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Gestalt game by lord raven.....

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I'm still there, but I have a version of my character... not the latest but still:

[SBLOCK=Lee Ming]Name: Lee Ming
Race: Human
Gestalt Class: [Monk 10/Psychic Warrior 6/Elocator 4]
Level: 10
Martial Art Style: Cobra Strike

Str: 20[16] +5
Dex: 16[14] +3
Con: 16[14] +3
Int: 14[14] +2
Wis: 22[18] +6
Cha: 10[10] +0

HP: 94 (10d8+30+16)
PP: 50 (23+27)

Fort: 7 + 3 + 1 = 10
Refl: 7 + 3 + 1 = 10
Will: 7 + 6 + 1 = 13

Unarmed Attack +13/+8 1d10+5 x2/20 0ft.
Flurry of Blow +13/+13/+8 1d10+5 x2/20 0ft.
Bite Attack (Primary) +13 2d8+5 x2/20 0ft.
Bite Attack (Secondary) +8 2d8+2 x2/20 0ft.
Kama, Cold Iron, mw +13/+8 1d6+5 x2/20 0ft.
Siagham, Silver, mw +13/+8 1d6+5 x2/20 0ft.
Composite Longbow, mw +11/+6 1d8+4 x2/20 110ft.

Armor Class:
Base + Dex + Wis + Monk + Size + Armor + Shield + Defl + Nat + Ins + Dodge =
10 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 22*
Flat-Footed: 19
Touch: 22*
Immobilized: 11
*Can be raise by +3 while using Dodge feats.

Speed: 60 feet (+10 while Psionically Focused)

Bonus Feat [Human]
Bonus Skill Points [Human]
Flurry of Blow [Monk]
Unarmed Strike [Monk]
Evasion [Monk]
Still Mind [Monk]
Ki Strike(Magic, Law) [Monk]
Slow Fall (50 ft.) [Monk]
Purity of Body [Monk]
Wholeness of Body [Monk]
Improved Evasion [Monk]
Scorn Earth [Elocator]
Opportunist Strike +2 [Elocator]
Dimension Step [Elocator]
Flanker [Elocator]

Skills: 99 (13/6.5)
Autohypnosis 10 + 3 + 0 = 13
Balance 6 + 3 + 2 = 11
Climb 6 + 2 + 0 = 8
Concentration 12 + 2 + 0 = 14
Escape Artist 9 + 3 + 2 = 14
Hide 10 + 3 + 0 = 13
Jump 6 + 2 + 2 = 10
Listen 10 + 3 + 0 = 13
Move Silently 10 + 3 + 0 = 13
Spot 10 + 3 + 0 = 13
Tumble 10 + 3 + 2 = 15

Common, Elven

BCa: Speed of Thought
Lv1: Psionic Charge
BHu: Up the Wall
BM1: Dodge
BW1: Psionic Dodge
BM2: Mobility
BW2: Psionic Weapon
Lv3: Psionic Meditation
BW5: Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)
BM6: Spring Attack
Lv6: Psionic Body
BE1: SideStep Charge
Lv9: Deep Impact

Manifester Level: 9th
1: Bite of Wolf
1: Inertial Armor
1: Metaphysical Weapon
1: Precognition, Defensive
2: Dimension Swap
2: Hustle
3: Empathic Feedback
3: Empathic Transfer, Hostile
3: Vampiric Blade

Mind of the Ancerstors 43 500 gp
Headband of Wisdom (+4) 16 000 gp
Glove of Dexterity (+2) 4 000 gp
Belt of Giant Strength (+4) 16 000 gp
Bracer of Health (+2) 4 000 gp
Ring of Protection (+1) 2 000 gp
Vest of Resistance (+1) 1 000 gp
Migthy(+4) Composite Longbow, mw 800 gp
Arrow x20 1 gp
Kama, cold Iron, mw 304 gp
Siagham, alchemical silver, mw 323 gp
Belt Pouch x2 2 gp

Total 87 930 gp

Money: 70 gp

Mind of the Ancerstors
Act as a Torc of Power Preservation
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 10
Empathic Communication
Vision and Hearing: 30 ft.
Cure Moderate Wounds 3/day


The order of the Shining Hand have been in the region of Amn since the first monastery have been found on these lands. The order mix the arts of matials arts and the study of the arcane arts. A small group wanted to push there study on a more self-centered path. It is that way a small monastery split form the orer, the monastery or the Shining Mind. This new order have devellop the power of the mind, and today, all member show at least some wild talent.

