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Gloria e Flamae Solei


Andeus and Ivan, both disguised lightly to avoid attention, leave the inn and move towards the Church of Infinite Mercy in the clear dusk air. Most of the light from the sun is completely lost behind the buildings of Sigilstar. The merchants and priests of the area are dispersing towards their homes, so the streets are surprisingly busy for this hour. It is easy enough to make your way to the Church, and within a few moments you can see the peak of its roof ahead. As you approach the building, you see three men wearing dusty travelers clothing entering the front door, slumped over and weary from a long day. One is a round man with a bushy black beard, probably in his late 50’s. He leans heavily on a staff. The other two still possess the strong arms and wide shoulders of youth. The younger men both wear heavy armor, its polished finish glinting as the light emitting from the older man’s staff hits the metal. They enter the church doors, which swing shut behind them with a bang.

The street is empty. You can see faint, flickering light coming from a few windows in the church, but it is largely dark.

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Bobitron said:
The street is empty. You can see faint, flickering light coming from a few windows in the church, but it is largely dark.

Ivan slows pace and observes the area directly surrounding the church, looking for any forms of possible cover If you have a plan now would be the time to divulge it speaking in a soft whisper Or we could split up and scout either side of the church then meet in the back, if nothing bars our way

[Ooc/] how thick are the crowds here by the church and how good is the side view of the church from the road?


LogicsFate said:
[Ooc/] how thick are the crowds here by the church and how good is the side view of the church from the road?

ooc: The street is largely clear; there are a few stragglers here and there but you can be confident it will be empty in the next few minutes. As for the church, there are no buildings close by, so you have a good view of each face if you move into position. The street here is wide, and another similar steet runs parallel along the back of the church. Both sides have well tended grass streching over 50', with a good sized garden on the left side.


Andeus Kilishar

Andeus whispers a reply. "Hmmm... None of the neighboring buildings are close enough, that's going to make things a bit more difficult." You see him mulling over the situation for a moment or two. "Agreed, let's split up and scout the perimeter of the church and see what we can then reconvene. You go clockwise, I'll go widdershins."

Andeus waits for a nod of approval then heads off.


First Post
tyrlaan said:
Andeus whispers a reply. "Hmmm... None of the neighboring buildings are close enough, that's going to make things a bit more difficult." You see him mulling over the situation for a moment or two. "Agreed, let's split up and scout the perimeter of the church and see what we can then reconvene. You go clockwise, I'll go widdershins."

Andeus waits for a nod of approval then heads off.

With a nod, Ivan will split off. Keeping an eye out for any curious laggards and/or anything unusual, he will keep close to the building. Endeavoring to avoid leaving tracks and sticking to any shadows Ivan will sneak around the church. Pause at each window for a moment and perk an ear for any sounds; movement, voices, clanging, anything at all



Andeus and Ivan make their way around the church in silence, cautious to keep any signs of their presence invisible. The Church of Infinite Mercy raises high into the now dark air on your flanks as you move.

Each side of the church has a series of windows above the level of your heads, and sparsely interspersed are small windows at your feet that open to the basement. The basement windows are glowing very faintly, perhaps a single candle flickering within. As you approach the rough glass, you can just make out a couple young acolytes, each less than ten years of age, still praying at the base of the rows of bunks. The rest of the acolytes are already in bed. Nothing else is visible.

Picking your way over the lawn and garden, you meet at the back of the church. The only back door is an undersized round wooden hatch, half covered with ivy.

OOC: Spot checks: Ivan 28, Andeus 14

Ivan: Just out of the corner of your eye, you see a short figure in a nearby alleyway wearing the same simple tunic as the acolytes inside. The figure moves quickly away from the church as your eyes sweep past. The figure was about 30-40 feet away before moving.


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Ivan uses a short quick series of hand gestures to get his point across; pointing at a basement window or directly in to one if close, making the movements for walking or running then lastly points to the nearby alley.

Moving off to the alleyway in pursuit he will leave it up to Andeus to decide whether to follow or keep up surveillance on the church.


Ivan (& Andeus, if you decide to follow): You move swiftly down the alley, eyes sweeping back and forth for signs of your prey. Turning onto the road at the end of the alley, you get a clearer view of the running figure. It is a short boy, under ten years of age, who is glancing wide-eyed with fear over his shoulder at you. When you make eye contact, he drops a small bundle he carries onto the ground, and turns to sprint. He doesn't get far, though, tripping over the handle of a cart protruding into the street that the moon and stars hid from view. He falls hard onto the ground, writhing in pain.


Andeus Kilishar

Andeus follows Ivan.

After the boy stumbles, Andeus swiftly scoops him up, placing one hand firmly over the boy's mouth, and then pulls tight up agains the side of a building.

OOC: Do you want me to make a grapple check for this? Die roller is currently down.
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Slowing pace and scooping up the package, Ivan will move up to the acolyte and search his eyes for any sense that he recognizes us. If it doesn't appear so, he addressees Andeus Damn it Scythe it's just a little church stooge, let’s git outta here. Looking back to the kid knock ‘im out or let ‘im go, I'm sick of tis, ‘avent a decent mark all week.


Voidrunner's Codex

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