awhile.

They'll be a period where these post labels will need to cycle through -but they work quite well once used in force - see Nutkinalnd for an example.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
the Jester said:
It isn't even really accurate, since very few threads are actually 'generic' (imho).
That's the idea. Hopefully, people will prefer to use an accurate icon rather than use the default one.


Prodigal Member
Is it necessary to put the icon on top of every comment? I find that distracting, and how often are the comments on a different topic than the original post? Well, OK, but they're not supposed to be.

Voidrunner's Codex

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