Some rare members master only the mind or the body, most master both to different degree. But rare are the ones who have reached the true mastery of both mind and body. Lee Ming is one of these masters. Since his youth, he has manifested wild talents that he has mastered over time. He has study the martial arts to a point that none in the monastery could teach him more.

The life at the monastery was a slow one, a reclusive one. The number of members had grown think over the last century, and rare was the one willing to leave the walls to find new recruits.

One night, under the protection of Shar's darkness, the monastery have been the target of an attack. Member of the Shining Hand attacked the monastery. The number of warrior was far from being equal, and the Shining Mind had no chance to succed. Three current masters gather at the light of a candle. It was decided that the two artifact of the order had to be protected. The Mind of the ancerstors have been given to Lee Ming. The Body of the Ancestor have been given to Sato Tse. During that time, Mao Won, the first master, would see at the protection of the monastery. Lee Ming fled with the artifact. It is unclear why the Order of the Shining Hand have done that, and Lee Ming never learn the faith of his order. Only when he had return to the monastery, one month after, he found that the monastery itself had dissapeared, leaving only a small lake where it stood.

Since that day, Lee Ming have been wandering the world, in hope to find Sato Tse and to learn the faith of his order and a way to restore it.[/SBLOCK]

I have Scotley's too:
[SBLOCK=Silvanyck Greenbough]Silvanyck Greenbough
Male Wood Elf Warlock/Bard Gestalt 10th lvl

Str 12 ..pts 4
Dex 18 ..pts 10 +2 race
Con 14 ..pts 6 -2 race +2 magic
Int 14 ..pts 6
Wis 12 ..pts 4
Cha 18 ..pts 10 +2 Level bonuses

Hit Points 57
AC 26, Touch 17, Flat 21
Init +5
BAB +7/+2, Grap +8
Speed 30
Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +8 +1 to all saves from Luckstone

+13/+8 Melee, +1 Ghost touch Starmetal Rapier, 1d6+2+7d6 Eldritch Blast, 18-20/x2
+13/+8 Melee MW Dagger, 1d6+1+7d6 Eldritch Blast 19-20/x2
+13/+8 Ranged, Eldritch Blast, 7d6+0, 20/x2, 60'r
+13/+8 Ranged, Mighty MW Composite Longbow, 1d8+1, 20/x3, 110'r

Medium, 6'2" tall, 180 wt, 131 yrs old
Coppery Red hair, Hazel eyes, Coppery green tinged skin

Speaks Common, Elven, Damaran, Sylvan, and Orc

Skills 104 (13x6+26Int) +1 to all skill checks from Luckstone

Appraise (+2Int)
Balance (+5Dex+2Syn)
Bluff (5+5Cha)
Climb (+1Str)
Concentration (12+2Con)
Craft (+2Int)
Decipher Script (+2Int)
Diplomacy (5+5Cha+2Syn)
Disguise (+5Cha+2Syn)
Escape Artist (+5Dex) ac
Gather Information (+5Cha+2Syn)
Heal xx (+1Wis)
Hide (5+5Dex+1/+3Feat) ac +5 in the Lethyr Forest due to armor colors
Intimidate (2+5Cha)
Jump (+1Str+2syn) ac
Knowledge (arcana) (5+2Int)
Knowledge (history) (5+1Int)
Knowledge (local) (5+3Int)
Knowledge (planes) (1+2Int)
Knowledge (religion) (1+2Int)
Listen (6+1Wis+2 Race+1/+3Feat)
Move Silently (4+5Dex+1/+3 Feat+5 boots) ac
Open Lock xx (1+5Dex)
Perform Wind Instruments (6+5Cha)
Perform Oratory (13+5Cha)
Profession (+1Wis)
Ride xx (+5Dex)
Search xx (2+2Int+2 Race)
Sense Motive (5+1Wis)
Slight of Hand (1+5Dex+2Syn) ac
Spellcraft (8+2Int+2Syn)
Spot xx (+1Wis+2 Race+1/+3Feat)
Survival xx (1+1Wis)
Swim (1+1Str)
Tumble (5+5Dex) ac
Use Magic Device (9+5Cha)
Use Rope xx (+5Dex)

