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Gloria e Flamae Solei


Andeus Kilishar

“Good morning, Sirs. I am Felis. Welcome to Kondith’s. Do you seek accommodations?”

OOC: Please remove the price of the journey from your sheets.

"Yes, I do. If you have any single rooms available I would like to take one of those."

OOC: removed

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(ooc: can you do that? You can only scry creatures, not locations, and even then you need to study the place for an hour to be "studied carefully", while Scrying only last 1 minute/level. That should be "viewed once", since you´ve seen the place, well, once.)

After finishing the mass, Agral looks for the inn and finds it rather easily. He carries his armor in a bulky backpack that shows over his shoulder as he bends to talk with the halfling innkeeper.

"Yes, a room and a good meal" says. "And I´m very tired, so I´d like not to be disturbed this night."

"Ah, I see some good friends there. Let me greet them, we´ll deal with the details later."


First Post
Bobitron said:
"Good morning, Sirs. I am Felis. Welcome to Kondith’s. Do you seek accommodations?"

Just some breakfast, eggs preferably, and I may need a room later.

Ivan will glance around, upon seeing any of the others, he will approach with a smile and a

Good morning.



Judge Dathen

ooc: All, between going to Vegas last week and now in Santa Fe this week, I have been bouncing around like crazy. I promise my schedule will balance out soon.

Entering the inn, Dathen lowered his head slightly to keep from scrubbing his cloak and mask on the framework of the door. Scanning the crowd, an act which had long since became an instinctive one, the masked priest spotted the others scattered out among the patrons of the inn. Slowly, they had began approaching the Pious and his assistant, but for the moment, the unit had not reformed as one.

~How long will it take before Pious Elohim bends the others to his will? How long until the others follow his lead as they would follow the Flame itself? Will it be before we face the rogue priest, or will the Flames have to baptise them all in its burning embrace before they truly see the light?~

Underneath his mask, Dathen's face betrayed his doubts and while the look was gone as quickly as it had arrived, it bothered the warrior-priest that he had doubts at all.

~The Flame has chosen and chosen well..~

Approaching the innkeeper, Dathen looked down at the smaller man and while the halfling did his race proud by not allowing a tremble to reach his voice, Dathen saw the broom vibrate slightly as his hands betrayed the nervousness inside him.

Bobitron said:
“Good morning, Sirs. I am Felis. Welcome to Kondith’s. Do you seek accommodations?”

"I need a room for this evening, as well as an empty pitcher, glass, bowl, and spoon placed there as well."

While Dathen had no doubt that the others would sample the wares that the halfling offered, wasting coin on food he could not taste held no appeal to him. Also, to eat among them, Dathen would have to remove his mask and that was not something he was prepared to do at this time.

As the halfling ran to the counter, Dathen turned and approached Judge Elohim and the others.

"I have arrived Pious. What have you learned of the rogue priest?"


Verbatim said:
ooc: All, between going to Vegas last week and now in Santa Fe this week, I have been bouncing around like crazy. I promise my schedule will balance out soon.

OOC: No problem! This seems like a good time to further comment on pace.

I would love to see everyone post 5-6 times a week, but I completely understand if that drops down to just a couple if things get busy. I hope to update with a full-sized post twice a week, not including any smaller ones to answer questions or during dialog. I assume it will take your group some dialog to get things planned, so I plan the next update on Saturday.


"The Father's practice of faith is lacking in it's zeal," Elohim responds, "his sect, Pax Flamae, are seemingly benign yet their values deny the purifying force that is the Flame. He has little support beyond his meager sect, although two staunch companions have been at his side for fifteen years."

He looks to Rishi who turns her head to eye him back, further investigation should be done.

Returning his attention to the others, "there is still more to be looked into now that we are in closer proximity, Lhulan, I leave that to your discretion. The rest of you, I would not make your presence here too overt." This last remark is punctuated by a look between the two more conspicuous members of the group, Dathen and Andeus.


Andeus Kilishar

Andeus has no problem recognizing Elohim's implication.

"As much as it pains me to hide my display of faith, I will purchase a hat to make myself less conspicuous."


First Post
Ferrix said:
"there is still more to be looked into now that we are in closer proximity, Lhulan, I leave that to your discretion. The rest of you, I would not make your presence here too overt."

Looks down unconsciously at his current attire. How much more needs to be looked into? Surely the good father will realize the error of his ways if confronted directly.

Ivan thoughtfully chews away at his breakfast.

Unless of course he is a heretic or there is some unknown outside influence.


"I agree we should confront him directly. I´m not thinking on violence" clears Agral quickly, "That´s only a last resort" however we shouldn´t be afraid to use it as my experience has taught me, specially in matters of this importance. "I have experience dealing with unbelievers and liars, and that has sharpened my wits and intuition. I´m sure others here could say the same. If we speak with him we could turn him to the good way, or find out how much he really knows."


Lhulan Ceth

Honored by Elohim's trust, Lhulan bows his head, already planning how he might find and observe Father Cilain and his acolytes.

He orders a simple breakfast from Felis, doing his best to look up and away from the halfling as much as is possible without overt rudeness. It wouldn't do to be recognized from his previous visits. Not that that's very probable, with the likes of Judge Dathen around to distract onlookers.

"It could be that there's a third solution," he interjects in response to Agral. "It's probably not a very likely one, but I'd like to investigate it. What if we could convince him that his findings have been in error? That he's been deceived by enemies of the Church? Depending on his evidence, it could be possible.

"And a fourth solution!"
he continues. He remains quiet despite his excitement, but casually rather than conspiratorially. "It might be even simpler to discredit the man so that his word on such matters will never be taken seriously. It's kinder than execution, certainly, and might even be more effective..."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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