okay, you take down the cleric. wizard replies with fireball, or power word kill, or anything in between depending on the party's level. you're dead.Since the BBEG does damage you take out the cleric, because it does not matter how much you damage anyone else, you can't take out anyone while she is still in the fight.
If you had conditions or other debilitating effects it could be different, but damage is useless with a Cleric in the fight.
except that "Even on a successful save, it is enough to take down any one of the wounded, near spent characters". indomitable is irrelevant. of course, the fact that indomitable is irrelevant is itself irrelevant because even if you kill the fighter your HP is explicitly low enough that any single one of the fighter's attacks could down you, so if anyone (ESPECIALLY the wizard) gets an angle on you you're most likely still screwed, but uh...you know...The Fighter is a bad idea if they're 9th level or more as they will have have Indomitable and assuming that's not blown, could re-roll the Save.
you still die. any (edit: primarily damage, as opposed to damage with control or something) save for half effect using a wizard's highest level slot (assuming the party is level 5 or higher - it IS a bbeg) is probably going to do as much as, if not more, damage then any single one of the fighter's attacks, even on a successful save.So, it probably wouldn't work, but you drop the Cleric, get lucky with [...] the Wizard's spell
EDIT: actually, i'm gonna make a table for this:
Spell/Character Level | Fighter Damage (no magic items, no feats, greatsword) | Fighter Damage (about level appropriate magic two-handed weapon, GWM after maxing strength) | Best Wizard Damage (failed save) | Wizard Damage (successful save) |
3 (5) | 2d6+4 (11) | 2d6+4 (11) | 28 (fireball/lightning bolt) | 14 |
4 (7) | 2d6+5 (12) | 2d6+6 (13) | 31 (upcasted fireball/lightning bolt) | 15 |
5 (9) | 2d6+5 (12) | 2d6+16 (23) | 36 (cone of cold) | 18 |
6 (11) | 2d6+5 (12) | 2d6+17 (24) | 45 (chain lightning) | 22 |
7 (13) | 2d6+5 (12) | 2d6+17 (24) | 62 (finger of death) | 31 |
8 (15) | 2d6+5 (12) | 2d6+18 (25) | 62 (still finger of death) | 31 |
9 (17) | 2d6+5 (12) | 5d6+18 (43) | 140 (meteor swarm) | 70 |
i did also assume the fighter's magic weapon gets some kind of damage boost apart from the base enhancement at the highest levels, mainly because i don't want to try to look for damage boosting magic weapons before that point. throwing those on could boost a fighter's single attack further, or level it out with the wizard once finger of death becomes available.
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