OSR Threads Are Spread To Two Subforums


I normally check the D&D Older Editions subforum for OSR stuff, but I noticed that @Mannahnin's OSE house rules thread was on the general D&D subforum with its own proper tag. So I'm guessing the D&D subform also covers OSR to an extent? I feel like that might dilute OSR threads (and it's not like there is a massive amount of OSR discussions anyways) and make it harder to find them, so might.I humbly suggest moving all OSR threads to either D&D Older Editions or the general D&D subform? Although I'd completely understand if this is a completely minor thing that the mod team do not prioritise.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I agree with @Ondath ... but I also agree with the others since I use the "New Posts" and my alerts 98% of the time, and the other 10% of the time I use search or I am looking in a specific forum.

As a community supporter, I get more than 100%. Bet you didn't know that!

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