-Forester (+1 to Hide, Listen, Move Silently & Spot--+3 in Forest) Regional
-Weapon Focus Ranged Spells (+1 to hit with ranged spells)
-Weapon Finesse (Use Dex. Bonus to hit with certain melee weapons)
-Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit and damage on ranged attacks within 30)
-Precise Shot (Fire into melee with penalty or risk of hitting allies)

Wood Elf Traits
-Immune to Magic Sleep
-Does not sleepenters 4 hour reverie
-Low Light Vision
-Proficiency in Longsword, Rapier, Longbow and Shortbow including composites.
-+2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot and Search Checks
-Automatic search checks vs. secret/concealed doors within 5

Bard Abilities
-Bardic Music
-Bardic Knowledge (level+2Int+2syn)
-Inspire Courage +2
-Inspire Competence
-Inspire Greatness
-Simple Weapons+longsword,Rapier,Sap,Shortsword,&Whip
-Light Armor and shields

Warlock Abilities
-Eldritch Blast 5d6
-Detect Magic
-Damage Reduction 2/Cold Iron
-Deceive Item (Take ten on use magic device)
-Fiendish Resilience 1 (Fast Healing 1 for 2 min day)
-Energy Resistance 5 (Fire, Cold)
-Simple Weapons/Light Armor

Spells Per Day 3|4/4/3/1
0th- Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Light, Know Direction, Read Magic, Summon Instrument
1st- Cure Light Wounds, Feather Fall, Identify, Comprehend Languages
2nd- Glitterdust, Cats Grace, Shatter, Blur
3rd-Cure Serious Wounds, Deep Slumber, Fear, Haste
4th-Invisibility Greater, Freedom of Movement

-Hideous Blow (Add Eldritch Blast to Melee attack)
-See the Unseen
-Entropic Warding

-Eldritch Chain
-Fell Flight
-Voracious Dispelling

Appearance/Personality: Silvanyck is rarely seen unless he chooses to be. He slips quietly through the Forest of Lethyr that is his home. He is a tall well built Copper (Wood) Elf with Coppery green tinged skin and piercing hazel eyes. His reddish copper colored hair is worn long and carefully braided. He is lithe in the way of all elves and touched with the personal magnatism of some distant fey ancestor. His voice is strong and carefully trained, equally effective giving orders orders on the battlefield or telling humorous tales to amuse elf children around the fire at night. A longbow of fine craftsmanship hangs at his shoulders while a stout club craved with intricate leaves shares space on his hip with an antler handled hunting knife and a beautifully crafted rapier of strange greenish metal. A long spear completes his weaponry. His well worn, but skillfully wrough studded leather armor has been dyed with the native plant extracts of the Lethyr forest allowing it to blend in. His low soft boots create hardly a rustle as he walks. His only adornments are a thin piece of green leather he uses to tie his braid, a wooden holy symbol pinned to his chest, a simple gold ring and a strip of purple cloth covered in golden arcane symbols he wears draped around his neck. Despite all this hardware there is a feeling of power that goes beyond the physical about Silvanyck. Something in his sharp eyes or flicker of light at his finger tips suggests that he is in touch with the ancient power of the fey people and their forests.


+2 Studded Leather Armor with Lethyr forest colors 4,000 gp regional bonus enhanced
+2 Heavy Darkwood Shield 4,257 gp
Explorers' Outfit

+1 Ghost Touch Starmetal (Complete Arcane) Rapier 13,320 gp
Mighty MW Composite Longbow 500 gp
20 arrows 4 alchemical silver and 4 cold iron 6 gp
MW Dagger 302 gp
MW Club 300 gp

Flint & Steel (backpack) 1 gp
Crowbar (backpack) 2 gp
100' silk rope and grapnel 21 gp
MW Thieve's Tools 100 gp
MW Flute 100 gp
Waterskin (wine) 11 gp
Wooden Holy Symbol 1 gp

Potion of Cure Light Wounds x3 (regional bonus)
Chasuble of Fell Power, Greater (+2d6 to Eldritch Blast) 18,000 gp (Complete Arcane)
+2 Ring of Protection 8,000 gp
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds 4,500 gp
Amulet of Health +2 4,000 gp
Handy Haversack 2,000 gp
Boots of Elvenkind 2,500 gp
Survival Pouch 5,000 gp (Complete Adventurer)
--Similar to robe of useful items can pull 5x per day: water, campfire, tent & bedrolls, trail rations, rope, shovel, bow&arrows, mule with tack.
Stone of Luck 20,000 gp

Coins- 1,062 gp

And finally: Question link

Voidrunner's Codex

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